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RE: Bitcoin is FORKED! - What does it mean to Bitcoin users?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Hi Candice, UASF stands for User Activated Soft Fork whereas UAHF stands for User Activated Hard Fork.

As an example, let's say you have 1 BTC and you store it on Bitfinex, an exchange that supports both chains, then you see something like this in your account balance starting from July.

BTC : 1.00000000
BTC-Old : 0.00000000
BTC-148 : 0.00000000

You will be given the option to continue trading BTC as usual for a limited time. Or, convert (split) your BTC and trade on both chains. Assuming that you opt to convert, then your balance will look like this.

BTC : 0.00000000
BTC-Old : 1.00000000
BTC-148 : 1.00000000

Hope this helps.


Let me add that you won't see Bitmain's BTC in your balance because so far, no exchange supports it.