Sitting On The Sidelines Now Could Be A Major Mistake

in #bitcoin5 years ago

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Cryptocurrency has flourished over the last two years. Even though Bitcoin has been around for 10 years. YUP 10 years! It really has not been used/developed into a world currency till the last two years.

Only two years of development babysteps has pushed bitcoin prices from $400-$800 into the $5,000 - $8,000 mark which is a massive 1,000% increase in just two years.

However this could soon be dwarfed in the next 2 years as more advancements are happening and bitcoin is seriously being implemented into a real WORLD currency.

That $,5000 - $8,000 mark could have another 1,000% gain in two years with just 800 Billion more dollars and while that might sound like a lot let me remind you the total crypto market cap was nearly 8000 billion in total just 2 years ago before the crash happened.

Even if you can not afford one whole bitcoin just socking away 10% of your paycheck or cutting a few things out of your life now to use that money as an investment could spell massive wealth for you in a few years.

But will you do it?

It's shocking that 95% of people still wont do it and its the same reason why there is such a massive split in wealth across the world. It shocks me every day how needlessly people spend money now and don't look to their future or simply can't look past a month ahead.

*This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be financial advice.



Breakthrough technology is often missed by many except the early adopters. I will not expect this time to be any different!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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I think it is a mistake to not own any crypto even if it’s a tiny bit just to get used to the idea and experience of buying it, transferring it, holding it! No one expects you to be a trader

It’s still an early adopters game at the moment and most people don’t know it exists the potential for new users and investors is massive

Posted using Partiko iOS

Smartest thing I have hear in a while. Even if you don't believe in bitcoin I feel like it is a good idea to at least own your share of it. For about $250 you can have your fair share of bitcoin.

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