Bitcoin Litecoin which do we follow
Yes I'm back, wow it's being how long over a year now bitcoin took a dive.
Yes I had to liquidate all my account so back to the basis again. With nothing on ground to grow my account, I just have to start somewhere right.
Information is key. Why did I liquidate hmmm good question.
You know with crypto you can never stop learning. Just one info could turn everything around.
I learnt the hard way and I don't wish it on anyone. Experience is never the best teacher information is.
I saw it but it never made sense to me until 2 weeks back when I attended a seminar, and it made so much sense.
Stable coins and volatile coins and it just clicked.
More on that on my next blog. Btc or LTC which do we follow hmm interesting stay turn my ears are hearing things from the grapevine.