How To Sex Your Woman HARD SEXXX

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

 Not many men have had a great education when it comes to sex.

Whatever was covered in grade school is pretty much limited to the biology of it all. And given its somewhat of a taboo subject in our culture, any teenage boy whose father gave him a proper rundown in how to sexually *satisfy a woman is one lucky, rare bastard.

There are some men who are just naturally amazing with and get women. There are also a lot who have no fucking idea what they're doing when it comes to relating to the opposite sex - and pleasing them in bed.

I fit into the latter category for most of my life.

The last four years, this has totally changed.

 Now, I make no claims of being any sort of "sexpert." Though, upon growing deeper into a relationship with my woman (soon-to-be-wife), my understanding of sex has been completelyturned upside on its head.

Surely, there are men who may have always knew what I've more recently learnt. Yet, chances are, there's still alot of guys who haven't yet experienced certain lessons I have in how tosatisfy a woman. As such, I'm gonna get a bit uncomfortable in sharing my story on the matter for any guys who may benefit from this perspective I was not initiated into until 4 years ago.


Because the world would be a lot happier more peaceful place if we were all having more better sex.

And while it's a bit awkward opening up in such a way in a public forum - if even just one guy takes away the gold from this and puts it into action... Well, there's no way of knowing what ripple effect it could have.

So here we go. And rather than just diving straight into the secrets, I'll be sharing the journey of how this insight came about - as there will probably be a few who can relate...

 From Blunders To Bodyrockin' It RIIIIIIGHT...

 My curiosity into sex was piqued early on, allured by the centerfold models in my dad's Playboy magazine collection - and my parents taught me what sex was probably around age 4 or 5. At 14, I lost my virginity to my first real girlfriend- though like most people screwing for the first time, didn't totally know what I was doing, despite having gotten into watching internet porn by that time.

When my dad found out, accidentally reading one of my journal entries, he didn't approve and didn't say much other than expressing frustration and fear - implying that I was too young to handle the potential responsibilities of the consequences sex can have (i.e. Pregnancy), so just shouldn't be doing it. And that was the extent of probably the entire discussion I ever had with him about sex.

Throughout high school, I completely neglected all the opportunity I could have had to sow my oats. There were alot of girls who were into me - as a handsome, smart, talented guitarist, snowboarder, skateboarder with a cool car with hot rims and stickers of sexy anime ladies on the back. One of my only regrets in life is not having milked those years for all the pussy that could have been thrown at me. But, I was either oblivious to the interest girls were showing, or had very little game and lacked the balls throw the mack down.

I did have a couple one-offs in graduating year - interestingly enough, having gone 3 years without sex to two different girls in the same week. Though even then, it happened effortlessly when drunk - so I couldn't have claimed to know what I was doing. And neither of the girls were too happy when I couldn't follow up my interactions with them with much more than an awkward dissociation.

I kept my distance from getting involved with women - sleeping with some over the next few years on rare occasions, but usually never more than once per partner. Perhaps it had been an emotional-scarring from a traumatic breakup with my first girlfriend - two of her "friends" jacking my money & marijuana pipe and telling me never to call her again - that influenced my withdrawal from the world of relationships. Though whatever the reasons, I was notfunctionally-healthy in the sex & relationships department.

As much as I wanted great, consistent sex, I felt like a fucking retard when it came to sustaining a connection with women. And with that sense of inadequacy eating at me anytime I even looked at a beautiful woman in person, I opted to avoid the complications of relationships - my sex life primarily consisting of porn and my hand, with whom I grew quite intimate at the cost of competently relating to women sexually.

Given the huge number of men addicted to online porn, I'd guess I probably wasn't alone in this pattern. It's become almost something of an unaddressed epidemic. Many in this culture are more sexually active with fantasies & porn than in real-life, healthy intimate relationships - and constantly looking to such displays of superficial, loveless fucking can really distort a person's understanding of what a healthy sexual dynamic is and has the potential to become.


Along the way, I discovered a sort of "men's personal development movement." I got into the work of David DeAngelo, one of the top leaders in the industry whose view of developing yourself to become a solid, successful, attractive man all-around resonated with me - whereas other "pickup artists" we're more focused on kinda manipulative tactics aimed at getting women in bed.

I dove all into DeAngelo's work, read "The Game" by Neil Strauss, David Deida's "The Way Of The Superior Man," and devoted a good amount of my time to absorbing the perspectives and beliefs of men who were way more advanced than myself in the sex & relationship game.

There was no overnight transformation, and I may not have seemed to been making a lot of outward progress with women - but slowly & surely, my confidence was growing as I got more exposure to wisdom that broke down a lot of the misunderstandings I had about male-female dynamics and gradually changed my attitudes toward the whole "game."



When 24-25, I spent a year in Thailand and finally put a few more notches in my belt. However, the majority were still shallow one-offs - not offering much in the way of growing depth of intimacy or true experience in sexual mastery.

I did spend 5 months with a sweet Thai girl in Phuket, and a year later got into a relationship with a woman 10 years older - an exciting Cancer-Scorpio dynamic, wherein the year living together, we compiled quite the list of public places we corrupted.

Yet, it wasn't until I met Nia that I became a real man in the bed - learning what really rocking a woman's world means...


Paradigm Shift...

I was still shy and lacked assertiveness when I arrived to Bali and was first getting to know the woman that's to become my wife (in 6 weeks). Our first night sleeping together, I was ready to go to sleep - gentlemanly not wanting to push too hard too fast (a behavior that had me miss out on LOTS of ass over the years), when she said with obvious implications, "we can do more than just kiss, you know..."Over the next few weeks in our bedroom shenanigans, her straightforwardness blew my reality to shreds as I began learning a whole other side of women and what they want. She had been experienced enough to know what women truly want in bed - patient with my sexual reservation - and open enough to outright ask for it:

"Fuck me HARD."

Of course, I'd witnessed this situation hundreds of times in porn videos. Yet, I still had an incredible disconnect with the idea that women truly wanted to be treated with such forceful savagery. Naive as I was, I still had some idealized delusion of women being prim & proper, needing to respect that by being "nice" and gentle. While such a scenario might seem like something most guys fantasize about, to be pulled out of my habitual way of thinking like this by a Goddess begging me to ravish her like a fucking beast was quite the reality shift that took some time getting used to.Uncomfortable as it was at first releasing my inhibitions to fulfill her request and let the bad-boy in me come out, a remarkable thing occurred as we persisted in the exploration of this aggressive horizontal mambo: my overall confidence started consistently rising, the more comfortable I became with allowing myself to fuck my woman with reckless abandon.This was another ballgame.It wasn't just about pleasing her. Nor was it about getting off myself. It was more like the epitomization of the Divine masculine & feminine playing itself out in a furious blaze of glory - sheer, raw, brutal life force expressing itself in its fullest - a fusion of the greatest love, most intense anger, focused drive for domination & pulverization, total surrender, death, birth, and ultimate transcendence all wrapped into one.Needless to say, the deeper I got into embodying the essence of what "ravage" means between the sheets, the more pleased my woman was. And, the more sure of myself - and the more attractive to women - I became as a man. 


As communicated straight from the female source itself: women want to be taken. Perhaps even need.

It was a mind-bender to really wrap my ahead around this and let it sink in: there's a part within women that crave being fucked proper.

And I'm not talking like respectfully being made love to intensely. I mean more like they want their fucking pussies demolished in a fury of rage by their man - to be completely torn apart by the unrestricted love of the masculine, as focused down into the primal, foundational act of destruction & creation.

Now, not all women might want to admit it or be consciously aware of this. But that doesn't mean it's not true.

And there may be women who've closed off due to sexual traumas in the past, or have repressed their sexual desires so as to reduce friction resulting from the challenge to cultural & societal prejudices against women truly empowered in their sexuality. In either case, such a women may require healing before embracing these sides of their feminine. And in a weird twisted way, it's possible that such healing may only occur - in some cases - within the context of a deep, intimate relationship in which a man allows his woman the space to explore these sides of herself - and putting her in that place of total surrender by taking full charge andfucking her brains out. (Perhaps the problem rooted solely in the brain, requiring a proper fucking-out to get her surrendered back into the heart...?)

Now this isn't to say that a man ought to be a savage every time in bed. There's a time and place for the raw, war-like fucking - just as there's a time for the gentle, tender, slow love-making. Alone, either can get tiring. Being able to slow in-between the opposite ends of the spectrum - changing pace in accordance to the energy of the moment - *this * is a recipe for fucking wonders.



Walking around in the world once tapping into this different experience of sex is a completely different experience of the world - and oneself.Consistently being able to take a woman past her limits of ecstacy again & again generates a profound sense of confidence & empowerment that can't be put into words. (Or maybe it's not as accurate to say it "generates" the experience - as opens one up to what that raw masculinity is as it's core - a sort of unveiling of the deepest inner nature.)My woman & I had broken up for 8 months between then and now, and I was seeing one other girl in the midterm - which proved a testament to the validity of these newfound skills in the bedroom. While there may not have been anywhere near the emotional depth with her, sure enough - the lessons held their truth, and unleashing the fucking beast upon her created a near-magical effect, further fueling the upward cycle of confidence and attractiveness.Once a man taps into and exercises such an ability, the confidence radiates.Going back out into the world and being around beautiful women, there's no longer a sense of insecurity, awkwardness, or intimidation - but a deep knowing, like, "I KNOW what heights of pleasure I COULD take you to..."Of course, if one values integrity in relationships, the option to sleep with multiple women at the same time may not be open. (Or it might, depending on one's personal choices and agreements). And as such, this newfound power does require mature, responsible direction - channeling back the attraction that may naturally occur with other women back into yours, rather than foolishly lusting energetically elsewhere.And so, this fucking mind-blowing circuit of energy amplification continues expanding - building a confidence & attractiveness within the confines of an intimitate war of private parts, to bring that radiant empowerment out into the world - attracting more energy to funnel back into your Goddess' vagina, rewarded with the nourishment of her ecstacy. Multiplying again and again, generating a source of fuel to drive forward one's creative undertakings and legacy from concept to reality - that same no-holds-barred fervour expressed & cultivated in the bedroom can be brought into the worlds of business, art, and beyond - making love to life itself with the same relentlessness.This is alchemy. A true transformative experience for all involved. 


Nike's Wisdom

At this point, there's not much left to add to the story. Except perhaps that nugget of golden advice Nike adopted as their timeless marketing slogan:


Unleash the beast. Do what it takes to bring out a merciless army within you bent on the nuclear holocaust of your woman's pussy as channelled through your fallic rod of pure GOD energy.Kill of whatever trace of wussy there might be left within yourself, be a fucking man - and fuck your woman like she's never been fucked before. Serve the annihilation of all her stresses, fears, worries, and daily concerns through madly jackhammering your way to her core, breaking down all her walls and infusing her with an infinite source of passion. And of course, with complete and total respect, honor, and reverence.If you've experienced this before - either as the man giving or woman receiving - you're probably nodding with an understanding acknowledgement of the power within this.Though if this kind of talk generates any sort discomfort within you when reading it, perfect.I was there. It's a sign that you have yet to enter dimensions of satisfaction in life beyond imagination.Generating such levels of joy for a woman is one of the greatest sources of fulfillment a man can ever experience. No fucking around - these insights are key to a kingdom of treasures many men will never know, and it's now in your possession. But you have to be the one to put it in and turn it (on).And when you do, you will be a superhero in your woman's eyes... ;-) 


pretty entertaining.
good read

kinda shitty double posting thuogh

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