Bitcoin /ETH/ Lisk and investing is Steemit

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hello Friends,
It was a rather interesting yet boring night of trading. As I have posted before I trade the night shift. Usually from 10PM to 6AM depending on action. Then I jump back in around 10AM and trade as much as possible. I am preparing for a 36-48 hour shift most likely starting now.....

I found my self set up with what I thought was a promising short in the early morning. Everything I had charted was indicating a clear down movement. But BTC likes to supersize and I found my self getting stopped out. Further proof that this market has no idea what it wants to do yet.

I really dislike telling people to buy or not to buy. But if you have not purchased BTC yet I would not advise it. The worst position you can be in is buying at the top. Dont get me wrong we are far from all time highs. There are just to many dedicated long term investors that will be looking to take profit. Most likely causing a roller coaster ride that could kill you. As I stated earlier, be patient and do not chase this market.

I did find my self buying the bottom of ETH last night. I was rather surprised when I woke up to a closed $0.80 profit per ETH. I set a stop sell at $11.00 and my stop actually closed on time. BFX has been buggy lately, I had set stops that did not get triggered. Fortunately auto pilot worked out well on this trade.

The rise in ETH is very curious. It is almost inspiring to see how many dedicated ETH heads there are. Maybe Vitalic is the one controlling ETH prices, but I doubt it. I honestly believe it is die hard investors patiently waiting for this ground breaking project to succeed. Or maybe its just hopefully scared money trying to get there investment back.. Which ever way it goes the future of day trading ETH is promising. There will be many swings and many set ups for profit. The ETH/LISK pair should get interesting in the near future.

I bought LISK yesterday before the small run up. Even though it is more or less a copy of ETH running on JAVA. I am confident this project will succeed. I am actually working on a DAPP that will run on the LISK chain as opposed to ETH. JAVA is just so much easier to work with. For many reason this just being one I am LONG on LISK.

When I started to succeed at mining, I wanted to spread the word about ETH. I would go to my local Coffee spot and randomly talk to 5 people every day for about 3 weeks. If they decided to give me their ear and take interest in our conversation I would set up a ETH wallet on there phone. I would then transfer 5 ETH. I gave away a little over 500 ETH. But I opened the minds of people who never have heard of crypto before. Several have remained in contact and learned to trade.

That brings me to STEEM being on Bittrex. I have not yet bought in, But I plan to very soon. At 0.00048211btc or roughly 0.3157USD this investment is defiantly a LONG. For me there is so much more practical use promise in STEEM. I plan on doing my part to circulate STEEM as much as possible. This platform is revolutionary and one I plan on standing with. In fact I told several people this morning while getting Coffee. This is far more relatable to some random person than trying to understanding crypto. It will be a awesome entry for new people to understand the future is in crypto. I look foward to creating new investors through this platform.

Side note:
I just entered LONG on BTC @ $655.53. Tight stop loss at 650.00. My first target will be $670.00. This market has been choppy so I may close if I see something I dont like. Taking a small profit is fine for me. I do it 6-8 times a day. It is that one break out that brings the big $. You never know this could be it, A close at $670-$680 could bring a $800.00 run. I am fairly confident we enter halving at $670-$680. That is just my opinion.

I also just got a continuation entry on ETH/USD. I am long @ $10.79. My short target is $11.40. There was a HUGE amount of support at $12- $12.50, It would not surprise me if ETH runs to $12.50. There is a HUGE amount of shorts that should get stopped out around $11.40.
Good luck with your trades.

12:50 AM

What a boring night.... I've only found set ups on four trades so far. ETH was on the rise then broke down just below the .618 retrace line which was also very close to a resistance. I was able to clear a $0.53 per ETH trade.

Because ETH moves so fast I am only trading 500 ETH per entry. I was also able to confidently call it a top and rode it back down for another small profit.

It looks really week, If BTC does actually drop Like I expect it to we could see single digit ETH. BTC and ETH seem to be running together and not apart. At this point it is hard to say what direction it will go. I think I am out of ETH until I see a solid entry.

As for BTC, unless something major happens in the next few hours. It would appear that all the halving hype , is exactly that HYPE. Many believe it was already priced in, it seems that is true at this point. It is going to take money moving for this thing to erupt into the chaos everyone expects. Truth is people are just sitting on there coins watching the countdown to nothing.

Maybe a whale will try to shake things up at-least that is what I am hoping for. I am currently SHORT from $656.21 which at this moment is a small looser.

I think Ill get a few hours of sleep now. Good Luck all.


You would probably get more votes with a bit of effort put into spacing your paragraphs and using headers.

Thank you, I really appreciate the criticism. I have never wrote before. Im sure it shows. Your advise will provide me with growth. For this I thank you!

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