Is It Too Late To Get Into Bitcoin? My Story Into Crypto Currency Part 1

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

  I am one of those people who have heard about bitcoin for years only to shrug it off time and time again. Many of my friends tried to convince me that it was the “wave of the future”, “new money “or the opposite “a Ponzi scheme”. Either way, bitcoin always fell to the side on my list of priorities and I think it is safe to say that I regret it.

When I finally started to believe in crypto currencies was only about a year ago and as you could have guessed it, I started with bitcoin. The price was about 376 dollars and I bought in at 100 USD on using a referral code like mine here:

Using my friends referral code gave him and I both an extra 10 USD. With that 10 percent buy in bonus I was beginning my crypto experience

I decided that I was going to try this but I couldn’t afford the whole Bitcoin that month. I asked myself, ” Am I too late to this party?”. I know people who are millionaires now from this coin and I own 0.27 btc valued at around 100 USD. Well, it is finally easy enough to buy it so lets give it a go.

The next week and every week following I spent 25.00 USD of my paycheck, which I still do to this day, on more BTC. I watched it grow and I watched the market climb and dip, climb and dip, climb and dip. I now am realizing that there is money to be made here with BTC trading. But for now I was buying in the lows. After following the coin for some time I began to notice where I was more comfortable purchasing and I started to spend more money during the week on extra 25 dollar purchases when the price was low. The price would go up and so would my money. Simple enough.

I started to google. What I found was mind blowing. This stuff is everywhere. There are other coins with other values. There are exchanges where you can trade them for one another. There are these things called “faucets”, “pools”, “nodes”, “master nodes”, ha ha, I was shocked. I started to tell everyone I knew. Next thing I am labeled as a nerd and I am loving every minute of it.

After discussing the process with my friends, reaching out online and reading more and more I came to the realization that this is one party that is okay to be late for but you definitely do not want to miss.


(To be continued)  


Nice post. Have you looked into margin trading at all yet? Not for the feint hearted, but worth doing a little research.

When I first heard about BTC it was $7 ... friend told me to sink some money in and gave me half a coin ... I looked into buying some, but it was too difficult so I gave up. Biggest mistake ever.

Wouldn't invest at these levels, but a ton of action around for the savvy margin trader.

Thanks for reading. I first heard of it around 100$ But it was too difficult for me already and like you I gave up.

I did the same thing when is was at $13 big big big mistake.. There wasn't much information back then like there is now in the crypto world.. Nice post Darin thank you for sharing!

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