
There is so much to answer to this - you could probably read day an night for half a year. One good place to read, with many links etc is this 3.5 year long thread:

BLOCKNET is my favorite. ( As I see it as the best, superior to competitors)
But ... it is not the only one

Thank you for the great advice! This stuff is so fascinating!

Thanks for sharing your wisdom @onealfa!
I will check out the link you shared and try to read day and night for 6 months...
There is so much to learn about this subject, it doesn't get boring that is for sure...
If you have time please take a look at my first blogg-post here it is about crypto,
it would be nice to hear your feedback @onealfa!
Read here: Will (ETHOS) fix the financial system (and make you rich)?!


  • many gateway to deposit/withdraw the coins (openledger, rudex, cryptobridge), so you avoid the failure of a unique company
  • your balance is on a blockchain and not in the private database of a company, so no one can manipulate your funds
  • shared order book that interconnect all the gateway and let you buy on one exchange and send to another without moving your coins out/in


  • harder to understand

Con? to someone willing "to understand" this might be not a real CON

Ha ha "harder to understand" your funny, thanks for your explanation sounds like some real "next-level" stuff... =)