Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: Alternate Count was Executed Precisely!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


First, my objective in this blog is to help and do no harm and I have been doing my utmost to execute that since June of this year. I provide FREE Technical Analysis and FREE Tutorials on Steemit for the benefit of anyone who wants it. MANY have profited MASSIVELY from my Analysis!! However, when I get randomly DOWNVOTED multiple times by someone like @grumpycat with $600k in SteemPower without ANY given reason....then Steemit community is not being well served!! I truly wish this blog will make it to the TOP of the Trend list so ALL RESPONSIBLE WHALES can see DOWN VOTE ABUSE in ACTION!!

I would truly like to know why @grumpycat is downvoting my blogs. I am very open to feedback but NOT random acts of DOWNVOTE! Please provide an explanation to my 5,100 followers and 100k+ in the Steemit.KR community where my blogs are Korean translated, why you are taking such unwarranted negative actions? What exactly about my blog is prompting you to consecutively DownVote? What is your beef? Why don't you go after the plagiarists who copy my content and downvote them? I will be appealing to have your downvotes REVERSED!!


Overnight price action fully executed, with precision, my alternate count. The below was shown last night as my alternate:

And this morning we see this precision hit. Awareness of this alternate price pathway keeps the panic away. That's key to maintanining calm emotional perspective.

The below is my projection. The a,b,c is a regular flat correction which means there must be 3 subwaves for A and three subwaves for B and five for the C wave. I've marked the subwaves and so that means wave 4 and 5 of C are still due. The bottom could be in already but I believe $16,984 is more likely!

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!


If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me a beer:
BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**


No, thank you my friend for all you do. If there is anything else I can do to help feel free to ask. You have my email.

There's quite a few who believe that insider knowledge should stay just that, and not be shared with the proles - this is on the whole true, though I cannot see how it would apply to cryptocurrencies, where more market cap will basically profit everybody - though it will of course lessen the influence of whales...
Update, the whales just decided to jump onto Bitcoin Cash as Coinbase added it... so Bitcoin fell 1000 dollars lower than expected - this being proof that extraordinary news do influence the charts whatever Elliot Waves say ;)

Some people believe in caste systems, secret knowledge, initiations and 'goyim' versus elite. Knowledge should be shared. And knowledge however is not just for knowledge sake... goyim must act and prove 'elite' wrong. Do you feel people should have to be 'qualified' (by third party actor) to become an investor.. and to get out of the stands and onto the stage of life? Cabals believe this.

Read what I write, goy ;) I clearly said, "I cannot see how it would apply to crypto..." but it sure applies to many other things. Share how bombs are made with some Arabs, it's democratic ! Are you an Egalitarian ? Careful, this network is full of them... but people only need brains to be investors, oh, and unfortunately, a bit of money. There you have another cabal in the making...

Hi, my reference to goy is recognizing what you posted- is that there are those that consider themselves 'high priests' while the rest of us are cattle. They would not want Haegin to disseminate this knowledge to the masses. The same dark forces exist in Amerika with the "qualified" investor gatekeepers. Particularly with venture capital what were known as IPO's. They were not "public."

Sorry went off on a tangent. You asked am I "egalitarian"... A loaded word... Probably better tho is I simply believe in the golden rule that comes from the understanding what you do to your brother you do to yourself. Do unto others the best you wish for yourself. Karma, dharma.. what goes round .. as Haejin said.. all the best to you.

I'll share my limited knowledge. What do they say about knowledge? Having just enough to be dangerous? lol I'm trying to figure out if this is an ending diaganal on the larger scale. If so, I'm thinking the revised target would be around $14,500 using the width of the diaganal as the guide.

OK Scratch that! Now I'm seeing something delicious on the larger scale! :) This is going to take a while to play out.

Well they did it. A flash crash to 14K and then a bounce. lol. Now that the futures market is open it is reminding me very much of trying to trade during the financial crisis. Every time you thought the chart was telling you exactly what to do, it would get jerked in the opposite direction blowing out everybody's stops.

I've got my BTC parked and I'm just going to sit on it. I can't actually day trade this wild west nonsense nor do I want to. For those who can, good on you. I'll just watch for now......

I'm not exactly day trading but sometimes when I'm pretty sure, I'll be week-trading, that is once a week and otherwise hodle. it galls me when I buy at 16500 and then it dips lower - that shouldn't be allowed ;)

That 'cause it could be a larger wave 2 ?? wave 3 up next

It would be awesome if the voted coins could get a short term and a long term analysis. Thanks for the great work!

Do u think BTG is about to explode to .075BTC or $1250USD. It looks like a baby cup and handle at bottom with a symetrical triangle which is about complete.

BTG exploded.

Awesome stuff man, I am following you from few days and you are tempting me to put big orders and I can blow my risk management ;)
I am a disciplined forex trader and crypto trading was added this year to my portfolio. Still a lots to learn and you are doing a great job here.

Your comment is really amazing.The way you comment is really wonderful.I like it and I wanna follow you if you allow me@cryptokraze.

No need to ask. You are free to follow anyone

also i am trader btc and i making very good i can help you iff you want thx you have my upvote gl

Thanks mate but I am a very good trader myself. It is just I want to learn more and more so heijin blogs attracts me

You've come to the right place for minimal risk and maximum reward!

In a bull market, great risk to reward imo

This grumpy cat scumbag is suspicious...Joined last month, follows nobody, and has half a million Steem in the wallet - sits around and downvotes. I’m calling scumbag government agent. I can’t prove it but I followed grumpy cat just to begin policing this fucktard

The same thing happened to and several other by different people with similar actions. Their F-ed up logic is "Reward Pool Rape". Basically the amount of STEEM in the reward pool is allocated based on the voting weight. There are some who think they know how to objectively value content and flag posts to make sure that the posts get "The correct amount of rewards"

Take a look at the activity
Majority of the voting power is used on flags.

I've expressed my opinion on the matter extensively and that was weeks ago. I didn't think @haejin will have to face this garbage but it has reached here here too. I don't want to re-type what I've said weeks ago taking hours to explain. It's already permanently stored in the blockchain.

So does the more steem you have make your vote more powerful. Cause if so it could be someone from STEEM trying to make his payouts less money???? Man if that's true it's actually most likely STEEM. I just looked at the details of that account and it's really suspicious!

the more steem POWER you have

@grumpycat is ' NWO ' related to ' cryptokitty ' i.e. cats vs the dogs conspiracy covert attacks on public blockchains. futures on btc is the same.. clog-congest destroy .. introduce their (insert x)(ripple xrp) solution.

yeah very strange i quess you have right thx for youre attention i follow you and i upvote all youre post you look nice

where i come from they call 'em socialists..

Congratulations @haejin, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 384 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $7777.01. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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@Haejin, there are people who are paid shills out there. I am afraid this @grumpycat may be one of them...There are people who have an interest in downvoting something that is so helpful to humanity. I am glad you spoke up to make us aware. It will be interesting to see how @grumpycat is actually making money with his votes. I hope @steemcleaners does investigate -Are they on behalf of the Steem Platform itself?

Jealousy is not a good enough excuse, he is taking hundreds to thousands of dollars in payouts for no reason.

can making thousands here in this social media ?really me cant get 4-5$ lol

@ionutciobanu keep walking with steem soon you will in the list

I think your random downvoter is jealous of your success.

It's more sinister than that. It comes from the grumpy and haughty assumption that they actually know how to objectively value posts. That's what's really going on.

Been there , seen that, saw this coming and I feel exhausted than surprised. The very first day @haejin made 200+ I was a little afraid and was relieved when it was only some stupid grumpycat with about -86 flag. Then I woke upto the OG scum going at it for like the 50th time in my ~5 months in steemit.

Been there-seen that and this is all just a single little incident. I'm glad @haejin has enough support because some people left steemit because of this and some reduced frequency of posting because of these commies.

Plz read the above response. I saw many who got damaged for speaking up for @haejin. Please consider upvoting them and spread my message and if possible, contact other people who had to go through the same ordeal. (one of them was called writer's block I think.)

lets all go and down vote grumpycat post; all of them.

He makes no posts and has a $600,000 Steem in the wallet. It’s probably george soros 😀. Grumpy cat would be a perfect name

it has to be an insider

really how you read him have 600k?it is real money?

Click any username, then click the Wallet menu link. Steemit is an open platform. Enjoy!

Check the posts of the guy you are replying to and read his/her comments. It's borderline spamer/ Plaigarist (He certainly didn't take all thost photos which he is posting few mins apart) and he's trashing @haejin.

It's always the moochers that support commie redistribution and jealousy towards people who earn a buck by taking what's voluntarily given for a service better than what a $3000 a year gets you.

Yep some jealous Fudder!

Check the posts of the guy you are replying to and read his/her comments. It's borderline spamer/ Plaigarist (He certainly didn't take all thost photos which he is posting few mins apart) and he's trashing @haejin.

Thankyou, @vimukthi.
I am grateful to you for advising me to buy XVG - :)
Because of your advice, I feel confident in buying good quality blockchain ideas :) with ethical standards.

Thank you. BTS is getting ready for something like what NEO had few days ago. XVG was something I was positive about. But it truly exceeded my expectations. It's just nuts. Hcash, Bytom, SONM, XEM, Sia, BAT, Substratum..... they were all expected. But Verge just went far beyond.

Thank you for all your tips and perspectives :) also for Ayn Rand :) and Happy New Year for 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

I believe it's needless to say the majority of Steemians is truly grateful for your work. To take advantage of this post, I would like to sincerely thank you for your posts and trading advice! 👍😀 sadly, there is always some percent of people with negative mindset.we should simply ignore the likes of grumpycat...keep on rocking with your analysis!

Well done!!


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