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RE: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash Smash Through $5,000!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I had my god damn btc in steem at the time of the fork. trying to be the man trading and making small gains. didn't pay attention to btc news. lesson learned.


@jbouchard12 You were not alone... Many are kicking themselves right now.

Another fork coming this winter. May be a dip then to get in?

BitcoinCash is a scam, don't fall for that BS. Just buy Bitcoin!

rookie mistake. no problem! just pay attention to bitcoin forks for sure! I'm sending you a lil something for that trouble.

Quit cursing God and he might give you true riches

Sorry chef. Editted it.

Yeah me too... But it's OK because bitcoin will not go anywhere. We've learned out lessons so let's buying bitcoins now :D

if you had your btc in stemm.. you didnt have btc , I feel you tho Ive made similar bad trades

Ya bad choice of words. My money set asside for crypto

I sent bitcoin to the wrong address (BCC address instead of BTC address on Bittrex). It was only $200 worth but still may or may not get it back. Everyone makes rookie mistakes. It's the price we pay for the knowledge that will benefit us financially in the future.

Let's hope same BTC address is also owned by Bittrex