A Crypto Currency secret that will net $24,000.00 per month, forever

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I have been wondering if I should discuss a potential secret that I have found regarding Crypto Currency investments. Some of the problems about crypto currencies are as follows.

  1. They are still fairly new in their origin. BTC being the first around 2009 when the white paper was released
  2. The industry has over 928 coins/tokens as of today. Way too many to humanly possible to keep track of.
  3. New ICO's (initial coin offerings) are hard to get a firm understanding of, since most of the time only a white paper is available.
  4. The majority of the new coins will never go anywhere. The industry refers to them as "scam coins".
  5. Major Tier 1 coins (usually top 10 coins) are still evolving and have governance issues as to the coins future (BTC being the biggest internal struggle over SegWit, Lightning and Rootstock just as an example).
  6. Which exchanges should you use? How do you store your coins/tokens safely.

It seems that there are hundreds of YouTube channels that have advice and live chat videos regarding crypto currencies. Who do you believe? Which advice is good and which is not. It is truly the wild. wild west. I do not want to be one of those back yard YouTuber's giving advice on crypto currencies.

With that being said, I have found what I believe, is a secret to the future of crypto currencies. I study crypto currencies daily and could easily spend 16 hours a day doing so. It turns out that crypto currencies are heading towards autonomous algorithmic bots. The future of global commerce, government and personal transactions are all going on the block chain. Even the internet we use today, will be on a decentralized block chain. The complexity will be such that A.I. computers will be running our digital world and FinTech industries.

Crypto currencies will be too hard and difficult to humanly buy and trade using your home computer or mobile phones. The industry will be moving and changing at light speed. A.I. will be running and monitoring the whole thing. With this in mind, it is vital that you position yourself for the future that is coming. Look at the current coins/tokens that are offered. Which ones are geared towards A.I. and bot algorithms? These are the ones to focus on. I believe there are several coins available right now, that will be the prime coins/tokens that can do this. Getting these coins now and holding them will be one of the greatest investment moves of your life.

FinTech and crypto currencies are here to stay. Learning where they are headed is of great value. Once you can see into the future and position yourself at a crucial juncture, you can be in a position to either make a fortune or make a steady continues stream of income. The tools are here now to do just that. I will be making crypto currency moves today, to be set up for a continuous stream of income ranging around $24,000.00 per month. This can be done with an initial investment today of $18,000.00 or less.


It's just like the techboom and crash in 2001: nobody really understands the totality of it and where it is headed. It's risky because nobody knows if bitcoin and ethereum will be the major players or if as you're saying, AI friendly coins will take the top. It'll just have to play itself out. Just invest what you can afford to lose in a variety of possibilities and you'll have a good shot.

One thing to take into account with Bitcoin IMHO is it's strength of being out of all the cryptos a household name. Ask your neighbour who knows nothing in detail about cryptocurrencies to name one. I bet it'll be Bitcoin.
That's how VHS won over Betamax in the early days of video cassette format.

Correct. That is one of the coins in the formula I discovered. In time I might release the formula to the community. Once you have these few coins all of the other 980 plus coins is kind of irrelevant.

I think everyone's intrigued

I know I am.

One of the things that excites me the most about all of the new tech that is blossoming, is that it will make the governments of today's world, which are nothing but albatrosses, more obsolete than they are right now.
The blockchains that are being developed now will stop all of the crazy things the governments do behind closed doors, out in the public arena and the light of day.
There will be nowhere for the crooks running things, to hide any more.
No more voter fraud. No more hidden corruption. No more back room deals.
And I must say, it is nice making the money that I have made by seeing what was coming from the beginning of bitcoin and up to today and getting in early...
I am 58 years old and for the first time in my life, I am in the black and have quite the little nest egg building up... :)

What are your feelings on all of the ICO's that are popping up everywhere?

There are some good ICO's and some that are mediocre . I look for coins that offer a unique feature that has not been thought off yet. I read all of the white papers before I invest. I also look at the governance and core developers.

That's really lovely to hear!

I just saw this link on Bix Weir's Youtube video........Thank You jetblake. Up Voted Resteemed and Followed

You are welcome. It really is a secret. It will work. All that you have to do is follow the formula and forget the other 980 plus coins out there. In time I might disclose what the coins are to own.

whats your thought on Dent coin mate? global internal and mobile date on the blockchain using the ethereum platform...... i got in on the pre sale the crowd sale starts n a wekk or so....anyways i hope it works out still early days ......fingers crossed the company will do the right thing and not run off with the coin or ethereum pledged........cheers...

Dent is interesting. They are focusing on a niche service. This is what you want to look for. Yes it should do well IF the developers are honest and do not run off with their ETH. I think they should be OK

sorry for the late reply mate i been a bit tied up ........yep cool im all in with dent and Pillar program aye .......interesting times ahead for us all i think....:))

Yes, I agree. I just wrote an article today about something not feeling right with the global economy especially here in the U.S.A. We have 37 States in terrible financial predicaments. Car sales are tanking and we have 100 million people not working. This fall will be do or die with budgets and pensions. I am nervous. One of my reasons for getting into crypto currencies is to try and weather the storm coming.

agreed mate we are all feeling it n one way or another, somethings up and coming thats for sure possibly a few things at once.....stay safe out there mate ....

It still needed more study and to learn the flow of market..up and downs and still increasing the value.

I think I know which one you’re talking about. I love a mystery.

Yes, I did not want to come right out and say what the formula is. Interestingly I have received very little inquiry. I am thinking about perhaps posting that if I reach 1000 followers I will reveal the formula and the Steemit followers can act accordingly.

We’re all ears, sounds about the most interesting investment advice I’ve read so far about A.I./Fintech tokens. Looking forward to reading that post.

Great post m8 :) loving your thoughts

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