- Illegal Cryptocurrency Exchange Fraudulently Possesses Customer’s Deposit.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited) a cryptocurrency exchange operating illegally in Russia, is being accused of fraudulently possessing 11 Bitcoins, amounting to $90,000 at the current exchange rate. The cryptocurrency ecosystem is largely unregulated, and that has led to the proliferation of scams in this space.

How it unfolded:
On the 4th of July, 2018, a cryptocurrency user with the moniker ni23457 on and Reddit forums, deposited 100 Bitcoincash (BCH) into The user ni23457 claims he deposited to ChangeNow after confusing them for Changelly, another cryptocurrency exchange that is considered reputable.

His problems started when ChangeNow suspended his exchange and disabled withdrawals. ChangeNow asked for his personal identification documents for Know-Your-Customer (KYC), citing trading irregularities and he duly complied. There was an issue with the first set of documents he submitted, and he has since submitted a second set.

Unfortunately,, has reneged on their promise to pay the funds back to its rightful owner. It’s been a game of cat and mouse ever since, with the exchange making up new excuses to keep funds that isn't theirs.

They claim they are "investigating" the source of funds, but according to n123457, the blockchain clearly shows that he owns the coins. The funds have been dormant in the same addresses for five years, and the presence of many coins in those same addresses indicates that the private keys were not stolen.

They also requested a video call which ni23457 has flatly refused. According to him, the exchange is illegal, and the CEO has gone out of his way to delete all social media accounts linking him and his associates to

The team:
They are an "anonymous" cryptocurrency exchange, operating from Russia. Additionally, they are currently trying to raise millions of dollars for their token, via an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

The CEO is a resident of St Petersburg, known as Roman Lapin. He also doubles as the CEO of, a software company in St Petersburg, Russia. It is very likely that both and Evercodelab operate in the same offices, due to them sharing the same CEO.


As is often the case in the cryptocurrency community, not much is known about the people behind ChangeNow. There is little information about them, and since these accusations surfaced, they have changed the details of all their known social media accounts.


They went as far as redacting their official whitepaper, removing sensitive information about the owners. CEO, Roman Lapin, has been desperately trying to hide his connection to ChangeNow. He edited his profiles on and, to remove traces of ChangeNow. However, anticipating this scenario, ni23457 made several screenshots from in advance.


Russian Law on Cryptocurrencies Regulation:
Russian regulation on cryptocurrencies is murky. You can buy, own and keep them. However, selling and doing business with them is largely considered illegal, pending new legislation that would regulate them. The yet to be ratified draft law on cryptocurrencies state that;

Operators of the exchange of digital financial assets can only be legal entities. The exchanges must be “established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and carry out the types of activities specified in Articles 3 to 5 of Federal Law No. 39-FZ of April 22, 1996 ‘On the Securities Market’.” Alternatively, they can also be “legal entities that are the organizers of trade in accordance with the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 325-FZ ‘On Organized Trading’.”

It is illegal to operate a cryptocurrency exchange in Russia. Up until when the Russian state ratifies its draft law on cryptocurrency regulation, www. is operating illegally.

ChangeNow’s response to these allegations is that their company is incorporated and registered under the laws of Belize. And that they operate in full compliance with international AML/KYC directives. They have denied operating in Russia, even though readily available evidence suggests otherwise.

Public & user safety:
Under the circumstances, is it right for ChangeNow, an anonymous exchange, to demand KYC from their customers? Are customers deposits theirs to appropriate for refusing KYC? It begs the question, if it is safe, to send personal identification documents to unknown individuals that are trying very hard to remain anonymous. has no rules, no laws and can arbitrarily seize users' deposits if they deem it size-able, with no recourse whatsoever to their customers and investors.



We would like to clear this situation up.
Our company, ChangeNOW International Ltd., is registered in Belize as a legal entity.

Our team is distributed worldwide, and a fraction of it does reside in Russia.

Our AML and KYC policy is clearly described in our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and one automatically accepts them both upon using our exchange service.

All your attempts to frame ChangeNOW as an illegally operating service don't negate the fact that the user you're mentioning here, aka ni23457, has committed document forgery, presentation of false information, and is currently refusing to cooperate with us with regards to completing the KYC procedure, which is common for all exchange services and is used to prevent forgery and money laundering.

The international AML/KYC regulations are valid for everyone who attempts to carry out any financial operations, including those with cryptocurrencies, i.e. exchange operations in this case.

Your reply is dishonest. Answer these please:

  1. Why was the transaction flagged? Is it because it is a large amount for your exchange?
  2. What do you intend to do with the coins? Keep them forever. I understand you are using some to fund the Ad campaign for your ICO? Is this true? You are cash strapped and that's why you "borrowed" the users funds?
  3. Is Roman Lapin your CEO? Why has his name been edited in your whitepaper? How did he go from CEO to employee on Likedln after the accusations started.
  4. Do you really expect any sane person to send their real personal information to an exchange run by Russian criminals?
  5. How many really anonymous exchanges, do you know of that ask users for KYC? Changelly,which you are obviously trying to clone and scam people into thinking they are you? Shapeshift?
  6. Why are you hiding the fact that you are Russians and operating in St Petersburg if indeed you have nothing to fear? Are your activities in Russia not illegal?

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