Satoshi's Vision, Stallman's 'Free' and Keiser's High
My tally of some interesting crypto coverage this week.
The notion of 'Satoshi's vision' cracks me the frick up. Nevertheless, while bitcoin's creator remains unknown, the community will continue to offer up false prophets claiming to know what this vision was.
Max Keiser says that it is clear now that 'Satoshi's vision' was obviously NOT Bitcoin Cash.
The Free Software Foundation was founded by Richard Stallman. For those new to the cryptocurrency space who have no idea who Stallman is, I recommend you research him. Understanding him will help understand the cypherpunks which will help understand bitcoin.
On another note, here is a clip of Max with another Maxism: "Crypto is the marijuana of money. You can't smoke it, but you can get high of it."
That Maxism has triggered some Dash people . . . and not in a snowflake way.
Get ready for some Max Keiser #Dash420 billboards coming to Sunset Blvd soon! LOL.
In the above origional Bitcoin Whitepaper, the title is "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
Nowhere does it mention digital gold or long term store of value.
DASH 2018!!!!!!!!!!
Win 4 advertisement blocks on
sooo...'Satoshi's vision' was to unwittingly create a 420 coin after it's bust on the silk road and whala digital cash is ready to go? 😂 🤣 #Dash420
That sounds closer to the truth than Bitcoin Cash . . .
For BitCoin to bring down the lenders of last resort it must have a daily use function as cash in everyday transactions. Without that the banks have nothing to fear. Day to day transactions are what'll give BitCoin some teeth. 8 megabit blocks or bust!!! "8 megabit block" shall be our rallying cry!!! Come on BitCoin core...get with the 8 megabit program.
BTC = Myspace (+ will actually Stick around)
BCH = Facebook
New and improved (BCH) shouldn't be put down because its progressing.
Should be the other way around.
Smart Man this Satoshi Character :-)
You two are always stirring it up... in the best way possible with humor and knowledge!
Finally the Dash revolution begins 💯🐒