Are You Investing In Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Other Cryptos? Then Read This. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Not a single day goes by where my email box does not light up like a Christmas tree full of questions with regard to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrency's, precious metals.

As of late, with the wild ride of Bitcoin especially, I have been bombarded with questions from those who are concerned about price fluctuations in Bitcoin, other cryptos, gold, silver.

If you are concerned about the price action of ANY asset ask yourself, are you investing in it? Or trading it..

If you are investing in any asset, the day to day, week to week, month to month, or even year to year fluctuations in it's price should not matter to you at all. In fact if you are investing in say Bitcoin, gold, silver etc. you should be looking at every drop in price as a buying opportunity, and not getting bent out of shape about it. You as an investor in any of these assets, should only be thinking about the long run.

If you are an investor in cryptocurrencies or precious metals, I believe it is safe to say that you understand that the US dollar is a bad long term bet, and in my opinion you would be correct, with this mindset you should embrace any short term price fluctuation and consider buying the dips.

The fact that more and more people are seeking to diversify away from the US dollar, or other fiat currencies, says a lot. People are not as dumb as world central banks believe they are. Central banks continue to inflate, and thus devalue, their respective product (debt) while at the same time suppressing interest rates artificially (not allowing the free market to dictate fair value). These facts alone should make it clear to you that investing in a central bank controlled unit of debt is a very bad long term investment.

So as an investor in Bitcoin, another cryptocurrency, precious metals, forget the short term price action and instead think about why you decided to invest in these assets in the first place.

Gregory Mannarino
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Silver always my friend, one day our time will come. I did venture into etheruem about 2 weeks ago. Bought in at $140, feeling pretty good about that. I plan on letting it ride and see what happens. Hey man, thanks for all that you do for all of us!

I think it's a good idea to hold onto a little bit of physical cash because this was our day-to-day lives revolve around .

That is a good idea it will take time for things to convert from fiat to the new system, and during that time fiat will still be used.

I thought about ethereum in february when it was 17 bucks but the thought of mining the coin was intimidating. I also have the feeling that though cryptos are likely here to stay there are going to be a lot of worthless token brands from shear over saturated competition.

I think you made a wise decision. Bought a lil' myself. Steems free though and I believe it has great future potential.

@marketreport Straight up, your advice is right on. I buy Silver, and I buy more silver, and then - I buy some more silver. Sure, I kind-of hate seeing the way it gets squashed every-other-day by the dumping of the paper contracts. But, then it's just time to buy more. My price-range for a good silver buy is at about $17.00 spot. But, even at $20, you can't go wrong in the long term.

"Every dog has his day." I'm a silver dog - and my day is coming. Until then, I'm using cryptos to make profits - so that I can buy more silver. Silver is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I just bought a 20' aluminium canoe with it the other day - and I rowed my wife and my dogs up and down the Snake River a few times. It was great fun! It was awesome! And, best of all - I did it with Silver. I did exactly WTH I wanted to do, right when I wanted to do it, because I AM MY OWN BANK!!! Every loan is pre-approved, at 0% interest. And, pardon my "French" here, but it's the best F-ing feeling in the world!!!

Right on!

Hear, Hear! Even though my personal economic situation leaves a lot to be desired, I make it a point to get at least one silver round every time I get a paycheck. While I haven't gotten wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, my silver stash has come in handy dealing with various emergencies.

All one has to do is to research the concept of "bail ins" to realize that leaving one's money as a deposit in a bank is inherently very risky. While there is an extent to which one has to leave some money in an account, I would nevertheless recommend holding some physical cash in hand and definitely some silver.

I have recently given some attention to this new phenomenon that the Western Civilization is about to be introduced to: "Bail-Ins." It's nothing new. Essentially, it has the same net effect as a, "Bail-Out." Only, rather than robbing Joe Taxpayer, they're robbing Joe Bank Customer. And, since our wonderful governments have passed it all into law - it will be legal.

They get this same $#!t passed into law because they change a few words here & there - and everybody knows that Bail-Outs are total B.S. So, they change the name - that way nobody knows it's still the same old crap. People never learn.

IMHO, when that happens we should take some politicians out, line them up, and re-introduce the concept of the firing squad. I mean, why should our parents' life-savings be raped to save the banks biggest investors?

Buying BTC right Now! What an Opportunity! Loading up on Silver this payday. Get it while its Dirt Cheap! Your right on @marketreport

I'm thinking that they won't be able to suppress the price of silver much longer. Get it now!

Agreed. Buying silver now is like buying BitCoin when it was under $100.

Haha! Dguy! I haven't thought of it like that. Nice way of putting it. refreshing!

Thank you for the tips. Very valuable.

Great advice.. Crypto to the Moon...

Thank you for the insight as always Greg.

Nice post. Good to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. Buy and hold for the upcoming 3 years and the blockchain market will find it's way. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results. This is quite an interesting website I found: I'm using this site that gives in depth reports on every tradable cryto in the market.

I like to diversify, lately investing cryptos

Smart. Siler/Cryptos (ETH/BTC) - That's called diversification.

Invest in chewing gum. It will be the final bubble to burst because most people don't have the functioning brain cells to walk and chew gum at the same time.

toilet paper.... many A-H&$es in in this world.

I like metals love the old silver US $. Silvers day will come. I remember when they were worth only $.

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