One World, One Currency. BITCOIN!

in #bitcoin7 years ago


One World, One Currency- Bitcoin

There are 195 countries in the world and 180 different currencies in the world that is recognized as legal tender. For years the U.S dollar has been the trade standard when trading between nations. Over time the dollar has lost purchasing power. Which is why a dollar today could not buy you what it could 20 years ago. This has left many people to question the world current system on money.

Money is any clearly identifiable object of value that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts within a market or which is legal tender within a country. The more powerful a currency is the more goods and services you can purchase. The problem with our current monetary policy is that it creates debt. Debt that can never be paid back because of the federal reserve is in charge of our Monetary policy.

When ever a government needs funds to help pay for things like Infrastructure, healthcare, welfare, etc. a bond is made and sold to the federal reserve. They in return deposit that money Into a bank account for the government. Sounds legit right?.... wrong the problem is the federal reserve is not apart of the United States at all. It is a privately bank. Meaning we don’t know who the owners are. For all we know the owners could be any foreign government, nation, corporation. They federal reserve is a private entity that has the right to print U.S money. At some point you have to starting asking yourself “Are they printing to much?” This the main issue with having a central bank.

Bitcoin solves many of the issues that Plague the world’s current monetary policy. Giving the power back to the people and not the banks. Bitcoin solves those issues but it also solves many of the civil and social issues and the world. One world, one government, one currency is not a bad thing which many people believe. We are preparing to be a multiplanetary planet. Before we can do that, we as earthlings need to be on the same page. Bitcoin has the power to bring us together closer more then any time in history and stop conflict between nations. Instead of many countries let’s just have one. EARTH vs what every thing else beyond the stars.

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