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RE: Bitcoin is a brand that anybody can use

in #bitcoin7 years ago

You don't write long posts too often, but when you do, they are a great success. Atually this is the only long post I have read from you since I remember, but I am sure you have written others too. A little bit earlier I have upvoted your post, but I postponed reading it till I have much more time avaiable which happened to be now. I find your visions over the crypto world and market very accurate and relateable. I also think that the age of Bitcoin and other slow / old currencies has passed. I don't want to say that Bitcoin has no future, because it is more than a slow and resource consuming code base. Bitcoin is a way of thinking and a revolution to the actual monetary system and it can be found in all the other cryptos more or less. And about Bitcoin, I wasn't aware that you have forked and created Bitcoin Diamond, I have heard just a little bit about it and I am not even sure which one of them that was since I understand that there are many Bitcoin Diamonds, but I need to congratulate you for that because hard-forking Bitcoin gives you an important knowledge about the blockchain itself.

Also I do believe that the entire crypto world has spread around the world into this year, it was a great year for cryptocurrencies. People in the office where I work at the beginning of the year did not even heard of cryptos and now almost half of the office owns thousands to tens of thousands$ in cryptocurrencies. And this is just the beginning!

In the end of this too long comment I want to whish you great profits as you deserve them and enjoy the end of the year. Take care of you and the ones close to you and good luck!


Thank you Andrew for your kind and extended reply.

First I want to set the record straight. There is a Bitcoin Diamond that forking blockchain cloned Bitcoin BTC and split.

What I actually did was create an asset on the Waves DEX platform called Diamond Bitcoin. It suggested the idea of creating a 64 MB blocksize clone split.

It never came to that and with all these Bitcoin clones out there there is enough chaos already. But as I do have the asset I will do handouts.

They are much faster and transactions cost only 0.001 WAVES. So hurray for Diamond Bitcoin, the asset on the WAVES DEX platform. ;-)

To me the Crypto future, blockchain 2.0, really is most bright for things like Waves, Bitshares, Steem, Golos and EOS. They are going to be the next standard, I think.

And yes, Bitcoin BTC is going to be around for a long time as a storage of value, at first and mostly. Yet new added marketcap will flow into modern fast scaling blockchains like Steem and others.

May you have great Crypto luck.

Thank you for the clarifications. I forgot to say, I liked the subtitle Just Forking Clone it! I found it pretty original :)

It is my pleasure!

And I like the word play, glad to know it is appreciated. :-)

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