Bitcoin at $6,200... Ethereum at $620 ... Ripple at .62 cents
Weird. Dropping in Lockstep....
Definition of lockstep. 1 : a mode of marching in step by a body of persons going one after another as closely as possible. 2 : a standard method or procedure that is mindlessly adhered to or that minimizes individuality.
You do not need to worry over the consistent drop in price of BTC, I have a software that generates over 12.8BTC weekly, DM me for me details,
Very worried at the moment.
You do not need to worry over the consistent drop in price of BTC, I have a software that generates over 12.8BTC weekly, DM me for me details,
Yeah it’s such a drag that coins seem to follow bit coin. Steem and ethereum are separate projects from bit coin
You do not need to worry over the consistent drop in price of BTC, I have a software that generates over 12.8BTC weekly, DM me for me details,
Even steem is going down, I hope bitcoin will go up again and we will see the good price of steem again.
What is happenig ? It's very strage, I hope bitcoin will recover soon