Bitcoin: The Golden Calf

in #bitcoin7 years ago

As a Christian, i look at Bitcoin and wonder, are we making the same mistake that was made after Exodus from Egypt?

I frequently listen to sermons from The Village Church on Tunein radio. One of my favorite pastors is Matt Chandler, and something he says frequently, comes to mind when looking at the crypto currencies today. "You are a terrible God". He says that to mean that although we look at our accomplishments in the world as giving us dominance over it somehow, and although we believe we control our environment completely, all the glory be to God. And without first, his creation of the world and us and nature and all the elements we manipulate for ourselves, where really would humanity be.

Now to Bitcoin.

I see the blockchain technology behind Bitcoin as a great way to bypass trust on a global scale that i believe is a great oppurtunity and fully expect it to be around forever. Or at least as long as we use 1s and 0s to communicate. But, Bitcoin is now pushed forward with descriptions such as, Gold 2.0 and, and the savior of humanity, and the best invention since fire. Those statements scare me to death. It sounds to me like humans once again believing, we are better gods than God.

Im a firm believer in asset based currency and i hate debt based dollars and all other fiats as much as the next guy, but the solution was given to us at the beginning of time, Gold and Silver.

I sort of picture it like this. God gives us gold and silver and tells us to use them as money. gold will never change its properties regardless of what you do to it. Silver has healing properties and is second in it uses only to oil. Throughout history we follow that advice and yet always trying to do one better. So in my lifetime, i hear, gold and silver are money, buy and hold and you will never lose value. Sort of see it like Moses saying, wait here until i return with guidance from God. While he is gone, what do we do?

We build a golden calf. An idol that can be worshipped and prayed to, to lead them out of the desert and to the land of milk and honey.

Why build it out of gold? Because the gold is lnown to have value. And the calf must be perceived to have value as a god and an idol to pray to. And what is the result? Moses returns with the Commandments given by God, to find that his people are worshipping an idol and all other kinds of debauchery. Our reward for believing we are better gods than God? A nice long walk in the desert for decades.

So what am i saying? I think that comparing a new technology to the creations of God is a mistake we have made before. I think that blockchain will play a major role in our future ability to trade value globally. But i cannot look at Bitcoin and compare it to Gold and Silver. And i can't believe its touted as a savior and how ridiculous to compare it to fire, without which, the infrastructure the web uses would not exist. I think worshipping Bitcoin as an idol is a joke. Its a technology, easily reproduced mind you, that has some uses to humanity as long as our world continues very similar to its current status. At least in terms of communication. Nothing more. In fact Ithink the block chain of the future hasnt been created yet.

So slow down. Think about what you may or may not need Bitcoin for and not what everyone tells you that you need it for. Is it necassary for you? Can it solve a problem you have personally? If so, learn it, own it and protect it. If not then let it mature. Dont jump in on technology that may be obsolete in 10 years.

And if your need or fear is that your fiat is in peril and you wish to protect your purchasing power, theres only one choice for me. Thats is, what God has given us already. Gold and Silver. And dont forget the more important things, like the Bible, prayer, community, family and a responsibility to each other. Thats where i put money, my time, my efforts and my faith.

God bless.


Thanks. Bitcoin can never compare or improve on gold and silver as money. Gold and silver are honest measures as per Torah requiment. Upvoted
I also write about gold and silver:

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