Inventor of Bitcoin Sued Rp 140 Trillion

in #bitcoin7 years ago



The inventor of Bitcoin, Craight Wright or known by alias Satoshi Nakamoto, was charged $ 10 billion for allegedly stealing bitcoin belonging to his late business associate, David Kleiman. The charges were filed by the Kleiman family through a court in Florida. Through demanding documents, the Kleiman family mentioned that Wright falsified documents regarding W & K Info Defense Research LLC's proprietary assets to its business associates. In a document allegedly forged, Wright was granted the right of Kleiman's bitcoin of 1.1 million Bitcoin, or 10 billion dollars (Rp 142.8 trillion). As proof, Kleiman's brother Ira provided a copy of the e-mail he sent in 2013. In the letter, Wright admits that he does hold some of Kleiman's coins. "Dave says if you are trusted to hold 1 million pieces of bitcoin, of which 300,000 belong to Dave, while the other 700,000 belong to you," Ira wrote in the e-mail. "Less is that much, but has not been reduced to the needs of the company," Wright replied to e-mail Ira. To note, the price of 1 piece of bitcoin when this news aired is the equivalent of 10,564 US dollars (Rp 145 million). Based on information obtained KompasTekno from TechSpot, Friday (2/3/2018), Wright has been summoned to court on February 15 last. But until now he has not been sentenced to anything. For additional information, W & K nfo Defense Research LLC is a blockchain company pioneered by Wright and Kleiman. Through the company, they are involved with each other in bitcoin mining. According to information, Wright and Kleiman managed to mine 550,000 and 1.1 million bitcoins. But in 2013, Klein died last breath due to complications of the disease. Responding to Ira's demands, a number of bitcoin observers spoke up. Some of them call the Kleiman family's demands unfounded. According to them, Wright never has many digital currencies even though he himself created. Given that Wright is one of the central figures in the creation of crypto currency, this case could have had a major impact on other blockchain companies. Moreover, if the court decides if Wright is proven guilty.



Penemu Bitcoin, Craight Wright atau dikenal dengal alias Satoshi Nakamoto, dituntut 10 miliar dollar AS (Rp 142,8 triliun) karena dituduh mencuri bitcoin milik mendiang rekan bisnisnya, David Kleiman.

Tuntutan tersebut dilayangkan oleh keluarga Kleiman melalui pengadilan di Florida. Lewat dokumen tuntutan, keluarga Kleiman menyebut bahwa Wright memalsukan dokumen mengenai aset kepemilikan W&K Info Defence Research LLC terhadap rekan bisnisnya.

Dalam dokumen yang diduga sudah dipalsukan, Wright diberikan hak atas bitcoin milik Kleiman sejumlah 1,1 juta Bitcoin, atau senilai 10 miliar dollar AS (Rp 142,8 triliun).

Sebagai bukti, saudara laki-laki Kleiman, Ira mencantumkan sebuah salinan e-mail yang dikirimnya pada 2013. Dalam surat itu, Wright mengaku bahwa dirinya memang memegang sebagian koin milik Kleiman.
"Dave menyebutkan jika Anda dipercaya untuk memegang 1 juta keping bitcoin. Dari jumlah tersebut, 300.000 di antaranya milik Dave, sedangkan 700.000 lainnya milik Anda. Benar begitu," tulis Ira dalam e-mail tersebut.

"Kurang lebih sebanyak itu, tapi belum dikurangi dengan kebutuhan perusahaan," balas Wright pada e-mail Ira.

Untuk diketahui, harga 1 keping bitcoin saat berita ini ditayangkan adalah setara 10.564 dollar AS (Rp 145 juta).

Berdasarkan informasi yang didapat KompasTekno dari TechSpot, Jumat (2/3/2018), Wright telah dipanggil ke pengadilan pada 15 Februari lalu. Namun hingga saat ini ia belum dijatuhi vonis apa pun.

Sebagai informasi tambahan, W&K nfo Defence Research LLC adalah perusahaan blokchain yang dirintis oleh Wright dan Kleiman. Lewat perusahaan tersebut, mereka terlibat satu sama lain dalam penambangan bitcoin.

Menurut informasi, Wright dan Kleiman berhasil menambang 550.000 dan 1,1 juta bitcoin. Namun pada 2013, Klein menghembuskan nafas terakhir karena komplikasi penyakit.

Menanggapi tuntutan Ira, sejumlah pengamat bitcoin angkat bicara. Sebagian dari mereka menyebut bahwa tuntutan pihak keluarga Kleiman tidak berdasar. Menurut mereka, Wright tidak pernah memiliki banyak mata uang digital walaupun ia sendiri yang menciptakan.

Mengingat Wright merupakan salah satu tokoh sentral dalam penciptaan mata uang kripto, kasus ini bisa saja memberi pengaruh besar pada perusahaan blokchain lainnya. Terlebih, jika pengadilan memutuskan jika Wright terbukti bersalah.

Sumber : / Rizky Chandra Septania


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