
The more the word gets spread. The better it is for the concerned parties to do something about it. I am not the original content owner. I am only a medium in this regard.

@ednierdo - you flagged me illegitimately. bad idea.

I haven't claimed content and I duly referenced the original owner of the post in my article. I am wrongly accused.

Wanna be cool? Post extracts, not full articles.

No you are a thief then. Flagged for plagiarism.

You can only accuse me of plagiarism when I claim the content. I haven't and I duly reference the original owner and his website. I'm not a thief. That's harsh.

Sorry but you are using someone else's work without their permission. That is plagiarism even if you acknowledge it. It's fine to discuss the article and put a link to it but just copying it is not even if you add acknowledgement. If you correct it I will remove the flag ASAP although I'm about to go to bed now.

@edniredo You can remove the part you copied and just link to the article plus add your own discussion if you want.