The Global Cost of Mining a Bitcoin is $8,038 but it Varies Widely from Country to CountrysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

The current global break-even cost of mining a bitcoin is $8,038 according to FundStrat Global Advisors reported in an article in MarketWatch ( using data collected by a company called Elite Fixtures (

The minimum cost of mining a bitcoin is $531 in Venezuela.
The maximum cost of mining a bitcoin is $26,170 in South Korea.

The cost of mining a bitcoin in Russia, USA, and Iceland are all around $4,700.

All dollar amounts are in USD.

McAfee told us in September 2017 that it cost "over $1,000" to mine a coin insinuating that the mining cost puts a bottom limit on the value of a Bitcoin (


This is good to know. It makes me feel so much better about my investments.

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