Leading German TV Channel Broadcasting About Bitcoin: "It's Not Longer A Hype Only Speculators Are Interested In. Now The Established Financial Industries Are Entering The Crypto Market."steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin

What an appropriate breakdown, Charles.

Change seems to be more present than ever these days, and we're right in the middle.

It's weird and also a bit entertaining watching my favourite German news program and suddenly listening the anchor talking about Bitcoin as if it was something strange nobody had ever heard about so far:

It's a currency without banknotes and coins. People create it by themselves on the internet.

That one really made me laugh :-)

Yet, if the no. 1 German TV channel provides 3 minutes of its prime broadcasting time for Bitcoin, then this is getting serious!

One of the few moments in my life when I took a picture from my TV screen :-)

Leading banks like 'Goldman Sachs' are planning to trade Bitcoin

The inevitable - or better said: the desired - changes are taking place.

According to the news, some of the established banks are announcing their first steps into the crypto market. Wow - that's really impressive.

The mentioned German TV program was headed: 'The Bitcoin bubble'.

Yet, the report itself was telling a different story.

Börse vor Acht (Stock Market before 8pm) - one of the most seen stock market news magazines on German television

Text: The digital currency Bitcoin is booming - price multiplied tenfold

The message: nobody actually knows if this is a bubble or not.

While the opponents are warning of the missing countervalue and the inflationary trend, supporters refer to high returns on investment. Japan being the market that has already accepted Bitcoin as a valid medium of exchange, is surely the outstanding pioneer here.

So, who will be right after all? The German anchor stated the following:

The crazy fact is that both sides could be right after all.

And @surfermarly's still wondering if she might jump on the BTC train or not. What are you waiting for, girl? :-)

And you: what are you waiting for?

Marly -

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Original content.


It's Not Longer A Hype Only Speculators Are Interested In. Now The Established Financial Industries Are Entering The Crypto Market.

Sounds like we're in a "new paradigm"....

Yeah! Or we are at "media attention" and there is still 70% of raise in value to be expected :-)
What a thrill.

For us, who are already in it, it feels like we're in a new paradigm.

But if we take an outsider's point of view, we are only in phase 2. Maybe even at the very beginning of phase 2.

That's why I'm thinking "why would Bitcoin only grow as much as it did this year?"

The biggest growth will be in 2018 and 2019 (I think). Not only because that's how market curves go, but the economical crisis which is forecast for those same years will give things an additional push. So 10x in 2018 is not such a crazy thought. And definitely in 2019. That would bring us to $1 million...

So I'd say, don't wait :)
Though I do have a feeling once Bitcoin pushed through the $11,000 (today?) it will drop significantly again. I'm waiting for the discount at the moment :)

I have $8 worth, waiting for $80! :D

My friends have all bought earlier in the year after I wouldn't shut up about it, and what have I done? Watch in amazement! DOH!

Haha, I don't earn any BTC and I'm the happiest surfer girl on Earth (still) :-))
Money is not everything.

You are quite correct :D

Sunshine is!

And doughnuts.. and icecream :-P

Let me find that 0.00001 BTC then 😁🍦🍦🍦

It always takes the media a while to see common sense and report on it rather than their programmed talking points... $10,100.00 as I write.

In the given context it also takes them a while since they're very close to governments...:-)

Awe the hey with them... You know Surfing and Bitcoin seem to fit really well... good on you! Achieving Personal Sovereignty is a goal we should all reach for.

IMO it's just the beginning. $100 BILLION to enter into BTC in 2018......... what? Say what!? That alone will make $10K seem CHEAP! There will always be ups and downs in anything nit you can bet it'll go much higher!

To become a medium of exchange in real life, it would need to have a stable price / value one day. Thus, after a long period of crazy ups and downs, it would need to calm down. Right now, it's an excellent investment, yet a wild rollercoaster and 100% speculative. There's always a 50% chance of raising and 50% of crashing. Too much adrenaline for me - I have enough if it catching waves :-)

Bitcoin was on Bild Zeitung (a German popular tabloid) few days ago ... ;) And FYI: Alle reden über Bitcoin – nur unsere Banken nicht | Gründerszene (Everyone talks about Bitcoin - only our banks don't)

Well it seems that banks are talking about it after all - maybe not always in public :-P

That's right :D

I don’t think it is a bubble, money simply flow in and the total supply is so low that the charts skyrocket...in the long term bitcoin is the most secure store of value of the modern age, way better than precious metals and the developers are working to create the most powerful infrastructure for online instant payments with no fees.
The project behind it has extremely great fundamentals, it is a mean of speculation of course...but if you look in the long term, bitcoin is certainly the most valuable invention of our lifetime.
The only sad thing is that I bet the latest money that came in didn’t even read Satoshi’s whitepaper, this is why I think a big correction to get rid of weak hands may occur.

A lot of things need to happen to make BTC the most powerful infrastructure for online instant payments, especially: access. Right now BTC is in the hands of very few, and also a solid exchange medium requires a stable price. A lot of exchange services have faced considerable technical issues - lots of them due to scaling. The system is still quite vulnerable. Yes, I understand the hype around the groundbreaking invention, but people need to understand that it's still a vehicle designed for early adopters and far away from being a currency used by masses.

This is really good news.. Bitcoin will reach to common people who even never heard the name.. More people will be interested about Bitcoin and join this community!

Even if Bitcoin is a bubble, we are still not even close to be in "stage 3", where general public jumps in. For asset to be in a bubble, it need to be largely held and this is not the case whit Bitcoin, since majority does not even now what it is.

we are still not even close to be in "stage 3", where general public jumps in.

I guess general public won't jump in being the price completely volatile. If BTC is supposed to become a real exchange medium, it needs to be more stable in prices.

Unless people feel forced and want to bring their money to safety. Then they might use Bitcoin just as a store of value for the time being (that's what i do). As a means of exchange, other currencies might prove better in the transition phase or even long run. Bitcoin has still has a long way of development ahead. It's not even a teenager yet... ;)

And you finally get in Bitcoin too isn'it ??? :D
Let's go together to the moon now !
Happy @surfermarly :-)

Can I come?? 😄🌈🌙

crypto/bitcoin is a great way.the earliest way to get rich and not just make money with crypto is to buy BTC and hold for year or two.