Bitcoin is getting scarily close to $3K again. WILL IT MAKE IT THIS TIME?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

$3K Bitcoin Coming Soon?


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Bitcoin almost seemed to reach the 3 thousand dollar mark a few weeks ago but then pulled back and made a significant correction. Could it be happening for real this time?

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Could we be celebrating a $3K bitcoin soon.

Personally I think there is a strong possibility it will do it - if not today then sometime this week.

Obviously I can't be sure and I have said before that I can't read charts or do technical analysis.

I am thinking more about the rising awareness of bitcoin in particular I have seen from non-crypto people. Whether it is people asking questions or calling it a scam - it all seems to show a positive rise in the consciousness of non-technical people.

Every time we break another big boundary bitcoin inevitably gets another boost in the mainstream consciousness and more of the previously skeptical "old money" and skeptical heads start taking notice.

I personally love to see the smile wiped off the banksters and naysayers faces every time another boundary is broken. It is almost like you can see them thinking "Oh S*** - I missed out".

The more that happens, the closer we get to taking cryptocurrencies in general mainstream.

As new money comes into Bitcoin - that increases the potential pot of capital that can go into altcoins like Steem too.

What do you think? Will it happen? Will it pull back again?

Thank you for reading


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It is pretty unbelievable how high this surge is taking Bitcoin and Etherium.
I also like that all the "experts" who predicted Bitcoin's demise are probably kicking around in the sand pissed off. Muahhahahhaha

Took the plunge and converted some of my BTC into ETH recently. Not sure if it's too late, but hedging my bets!

They will still say that it is going to face demise, despite the rise. In a way, there is nothing wrong with that, because a little skepticism does not hurt. It is when the skepticism shows ignorance instead of a rational argument that it becomes an aggravating distraction.

I am invested in Bitcoin because (despite the current issues) I see a future in it. I have not read a strong argument to be a bear yet. I continue to look.

I like that. Continuing to look for a reason to be a bear is a good strategy.

That is the best part. I bet some of them are rushing to quietly buy some.

It is like their secret pleasure. Having a secret crypto stash. LOL

my replies' late so I can say hell yeah ^ ^

I think BTC has a good change to cross the 3k mark. Looking at Polo, only 500BTC to go in open sell contracts + all the sellers that are not listed to go. But I've seen that not as a big resistance at some much small coins than BTC. It is a very psychological mark though. The weekend was again good for BTC, for a lot of Alts a little less good. Wondering what the weekdays will bring again where I suspect more fiat traders may come in with their fiat money. But maybe they also decide to pull out. Time will tell, but the short term cards for 3K mark look good.

I think it might have already crossed the 3K mark on some of the exchanges. The average is still below though.

Euhmm, Now pulled and still pulling back quite a bit

Yep, looks like a bit of a correction!

I agree:)

As people lose faith in the currant system what is the alternative Crypto . I am sure Bitcoin will make $3K a coin now look like pocket change in the not to distant future

I agree - particularly when you look at failing states like Venezuela - bitcoin and other cryptos are the only option that is left. With more instability in the world that is only going to get worse and bitcoin etc are going to get more and more use.

Funny thing is that everyone compares the Bitcoin price in US Federal Reserve Notes. In the future we will be quoting in Satoshi....

Interesting though i have not thought of that . The reason why it is compared to the USD is because it is the world reserve currency . When and if the USD is dethroned everything will be compared to the new world reserve currency.

I believe it will cime to pass this price tag and when it does there's no going back cryptocurrency market will gain upto 20% in market capitalization (around $21 billion) this will boost top 20 crypto currencies dramatically.

Steem will benefit too an might go for as high as $1.5 billion in market capitalization or $7.5 per Steem.

It certainly could happen!

BTC climbing Mount Everest, one step at a time. :) Everytime it climbs to new high people go frenzy about it. I think it will go much higher than 3k, corrections are natural.

Exactly and I think if it hits 3K then 4K will be a lot easier psychologically than 2K was.

As soon as it got to 1k it's permanent bullish was sealed. Only thing that worries me is the bubble that might happen. Then not only bitcoin but all cryptos will lose value on a grand scale.

I think there will be a lot of corrections along the way, but I can't see BTC going away any time soon. It has too much utility.

Yes that has been my concern too. I don't think we can be 100% certain either way. All I know is that long term the future is in cryptos.

Imagine the blockchain in 10 years. It will be full of people. It's popularity will boost like 400.000% and by that I mean more professionals, programmers, creative people, artists, common people above all, all kinds of traders. Currently, blockchain is like what California was before the gold rush.

Before the gold rush? Or at the beginning of its broader publicity and swell of gold-hungry miners swarming into the wilderness and wading into rivers they don't fully understand? If the later, how many digital 49'ers will get swindled? How many ghost towns might be left in the wake?

Using this metaphor, it used to take specialized knowledge and tools to tap into the blockchain - command lines, servers, hashes, etc. This would be akin to the first stray miners panning for gold.

Now we've seemed to hit the phase where there is supportive infrastructure. There are people profiting on selling the pick axes, backpacks and supplies. Its almost as if Coinbase and other user-friendly entry points are positioning themselves as the Wells Fargo of the blockchain. Industries profiting off selling the pickaxes, regardless whether the fool finds their gold or not.

And if this is akin to the gold rush with an extra helping of Venture Capital greed, then the fact that it can generate so much wealth, so quickly, makes me wonder how much faster that wealth may dry up with a lot of city slickers holding now useless pickaxes.

Now, despite the doom and gloom written above, I'm optimistic about the entire space. However, I think its worth tempering that optimism with some reality, especially when bringing out the Gold Rush metaphor.

I'm from Europe. Don't mind my low knowledge about everything that happened in the West America during the Gold Rush. I'm using it as a metaphor because after the Gold Rush, California prospered in other ways. Gold Rush is in this case - blockchain going mainstream and let's get that California smaller to Los Angeles. Yes, some cryptos will die during it, some will rise, but eventually many will settle in comfortable climate of the mainstream blockchain. Thanks for your response @somethingsubtle

The higher price will inevitably get more interest so if it does fall a lot of people will suddenly say ok cool got an opportunity to jump in, so price wouldnt fall for long.

Perhaps but people are often illogical and tend to buy when the price is going up instead of on dips.

I'm still not 100% sure about it as its all so different too what I am used too :)

3k bitcoin?
You will get richer.

I think we will all get richer.

yah, but my wallet still empty.
I do not get many votes for every post

@zerometal Here, have a few upvotes on your comments and latest post :)

If it breaks 3,000 it will go to 5,000......

Last night on Spain Sexta here in Spain they had a 1 hour program on how Bitcoin was ONLY used by drug dealers, etc. Do you seeeee how they are going to try to stop this???



They have been trying to smear it that way all over the world for quite some time. It is not something new.

This time you might have a bigger fight on your hands. Please read:

Read some other of my content because we are ready to go though the largest drop in history-

I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a black Friday. move your Bitcoin to Ether until it stabilizes.



Interesting I will check it out!


My user name on all myu exchanges is: cryptolight

Hey, if you have Bitcoin I would transfer to Ether because I think this is going to be a Black Friday for bith stocks/crypto.




I would be more concerned about the Russian government getting in on Ethereum. The thing is we don't really know for sure what happens behind closed doors.

Just think about how the Gov pushes and heards us: with money!!! They want a digital currency, but I asure you it wont be Bitcoin. They are wayyyyyy behind in blockchain tech. Even Litecoin has better tech than Bitcoin.

They are forming their one World Currency, which will enter the NOTB.


And it did it :3 also it's fun to see the exchange rates between ethereum and USD tether!

Did it? I missed it.

It has on some of the exchanges.

Yes I heard. Seems to have dipped again though.

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JST 0.030
BTC 63787.47
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