Should you talk about cryptocurrency at the holiday dinner table in a couple of days?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

It is turkey day and you are sitting down to a nice meal and your crazy smart uncle always one step ahead of every one, Starts talking about how he wants to start investing in Bitcoin. You freeze, you smile and look up with a stash of mash potatoes stuffed in your mouth, now its your time to shine.

You have been following cryptocurrency especially bitcoin

First, you know that the state of crypto is very, very good. This has been a banner year for cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin rose from $738 a year ago to $8220 as of this year. If you invested $7000 in Bitcoin in November 2016 you’d be rounding into six figures by now. The same can be said about Ethereum with a bump from $9 in 2016 to $350 in 2017. Check out these graphs:

With this information you have a bases of any conversation on how much you could of made! also how much you could make.

Bitcoin- $738 - $ 8220 in a year! that is massive gain.
Ethereum - $6 - $350 in a year! Amazing numbers!

Of course you should talk about cryptocurrency to any one who asks.

A better topic to talk about on the dinner table is steem and steemit, if you have not done so already we all know steem with all the apps many users have made for the blockchain is much greater than bitcoin. Keep in mind steem and steemit is only a year old. Imagine that.

So take another spoonful of mash potatoes and keep on given stats.
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Everyone of my family knows about steemit now... Even a lot of relatives...

Sadly... most of them don't have time (and ability?) to write original posts I can give to curators.

Every day is a good day to discuss Crypto. But, you are correct. Just before your relative falls into a Turkey Coma, brain wash them with visions of steempower.

Hahaha! Yes , it's a good thing to talk about them but you know it's hard to talk to the one's who laughed in the past or is it? Steem is only a year old? I didn't know this. I wonder where btc was on the same time span? Interesting.

Interesting tag you are using... #steembay
the bot will only log in, when used as first tag
just trying to be helpful

well damn next time I will remember

Why wait for the holidays. I share about steemit and crypto on almost a daily basis.

Exactly. Talk about crypto anytime

very good post, thanks for sharing

good my friend @zeartul i resteem :)

id rather ... pay for the bill and let them get curious (if u gained wealth from cryptos)

I like mash potatoes! :P

Excellent post. I invite to visit my blog..

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