RE: BSIP-019 Updated Draft: "Introducing profit-sharing/dividends to Bitshares (MPA only)"
- black list accounts: example exchange accounts
- while list accounts: only for this accounts
Good suggestion, whilst preventing scammers is important I do feel slightly uneasy knowing that my account could be black listed. That said, I could move my holdings to another account to evade being blacklisted..
- accounts that also have tokens: (list of tokens separated with comma eg. SHARBITS, WHALESHARE,
I don't think the committee would do this on any UIA other than perhaps STEALTH when it's released, perhaps private MPAs would make use of this suggestion though..
- accounts that also have open orders:
- more than some % of total account value or specific value
For such an idea we would need to take into account the % difference from peed price to reward the most honest traders (rather than parking 1 bitUSD as 1m BTS). That said, how would we reward this over the entire sharedrop period? Perhaps rewarding parties of the filled orders within the sharedrop period? Though then I'd be rewarded for sending money between my accounts over the exchange..
I think that if we begin rewarding market making activity we open the doors to multiple yield-harvesting opportunities for opportunistic traders to take advantage of.