
you can see if you can contact the account, but basically the answer is no. I looked at the account and it is active, so it would be worth sending a .001 wallet transaction to ask.

Basically the only thing you can do is ask, and it will be up to the owner of the account as to whether or not they return your funds.

Account is inactive last post is 5 month ago

I'm going to be blunt. No.

These accounts are designed to be misspellings of accounts that are transferred large amounts of money often.

They have no compassion or regrets, their entire purpose is to steal as much money as possible and there really isn't anything that can be done about them.

The best tool we have is to add them to a special list for the front end so it warns you when you send money to them, right before you hit send.

This account isn't on that list, but I will see that it gets added.

Pull Request