100 Atomic Swap Articles Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology, Curated Publications ListsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain6 years ago

Atomic swaps are a kind of inter-ledger transaction from one blockchain to another without the use of a third party or exchange. Instead, they rely on either notaries, relays, or hash-locking. Some platforms aim to have this available directly and additionally some functionality can be provided through the use of Plasma or the Lightning Network. There are also some upcoming technologies aimed to provide these kind of cross-chain interactions, such as polka dot. Vitalik Buterin has written an excellent report on chain interoperability (https://www.r3.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/chain_interoperability_r3.pdf). What gets really interesting in when this is done with few transaction steps; digital assets become extremely portable when they are able to move freely across chain networks. In a way, atomic swaps are like bridges or roads connecting different communities together.

  1. "Sok: Research perspectives and challenges for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies". J Bonneau, A Miller, J Clark.... 2015. ieeexplore.ieee.org Security and Privacy .... 204 cites.
  2. "Blockchain Revolution: How the technology behind Bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world". D Tapscott, A Tapscott. 2016. *books.google.com *. 117 cites.
  3. "Enabling blockchain innovations with pegged sidechains". A Back, M Corallo, L Dashjr, M Friedenbach.... 2014. blockstream.ca URL: http://www .... 80 cites.
  4. "Making smart contracts smarter". L Luu, DH Chu, H Olickel, P Saxena.... 2016. dl.acm.org Proceedings of the 2016 .... 60 cites.
  5. "How to use bitcoin to incentivize correct computations". R Kumaresan, I Bentov. 2014. dl.acm.org Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC .... 48 cites.
  6. "BitProperty". JAT Fairfield. 2014. HeinOnline S. Cal. L. Rev.. 37 cites.
  7. "Consensus-as-a-service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems". T Swanson. 2015. pdfs.semanticscholar.org Report, available online, Apr. 28 cites.
  8. "Keeping authorities" honest or bust" with decentralized witness cosigning". E Syta, I Tamas, D Visher, DI Wolinsky.... 2016. ieeexplore.ieee.org Security and Privacy .... 27 cites.
  9. "Next Generation Databases: NoSQLand Big Data". G Harrison. 2015. *books.google.com *. 27 cites.
  10. "The HiPEAC Vision 2017". M Duranton, K De Bosschere, C Gamrat, J Maebe.... 2017. *hal.inria.fr *. 25 cites.
  11. "Social engineering: The basics". J Goodchild. 2012. losnuevosguerreros.org CSO Online. 25 cites.
  12. "The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology". W Mougayar. 2016. *books.google.com *. 24 cites.
  13. "Blindly signed contracts: Anonymous on-blockchain and off-blockchain Bitcoin transactions". E Heilman, F Baldimtsi, S Goldberg. 2016. Springer International Conference on Financial .... 21 cites.
  14. "The ring of Gyges: Investigating the future of criminal smart contracts". A Juels, A Kosba, E Shi. 2016. dl.acm.org Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC .... 21 cites.
  15. "TumbleBit: An untrusted Bitcoin-compatible anonymous payment hub". E Heilman, L Alshenibr, F Baldimtsi.... 2016. pdfs.semanticscholar.org ... , Report 2016/575 .... 20 cites.
  16. "Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology". S Raval. 2016. *books.google.com *. 16 cites.
  17. "A protocol for interledger payments". S Thomas, E Schwartz. 2015. bravenewcoin.com URL https://interledger. org/interledger .... 13 cites.
  18. "Tendermint: Byzantine Fault Tolerance in the Age of Blockchains". E Buchman. 2016. *atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca *. 8 cites.
  19. "Understanding and regulating twenty-first century payment systems: The ripple case study". MT Rosner, A Kang. 2015. HeinOnline Mich. L. Rev.. 8 cites.
  20. "The Bitcoin Bible Gold Edition: All you need to know about bitcoins and more". B Guttmann. 2014. *books.google.com *. 7 cites.
  21. "CoinSeer: A Telescope Into Bitcoin". P Koshy. 2013. *etda.libraries.psu.edu *. 6 cites.
  22. "TumbleBit: An Untrusted Tumbler for Bitcoin-Compatible Anonymous Payments.". E Heilman, F Baldimtsi, L Alshenibr.... 2016. pdfs.semanticscholar.org IACR Cryptology .... 5 cites.
  23. "Market Design with Blockchain Technology". K Malinova, A Park. 2016. *papers.ssrn.com *. 4 cites.
  24. "Using Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts to Create a Distributed Securities Depository". E Wall, G Malm. 2016. *lup.lub.lu.se *. 4 cites.
  25. "Generalized entity network translation (gent)". T Mossbarger. 2015. Google Patents US Patent App. 14/671,131. 4 cites.
  26. "Chain interoperability". V Buterin. 2016. *r3cev.com *. 3 cites.
  27. "Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): What Impact on the Financial Sector?". A Collomb, K Sok. 2016. search.proquest.com Communications & Strategies. 3 cites.
  28. "Digital Banking Manifesto: The End of Banks?". A Lipton, D Shrier, A Pentland. 2016. *getsmarter.com *. 3 cites.
  29. "DDoSCoin: Cryptocurrency with a Malicious Proof-of-Work.". E Wustrow, B VanderSloot. 2016. usenix.org WOOT. 3 cites.
  30. "The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers But the Economy Never Does". G Gilder. 2016. *books.google.com *. 3 cites.
  31. "Internet Finance in China: Introduction and Practical Approaches". P Xie, C Zou, H Liu. 2015. *books.google.com *. 3 cites.
  32. "A Concurrent Perspective on Smart Contracts". I Sergey, A Hobor. 2017. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05511. 2 cites.
  33. "Strong Federations: An Interoperable Blockchain Solution to Centralized Third Party Risks". J Dilley, A Poelstra, J Wilkins, M Piekarska.... 2016. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv .... 2 cites.
  34. "Increasing the robustness of the Bitcoincrypto-system in presence of undesirable behaviours". T Lajoie-Mazenc. 2016. *diva-portal.org *. 2 cites.
  35. "Review of Bitcoin Scaling Proposals". B Bishop. 2015. scalingbitcoin.org Scaling Bitcoin Workshop Phase. 2 cites.
  36. "Blockchain-based Model for Social Transactions Processing.". I Sarr, H Naacke, I Gueye. 2015. academia.edu DATA. 2 cites.
  37. "Validation of Decentralised Smart Contracts Through Game Theory and Formal Methods". G Bigi, A Bracciali, G Meacci, E Tuosto. 2015. Springer Programming Languages with .... 2 cites.
  38. "Business processes secured by immutable audit trails on the blockchain". P Snow, B Deery, J Lu, D Johnston, P Kirby.... 2014. *bcventures.net *. 2 cites.
  39. "Escrow protocols for cryptocurrencies: How to buy physical goods using Bitcoin". S Goldfeder, J Bonneau, R Gennaro, A Narayanan. 0. pdfs.semanticscholar.org. 2 cites.
  40. "Central bank money and blockchain: A payments perspective". J Bott. 2017. ingentaconnect.com Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems. 1 cites.
  41. "Möbius: Trustless Tumbling for Transaction Privacy". S Meiklejohn, R Mercer. 2017. *allquantor.at *. 1 cites.
  42. "Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain". AM Antonopoulos. 2017. *books.google.com *. 1 cites.
  43. "Z-Channel: Scalable and Efficient Scheme in Zerocash". Y Zhang, Y Long, Z Liu, Z Liu, D Gu. 2017. *allquantor.at *. 1 cites.
  44. "The Great Equalizer: How Main Street Capitalism Can Create an Economy for Everyone". D Smick. 2017. *Hachette UK *. 1 cites.
  45. "Transferring ledger assets between blockchains via pegged sidechains". A Back, G Maxwell. 2016. Google Patents US Patent App. 15/150,032. 1 cites.
  46. "Payment and exchange transactions in shared ledgers". G Greenspan. 2016. ingentaconnect.com Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems. 1 cites.
  47. "Digital asset intermediary electronic settlement platform". DR Wilson, S Hirani, WE Saraniecki.... 2016. Google Patents US Patent App. 15 .... 1 cites.
  48. "The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis". J Rickards. 2016. *books.google.com *. 1 cites.
  49. "Enterprise Risk Management--Canadian Best Practices: How Did They Get There?". L Tullo. 2015. *papers.ssrn.com *. 1 cites.
  50. "Energy Efficiency Coin (EECoin) A Blockchain Asset Class Pegged to Renewable Energy Markets". J Dispenza, C Garcia, R Molecke. 2017. *enledger.io *. 0 cites.
  51. "Æternity blockchain". Z Hess, Y Malahov, J Pettersson. 2017. *blockchain.aeternity.com *. 0 cites.
  52. "Using a blockchain-based approach to exchange (financial) assets". M Modsching, A Apfelbacher, J Horch.... 2017. ingentaconnect.com Journal of Digital .... 0 cites.
  53. "The Concept of the Blockchain-Based Governing: Current Issues and General Vision". O Konashevych. 2017. books.google.com The Proceedings of 17th European Conference .... 0 cites.
  54. "Atomically Trading with Roger: Gambling on the success of a hardfork". P McCorry, E Heilman, A Miller. 2017. Springer ... , Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain .... 0 cites.
  55. "Blockstack Token Whitepaper". R Shea, M Ali. 2017. *coinlist.co *. 0 cites.
  56. "Last updated on September 20, 2017". VD Team. 2017. *raw.githubusercontent.com *. 0 cites.
  57. "GDP Intertwined Bonds". MV Agrawal, MA Chakroborty. 2017. imperialjournals.com Imperial Journal of .... 0 cites.
  58. "Filed: October 4, 2017". BL Elliott, D Roumel, K Basler. 2017. javvy.com. 0 cites.
  59. "Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts". J Poon, V Buterin. 2017. plasma.io White paper. 0 cites.
  60. "Decentralized Computing Using Blockchain Technologies and Smart Contracts: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and ...". S Asharaf, S Adarsh. 2017. *books.google.com *. 0 cites.
  61. "The blockchain as a financial market infrastructure". A SAGLIMBENI. 2017. *politesi.polimi.it *. 0 cites.
  62. "A Distributed-Ledger Consortium Model for Collaborative Innovation". C Khan, A Lewis, E Rutland, C Wan, K Rutter.... 2017. ieeexplore.ieee.org Computer. 0 cites.
  63. "Towards a post-cash society: An application to convert fiat money into a cryptocurrency". SJ Huckle, M White, R Bhattacharya. 2017. journals.uic.edu First Monday. 0 cites.
  64. "Settling Payments Fast and Private: Efficient Decentralized Routing for Path-Based Transactions". S Roos, P Moreno-Sanchez, A Kate.... 2017. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv .... 0 cites.
  65. "Trends in Banking 2017 and onwards". P Mitic. 2017. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.10974. 0 cites.
  66. "Automated Execution of Financial Contracts on Blockchains". M Elsman, F Henglein, O Ross. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  67. "Where Did Fintechs Come from, and Where Do They Go? The Transformation of the Financial Industry in Germany after Digitalization". B Brandl, L Hornuf. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  68. "Consensus in the Age of Blockchains". S Bano, A Sonnino, M Al-Bassam, S Azouvi.... 2017. arxiv.org arXiv preprint arXiv .... 0 cites.
  69. "Cyber Capital at Risk". C Scardovi. 2017. Springer Digital Transformation in Financial Services. 0 cites.
  70. "Escaping the Traps for Logicians: Towards Decision-Making Competency in Risk Management". CH Hoffmann. 2017. Springer Assessing Risk Assessment. 0 cites.
  71. "Financial Technology and Challenger Banks in the UK: Gap Fillers or Real Challengers?". L Lu. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  72. "Investment in capital markets". DO Ledenyov, VO Ledenyov. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  73. "I Was Blind, But Now I See: Bubbles in Academe". J Treussard, RD Arnott. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  74. "A Distributed Public Key Infrastructure for the Web Backed by a Blockchain". B Fredriksson. 2017. *diva-portal.org *. 0 cites.
  75. "Hyperfunding: Accelerated Corporate Finance, Social Media Investing, and the Cult of Personality". SC Oranburg. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  76. "A Conceptual Model for Networking of Carbon Markets on Distributed Ledger Technology Architecture". JD Macinante. 2017. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  77. "Digital Transformation". S Datta. 2017. *dspace.mit.edu *. 0 cites.
  78. "Decentralized Transactions in a Centralized Environment: A Blockchain Study Within the Transport Industry". M Löf. 2017. *diva-portal.org *. 0 cites.
  79. "Innovating Capitalism". K Bheemaiah. 2017. Springer The Blockchain Alternative. 0 cites.
  80. "Making Innovation More Competitive: The Case of Fintech". R Van Loo. 2017. scholarship.law.bu.edu UCLA Law Review. 0 cites.
  81. "Decentralized Transactions in a Centralized Environment". M LÖF. 2017. *nada.kth.se *. 0 cites.
  82. "Digital Transformation in Financial Services". C Scardovi. 2017. *Springer *. 0 cites.
  83. "Innovation and the State: Finance, Regulation, and Justice". C Ford. 2017. *books.google.com *. 0 cites.
  84. "Financial Technology Law-A New Beginning and a New Future". G Walker. 2017. search.proquest.com The International Lawyer. 0 cites.
  85. "The Management: Unleashing the Strategic Innovation Potential". TCR van Someren, S van Someren-Wang. 2017. Springer Strategic Innovation in Russia. 0 cites.
  86. "Escape from the Central Bank Trap: How to Escape From the $20 Trillion Monetary Expansion Unharmed". D Lacalle. 2017. *books.google.com *. 0 cites.
  87. "Smart device". B Tran, H Tran. 2017. Google Patents US Patent App. 15/586,199. 0 cites.
  88. "Styx: Unlinkable Anonymous Atomic Payment Hub For Viacoin". VD Team. 2016. *viacoin.org *. 0 cites.
  89. "Cover-ability: Consistent versioning in asynchronous, fail-prone, message-passing environments". N Nicolaou, AF Anta, C Georgiou. 2016. ieeexplore.ieee.org Network Computing and .... 0 cites.
  90. "Changing the Dominant Monetary Regime, Bit by Bitcoin". S NAKAMOTO. 2016. books.google.com The Evolution of Money. 0 cites.
  91. "Backchanneling Quantum Bit (Qubit)'Shuffling': Quantum Bit (Qubit)'Shuffling'as Added Security by Slipstreaming Q-Morse". J Ronczka. 2016. ieeexplore.ieee.org Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on .... 0 cites.
  92. "Digital asset intermediary electronic settlement platform". DR Wilson, S Hirani, WE Saraniecki.... 2016. Google Patents US Patent App. 15 .... 0 cites.
  93. "Digital asset intermediary electronic settlement platform". DR Wilson, S Hirani, WE Saraniecki.... 2016. Google Patents US Patent App. 15 .... 0 cites.
  94. "Decentralized utilization incentives in electronic cash". JL Rubin. 2016. *dspace.mit.edu *. 0 cites.
  95. "5.4 Design Considerations for Immersive Data-Driven Narratives". M Cordeil, M Hancock, P Isenberg.... 2016. pdfs.semanticscholar.org Immersive .... 0 cites.
  96. "3.21 Indian property bubble". LA Patterson, CAK Koller. 2015. books.google.com Boom & Bust: A Look at Economic .... 0 cites.
  97. "FP7-288021". I Apostol, P Dini, A Kioupkiolis, P Klaus, G Littera. 2013. internet-science.eu COMPARE. 0 cites.
  98. "Evolution's Next Domain, the Symbology". N Gogerty. 2013. *papers.ssrn.com *. 0 cites.
  99. "Enigma Catalyst: A machine-based investing platform and infrastructure for crypto-assets". G Zyskind, C Kisagun, C Fromknecht. 0. enigma.co. 0 cites.
  100. "OmniLedger: A Secure, Scale-Out, Decentralized Ledger via Sharding". E Kokoris-Kogias, P Jovanovic, L Gasser, N Gailly.... 0. pdfs.semanticscholar.org. 0 cites.

Republished with permission from the original source: https://blockchainlibrary.org/2017/11/most-cited-atomic-swaps-publications/


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