JACS is the result of combining Blockchain and Connection -Less Network Services

in #blockchain4 years ago


With JACS, the hard work and cost of having a valid alternative to IPv4 that would be globally recognizable is done through JACS and its community. If you’re a valid IPv4 block owner, you’re allowed to acquire JACS blocks totally free of charge, relative to your IPv4 holdings, that will be more than enough for your current and probably needs for three decades to come. (Proof of ownership that will be explained later in this paper) If you are not a current IPv4 block owner, you can still acquire JACS blocks for your project, company, organization or even if you intend to run and operate a service provider or telco operator. The cost associated with a JACS block is minimal compared to the cost of an IPv4 or even an IPv6 address, moreover you don’t need to worry about any maintenance or operation cost, meaning that the cost per JACS block is a once-off, life-time cost. You’ll be associated block(s) according to your need over the blockchain.

JACS aims to change the way data networks currently work. JACS is a new communications stack that is totally different than the TCP/IP stack. JACS allows nodes to perform regular actions like surfing the Internet, interconnecting and much more. At a very high level; JACS is the result of combining Blockchain and Connection -Less Network Services (CLNS) ,with its 160 -bits NSAP addresses. There are many drivers behind the creation of JACS, like: IPv4 address depletion, centralized address allocation and Internet routing system security.

JACS enables Web 3.0 evolution by providing a decentralised data communication stack that allows existing distributed applications and services to operate and develop so as to achieve the realities of the future. Allowing the inter-connectivity of every grain of sand on the planet and even beyond.

With a decentralised, blockchain based, communications stack there will be no single top authority and no regional or local authorities.

Global unique addresses will be assigned and administrated over blockchain, thus fulfilling all general guidelines like administrative decentralisation and data abstraction, plus hardening the security of the Internet routing system. Most importantly, there will be no maintenance or recurring renewal fees for blocks of addresses.

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A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. This allows the participants to verify and audit transactions inexpensively. They are authenticated by mass collaboration powered by collective self-interests. It is composed of a growing list of blocks, securely linked between each other through cryptography. Every block contains a hash pointer to a parent block, a timestamp and transactions’ data. There are two kinds of records: transactions and blocks. Blocks hold batches of valid transactions that are hashed and encoded into a Merkle tree.

Each block includes the hashof the prior block in the blockchain, linking the two. The linked blocks form a chain. This interativeprocess confirms the integrity of the previous block, all the way back to the original genesis block (first block). Blockchain has huge implications for a wide range of applications. It points the digital economy towards a new generation of internet -The Internet of Value -where people can send information and exchange valuable digital assets like currencies, property titles and identity information, in a trustworthy way.

Blockchain transactions can happen without the involvement of centralised transaction management structures, like banks, stock exchanges and government agencies. It can store transactional history in a transparent and secure way, so that the chances of fraud, hacking and interference are eliminated. The technology could therefore revolutionize business transactions. The addition of new valid block is determined through a distributed consensus mechanism. The consensus is an emerging artefact representing the agreement reached by over than thousands of nodes on the blocks added to the blockchain. The most popular consensus algorithms are Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). As opposed to PoW, that depends on the hashing power used to mine blocks; PoS depends on the number of stakeholders, the concentration of stake and also how much actual value is there in the blockchain.

Blockchain for JACS

Blockchain is a vital component in JACS platform, it performs many functions, like:

•Address allocation

•Address registry

•Route Origin verification and validation

•Security of allocation and advertisement, thus preventing any security breach in the Internetrouting system, i.e. BGP Hijacking

•Crowdfunding (private Sale, Pre-Crowdfund and public Crowdfund)

•Rewarding for existing IPv4 blocks owners

•Incentivizing the community and early adopters

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JACS and blockchain

JACS will use the Ethereum public blockchain in its early phases of operation as well as during the crowdfund. The crowdfund will depend on deploying Smart Contracts with the locked value inside, so the escrow function will be transparent, and the outcomes will be clear as will be detailed in the crowd-fund section.

JACS phases that will leverage Ethereum in their operation will be:




•Official Release, Version-19.

1EthereumEthereum has a built-in Turing-complete programming language that allow developers to easily write smart contracts. Every operation in the network is triggered by transactions between accounts, that can be externally owned accounts (EOAs), owned and controlled by users, and contract accounts, associated to a smart contract which code and state stored with the account itself. Being a public blockchain, any party can create one or more EOAs and any party can run a smart contract in Ethereum.

Ethereum has implemented a PoW-based consensus mechanism. Miners are rewarded in Ether(Ethereum Cryptocurrency) for the storage and processing power they contribute to. Users who want to run a smart contract, or to interact with a smart contract, issue a transaction in the Ethereum network which includes a transaction fee payable to the miners. The value of the transaction fee is set by the user generating the transaction and should reflect the number of operation steps to be performed to accomplish a certain work and the priority that the user wants to get from the blockchain miners, as higher transaction fees imply that the transaction will be processed earlier by the miners.

Transaction confirmation times are estimated around 10 to 15 seconds, depending on storage needs, code complexity and bandwidth usage. 9.1.1Smart Contracts The phrase smart contract was first coined by Nick Szabo. It refers to the verification, monitoring and execution of contracts including transfer of money using a software implementation. While it is possible to implement certain simple smart contracts in the original Bitcoin protocol, Ethereum was the first open Blockchain to be explicitly designed with programmability of smart contracts in mind.

JACS Tokenomics
Maximum Token Supply: 536,870,912 (2^29: 2 to the Power of 29)
Token Symbol: JACS
Standard: ERC-20
Decimals: 18
Token Function: Utility token over JACS Platform
Platform: Ethereum dApp then native JACS blockchain Q1, 2022
Creation Date: Q4, 2020
Rewards: 18.75% Reserve 18.75% Crowdfund 62.5% Distribution

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for more info:

Website: https://www.jacs.tech/

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viaBlockLTD

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Moustafaamin77

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/viablock

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JACSTECH/

Telegram: https://t.me/jacstech

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICHtYggmdDTRJsPdOBs-GQ


Bitcoin profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1033334

Bitcoin username: Em00n01
Eth: 0x1853dba72ea5BB376993C8996DDc53107b28274f

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