EOSUnion Blockchain 101 | 12 Introduction to cryptocurrency Investment: Cryptocurrency Selection Guideline(Part 2) 区块链讲座第12期 区块链小白投资入门之【选币指南2】

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


In the last class, we introduced the top five mainstream cryptocurrencies. Let’s recall a little bit: they are “Digital Gold” Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), the Ripple Coin (XRP), Bitcoin's Forkcoin Bit Cash (BCH) and the current supernova EOS with high TPS performance. Then in this class, we will talk about the five cryptocurrencies NO.6-NO.10.

NO.6 Stellar Coin (XLM)

Stellar, a cryptocurrency project initiated by Jed McCaleb, the former founder of the Ripple Coin (XRP), is used to build a decentralized gateway for transmission between digital and fiat currencies.

The payment network created by Stellar is similar to the Ripple payment network function we talked about in the previous class. It also functions as a bridge currency in the system, acting as an intermediate between various currencies. At the same time, the Stellar system relies on Bitcoin blockchain technology to connect 180 currencies in the world in 2 to 5 seconds, connecting banks, payment systems, and the general public, thus reducing transaction costs and time delays caused by cross-border payments.

At present, many commercial organizations, including IBM and Deloitte, participate directly or indirectly in the payment system of the stellar network. Stellar's platform ecosystem began to build.

It’s almost certain that Stellar will be a strong competitor of Ripple in the future, because it is based on Ripple's technical code modification, and the business alignment of the two organizations is also very high. As for who can win in this user battle, it is not known at present, but we may be able to enjoy the convenience of payment after they compete.

NO.7 Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin (LTC) is actually a digital currency based on micro-improvements of Bitcoin open source code.

Compared to Bitcoin, it has three significant differences:

(1) The Litecoin network can process one block every 2.5 minutes (rather than 10 minutes), thus providing faster transaction confirmation;

(2) The Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million Litecoins, which is four times the amount of currency issued by the Bitcoin network.

(3) Litecoin uses a new encryption algorithm in its proof of work algorithm, which makes it easier to perform Litecoin mining on a regular computer compared to Bitcoin (of course it is basically impossible now).

From a personal point of view, Litecoin is difficult to pose a threat to Bitcoin at the monetary level, and its strong currency attributes restrict it from hitting other digital currencies at other levels. In the long run, it will inevitably be caught up by a latecomer, and its value will drop.


TEDA (USDT) is the token Tether USD for Tether's benchmark US dollar (USD). 1USDT = 1 USD, users can use USDT and USD for 1:1 exchange at any time. The essence is a virtual currency that links the cryptocurrency to the legal currency, which determines its two advantages:

(1) Make the price of USDT more intuitive

USDT is equivalent to the US dollars, which means 1USDT = 1 USD. In other words, USDT’s unit price is the same as the US dollars, which makes the USDT price more intuitive to the public. And this also brings its second advantage:

(2) A really stable currency to avoid the overall downside risk

From the last class, we learned that if we want to buy other digital currencies, we must first convert the currency into a mainstream digital currency such as BTC/ETH, and then use BTC/ETH to exchange other digital currencies, so in this currency to currency transaction, there are three common situations, taking the XRP/BTC transaction as an example:

After buying XRP with BTC, both BTC and XRP are rising, and you enjoy two benefits;

After buying XRP with BTC, BTC and XRP will rise and fall one by one, and your income depends on which of the two is higher or lower;

After buying XRP with BTC, the extreme market, both currencies are falling, you need to bear two losses.

So every time you encounter a third extreme market, the user can replace the digital currencies in the account with USDT, thus achieving the intention of hedging.

NO.9 Ida (ADA)

The ADA is the digital currency issued by Cardano, a smart contract platform.

Cardano is a concept and technology innovation based on learning and inheriting the advantages of the existing basic public chain. It hopes to finally solve the current defects of the basic public chains in the three aspects: scale, interactivity, and sustainability. It becomes a new generation of underlying basic public chain that is more convenient, faster and smarter.

Then let's see what innovations it has made:

(1) Layered eco. The whole system is divided into two levels, the settlement layer, and the calculation layer, to solve the problems of the two levels of currency and smart contract;

(2) The balance between freedom and regulation. In Cardano's design philosophy, the regulatory requirements are fully considered, and the privacy of the user is considered as much as possible, and an optimal balance between the two is sought. For example, if necessary and the user is willing to do so, KYC (customer identity) and AML (flow of funds) information can be submitted in a targeted manner to meet the most basic regulatory requirements;

(3) Sustainability. Most of the evolution of blockchain upgrades is achieved at the tragic cost of hard forks, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Caldano is a public-chain evolution through community voting, which is somewhat similar to EOS;

(4) A new proof of equity mechanism. Cardono uses the unique Ouroboros algorithm and claims to be the first “peer-reviewed” and “provable security” equity proof consensus algorithm (but actually similar to the DPOS consensus mechanism).

These innovative practices have determined that Cardano is more likely to cooperate with the government in the future, which means that Cardano is more likely to achieve greater success with the support of the government than other chains.

NO.10 Monroe Coin (XMR)

Monroe Coin (XMR), a digital currency based on CryptoNote technology, provides better anonymity through Ring Signatures.

What does the ring signature mean? In the blockchain network of Monroe, the network first mixes the signer's public key (it can be understood as the bank card number, there will be a detailed explanation about the public key in the following classes) with another public key, and then sign the message, which makes it impossible for the outside world to distinguish which public key in the collection corresponds to the real signer.

This is very similar to the joint letter in ancient China. In order not to expose the initiator, all people signed to form a ring, and there is no order so that others do not know who is the initiator. With the anonymity of Monroe, even the person who transfers the coin does not know which address the coin is given to, and the person accepting the coin only opens the wallet and does not know who transferred the coin.

This is both its biggest advantage and its biggest weakness. Privacy is valuable, but it can also make criminal activity impunity. The hybrid transaction of Monroe is easy to use for illegal financial transactions, such as money laundering and the sale of illegal drugs, which will eventually lead to government intervention.

No matter what kind of digital currency, its essence is the assets formed by consensus. Their value depends on how much people are optimistic about the project potential behind them. So before deciding to trade a certain digital currency, think about it. It is still a decision made after independent thinking, Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious in the digital currency world!



NO.6 恒星币(XLM)

恒星币(Stellar),一个由前瑞波币创始人Jed McCaleb发起的数字货币项目,用于搭建一个数字货币与法定货币之间传输的去中心化网关。




NO.7 莱特币(LTC)







NO.8 泰达币(USDT)

泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的对标美元(USD)的代币Tether USD。1USDT = 1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。其本质就是一种将加密货币与法定货币美元挂钩的虚拟货币,这决定了它具有以下两大优点:


因为USDT与美元是等值的,1USDT = 1美元,而每个币种 = 多少USDT,也就是它的单价是多少美元。而这也引出它的第二个优点:







NO.9 艾达币(ADA)









NO.10 门罗币(XMR)

门罗币(XMR),它是基于CryptoNote技术发行的一种数字货币,该技术通过数字环签名(Ring Signatures)提供更好的匿名性。





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