KitToken is a stable eco-financial system based on blockchain technology
What is KitToken
Customers can use Kitpay in 4 categories:
- ERC 20 Wallet Tokens
- Paper Wallet
- FIAT to Cryptos
- Single Adress Accounts
- A safe and secure environment
- Link traders and individuals
- Low cost, fast and reliable transactions
- Profit sharing among holders
- Business activities supported by strong assets
- The technology of self-regulation and global money transfer
KitToken Strategy
KitToken Motivation:
Current Conditions of Cash
Cash remains the dominant force in any economy. The money will always change at any time. And this is what opens the way for updates and payment methods for the new version of the Kitpay method.KitPay needs
In the future, Kitpay technology will make it possible to develop in the area of financial transactions to be even better to meet its demand for new currencies. This allows faster and faster and safer payment methods.Crypto Regulations
Most countries are developing regulatory guidelines for using cryptocurrency as a method of payment.
Token sales:
- Token name: KitToken
- Symbol: KIT
- Decimal: 18
- Cost per token: $0.05
- Total Supply: 8 Billion
- For Reserve: 2.5 Billion
- For sale: 3.5 Billion
- Airdrop and Bonuses: 2 Billion
- Contract Address : 0x080eB7238031F97Ff011e273D6CaD5ad0c2dE532
JULY 2017
Concept design
Conduct research between ASEAN countries regarding currency markets and currency transfersOCTOBER 2017
Conduct technical specifications and surveys about user experience in money transfers
To make a new and inexpensive payment method, it is also reliable to approach travel agentsDECEMBER 2017
Building network among corporate and cryptocurrency network
Approach financial and technical partners
Constructing a human resource requirement for operational purposes
Q1&2 of 2018
Finalizing necessary financial procedure with local and international bodiesFEBRUARY 2018
Development of KIT token website and wallet
Establishment of Technical partnersAPRIL 2018
Establishing KitToken alpha platform and whitepaper preparationJULY 2018
On July 7, 2018, the ASIA Summit held a meeting on the World crypto blockchain assets
Kit Token airdrops and establishment in all possible social media
The launch of KitToken pre-sale on July 20, 2018
Q2&3 of 2018
Launching of KitToken ICO
Bonus 30% 1st - 10th - I phase of ICO
Bonus 20% 11th - 20th - II phase of ICO.SEPTEMBER 2018
Version 1.0 mobile application and launch of the KitPay web wallet programOCTOBER 2018
Business development and strengthening of partnerships
Exposing KitToken actively through an international forum
2019 and 2020
Launching KitToken.Inc travel and tour project
Partnership with the local and international bank
Listing on a major exchangeQ2
Launching KitToken Neurosciences Project
Listing on major exchangeQ3
Launching KitToken Petroleum Bunkering Project
Listing on another big exchange2020
Launching More mega projects in future
Listing on nearly 25 big exchanges
Type of token
Utility token and is now subjected to the howey test
Pre-sale and ICO information
Event Early Bird sale :
Bonus 70%
20th to 25th JulyBonus 50%
26th to 31st July
ICO sale:
Bonus 30%
1st phase -August 1st to 10thBonus 20%
2nd phase-August 11th to 20th
KitToken ICO
For those of you who want to participate or contribute to this project please visit the official website that has been given and the opportunity has been opened for those of you who want to take the opportunity
Watch the following short video to help you get closer to this platform, so you feel comfortable with this platform
To get more complete information, please visit the official website that has been provided for you:
100% unique
Author Information:
: 0x98EA6b4E05Af3181001E6eD3A87bcA27C8A7ddFe

The concept of your project is so luxurious and very promising.
Thanks to the team that worked hard on this project. I support You,
good luck!
Thank you for your support
I saw on twitter KitToken will be listed in IQFINEX after ICO.. this project going to success
Thank you for your appreciation
KitToken — Pertukaran Uang Crypto yang Mudah dan Menguntungkan
thank you