ZERO CARBON PROJECT: Tackling climate change using the blockchain and International carbon credits .

in #blockchain6 years ago


CLIMATE CHANGE: An alarming threat.

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather within the context of longer-term average conditions. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiations received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to as global warming. There is no general agreement in scientific, media or policy documents as to the precise term to be used to refer to anthropogenic forced change; either “global warming” or “climate change” may be used.


What is Zero Carbon Project all about ?

Zero Carbon Project is all set to deal with the climate change by impacting carbon emissions. Zero Carbon Project has given the solution that provides a better and quicker material impact than just providing renewable energy which may take much more years for mass adoption. Zero carbon project team members do this by leveraging international carbon credits to offset carbon emissions of energy contracts which is very much cheaper than buying renewables but just as effective in reducing total carbon output and also leverage the Ethereum blockchain to reward it’s consumers with Energis tokens for consuming zero carbon energy.
The Project’s goals are to have an material impact on carbon emissions all over the world. Project has designed a two part solution which uses Zero Carbon Markets to deliver a lower price energy contract and Energis tokens as a reward mechanism to provide the catalyst for change. The diagram below illustrates the Zero Carbon Project solution. The following sections will explain the two parts in more detail.



Project’s Customer base include consumers, initially from crypto-community and energy suppliers. Consumers will benefit from lower priced energy contracts when switching to a zero carbon energy contract and will
receive Energis token rewards for their contribution to tackling climate change. Energy suppliers benefit by gaining new customers. The Market receives Energis tokens as payment for using platform. The following diagram summarises the benefits received by customers.



Energis tokens is designed to be valuable in order to provide the catalyst for change and to provide incentives for consumers to contribute towards dealing with the climate change. Zero Carbon Markets will aim to offer cost savings to encourage consumers to switch to zero carbon energy but not so large enough savings to attract their attention. Therefore, rewarding consumers with Energis tokens provides an extra incentive to make the switch.

The following diagram shows how Energis tokens have been designed to capture future utility value. Zero carbon project has effectively tokenised the future value which future customers will receive from using the Zero Carbon
Market. This has been done by requiring energy suppliers to pay transaction fees using Energis tokens every time a zero carbon energy contract is entered into, which creates an internal demand for Energis tokens.
Some of these Energis tokens are recycled back to the consumers as rewards. Energis token owners can then hold them or sell them back to energy suppliers through a third party crypto-exchange.


As the customer base increases, the demand for Energis tokens will increase (as more contracts will exist under which the transaction fees must be paid, increasing total amount of transaction fees payable to the Zero Carbon Project each year). As the Energis token supply is fixed, the demand-supply equilibrium drives value into Energis tokens. Token holders may offer to sell based on their own estimate of future consumer numbers and total future utility value that will be produced by the Zero Carbon Market. This is the Energis token economy.

Energy suppliers pay transaction fees by default. However, consumers can choose to pay transaction fees. In this instance, the energy supplier may pass through their transaction fee cost savings to the consumer by providing a lower electricity price.
Transaction fees are charged in Energis token. The amount of fees payable is dependent on the amount of energy consumed and is calculated using following formula:
TF = AQ x R x G
TF => transaction fee payable in NRG
AQ => number of kWh consumed under the contract with Zero Carbon energy provider per annum
R = USD0.01/kWh
G = applicable NRG:USD exchange rate.

The Zero Carbon Project’s goals are to deliver an immediate and material impact on global carbon emissions by providing consumers with lower zero carbon prices than energy from fossil fuels. Our Zero Carbon Market aims to deliver lower prices to energy consumers while switching them to zero carbon energy. It does this by leveraging cheap but effective international carbon credits. This section explains how the Market works and how it can deliver better prices than energy sourced form fossil fuel. The Market provides the facility for energy suppliers to list the prices of their energy contracts for
consumers to consider. The Market lists competing zero carbon energy contracts from different energy suppliers and provides this information to consumers to assess on a like-for-like cost comparison with other offers and the consumer’s existing energy contract. The consumer then considers the offers and may choose one, with the contract entered into with the energy supplier outside of the platform. The energy supplier then supplies the energy and bills the consumer directly.



The following summary is a brief summary only and should be read in conjunction with the rest of project’s Whitepaper the link to which is included at the end of this article and including, most importantly, the Terms of Sale and Risks Disclosure (each of which are incorporated by reference and which are available on the Website (
Energis tokens may not be suitable for all potential purchasers, so buyer should obtain professional legal, financial, accounting and tax advice before making decision to buy Energis tokens.

TOKEN SELLER: Zero Carbon Pty Ltd (ABN 84625590758) (“Zero Carbon Project”)




PROJECT NAME: Zero Carbon Project (“Project”)

Total Token Supply: 240,000,000 total supply as outlined in Section 17 (“Total Energis token supply”)

Sale period: Private pre-sale
From 1st May up until a week prior to commencement of the public pre-sale or until 28,000,000 Energis tokens are sold.
Public pre-sale: Dates to be announced
Public main sale: Dates to be announced

Maximum Sale target: Selling 121,330,000 NRG to raise ETH equivalent to USD 20 million.
Private pre-sale: 28,000,000 NRG
Public pre-sale: 33,330,000 NRG
Public main sale: 60,000,000 NRG

Minimum sale target: Public pre-sale: ETH equivalent to USD 2 million. Private pre-sale proceeds contribute to this target.

Price per Energis token: ETH price to be set at commencement of sale round, as outlined in the section 18 of whitepaper, based on following USD equivalent
Public pre-sale: USD0.15
Public main sale: USD0.20

Payment methods: ETH, to be transferred directly to the digital address specified on Website.

For more information about the project, Please read official whitepaper and visit the following links.







Author of this article:;u=1142652

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