SALT: Blochain Backed Loan

in #blockchain7 years ago

I bought SALT last year, and today, I just signed for SALT membership.

I am waiting for the verification. Who knows what the future holds?

Here is an abstract of the new Lending company.
Please, take your time and read: it is very interesting.

I have also attached the link for the membership for anyone interested!

"Let's all make a smart move and make profits"


SALT is a membership based lending and borrowing
network that allows users to leverage their
blockchain assets to secure cash loans. Our Secured
Automated Lending Technology is a protocol and
asset agnostic architecture designed to adapt to the
constantly growing class of blockchain assets. The
system is designed such that, if you have an asset you
want to hold on to, you can borrow the asset you want
to spend, regardless of credit history or geographic
constraints. The SALT Platform is automated,
efficient, and cryptographically secure. It offers a
compelling solution to the problem many consumers
face when they need or want cash to make a
purchase, but do not wish to liquidate their assets.
Instead of selling, SALT enables the members of the
SALT Lending Platform (Members) to leverage the
value of certain digital assets, thereby giving them
access to cash, offsetting tax events, avoiding
exchange fees and maintaining their long position in
the asset they hold. SALT is a lending platform
specifically designed for blockchain assets;
operating as a second layer protocol which sits atop
any public or permissioned blockchain, allowing the
underlying asset to be used as collateral for access to
SALT also offers lenders a powerful, globally
available solution to access a rapidly expanding and
immediately addressable borrower base, while
providing new tools for managing lender risk. Unlike
traditional forms of collateral, such as real estate and
automobiles, blockchain assets are divisible,
fungible, and in many cases instantly transferrable.
These potential advantages can be fully realized with
SALT’s volatility risk mitigating technology.

  1. Our Vision
    People are happiest when they have access to the
    things they need or want. This is called purchasing
    power and it’s what credit provides. Over the years,
    the lending landscape has gone through several
    periods of change, and blockchain technology is
    driving the next evolution. Income-based lending is
    borrowing from the future to spend money today.
    This exists in contrast to asset-based lending, which
    is a form of monetizing assets already owned. At
    SALT Lending, we see a future where people worry
    less about their credit score and spend more time
    recording and monetizing the assets they already
    have. We seek to enable a new way of monetizing an
    ever-expanding universe of blockchain assets.
    At SALT, we believe that in the not too distant
    future, ownership of all assets will be recorded and
    transferred on various blockchains. The increasing
    recognition of personal assets, at low cost and in a
    secure and immutable way, will offer consumers
    greater financial freedom. The SALT Lending
    Platform is a system that seeks to give value to
    previously latent capital, unlocking the wealth within
    physical and social assets, providing a new source of
    money creation.
  2. Background
    Created in the wake of the global financial crisis,
    Bitcoin, and its underlying blockchain technology,
    sparked a wave of innovation that has changed the
    way people think about transferring and storing
    value. The distributed ledger technology that
    underpins Bitcoin, and other digital assets,
    decentralizes the tasks of tracking and validating
    financial transactions. This technological
    breakthrough streamlines settlement systems that
    had previously relied on fallible third-party
    intermediaries. The intrinsic benefit of this new
    technology has led to explosive growth in
    blockchain-based assets, which exist within a highly
    secure digital infrastructure. Reliance on
    intermediaries that introduce counterparty and
    settlement risk, in the context of blockchain assets,
    has been replaced by trustless, open-value networks
    which operate without the constraints of
    geographical borders or market hours.
    Holders of digital assets have limited liquidity
    options in today’s cash based digital economy.
    Bitcoin was the first peer-to-peer electronic cash
    system enabling trustless transfer of value and we are
    witnessing the emergence of a new asset class based
    on value networks. Some of these blockchain assets
    are natively digital, others are digitized forms of
    traditional assets which, like Bitcoin, face critical
    liquidity challenges.
    Resolving liquidity challenges is important because
    spending drives growth in economies and is based on
    the summation of money and credit available.
    Bitcoin and its associated blockchain technology
    created an efficient, trustless cash network free from
    expropriation through unknown inflation, but
    Bitcoin’s inventor Satoshi Nakamoto neglected to
    address credit. Credit links savers and borrowers and
    is as important as cash markets to an economy’s
    financial development, because it represents
    spending in the economy on an order of magnitude
    greater than cash based transactions. Distributed
    ledger technology allows for transaction and
    settlement without counterparty risk. However, the
    purchasing power held within this new blockchain
    technology need not be limited to assets held. The
    access to credit provided by the SALT Lending
    Platform is intended to let the world of blockchains
    grow beyond the economic limitations of simply
    buying and liquidating assets. Credit is not only an
    important economic factor, it is a vital component of
    personal financial freedom and, along with asset
    accumulation, gives individuals greater purchasing
    power. Crypto-credit products, like those accessible
    through the SALT Lending Platform, offer a
    revolution in personal finance by granting control
    over the medium of exchange to owners of
    blockchain asset based wealth who wish to preserve
    their assets, rather than spend them.
    Traditional financial institutions often face
    significant challenges adapting to changing
    landscapes. This is especially true of the assetbacked
    credit market, where there is still no product
    offering an adequate solution for monetizing the
    value of blockchain assets without forcing
    liquidation. Technological, custodial and regulatory
    barriers have prevented existing financial service
    companies from overcoming the risk needed to
    operate in a system without centralized oversight.
    This has left blockchain asset holders with limited
    borrowing options in today’s digital economy.
    SALT’s Secured Automated Lending Technology
    creates a solution that removes many of the barriers
    that have kept traditional financial institutions, and
    their capital, from serving the rapidly growing base
    of individuals and businesses holding assets on
    blockchains. The SALT Lending Platform provides
    the tools to mitigate the risk of asset price volatility
    and borrower default, giving investors the ability to
    safely lend against blockchain assets.
    A blockchain asset is a natively digital asset like
    Bitcoin or a digitized traditional asset like digital
    gold, a stock, or a title; where the record of
    ownership is recorded within a public or
    permissioned distributed ledger network. All
    blockchain assets have the potential to be used as
    collateral for Blockchain-Backed LoansÔ, subject to
    lender determined collateral suitability.
    The SALT Lending Platform is intended to facilitate
    the creation of lending agreements, secure and
    monitor the value of the blockchain assets acting as
    collateral, and automatically enforce the terms of
    each smart contract credit agreement. This low-cost,
    efficient technology gives investors and institutions
    a way to lend against a new asset class, while
    addressing the needs of a massively underserved
    borrower base. It is also designed to provide a new
    way for individuals to access the value of their
    blockchain assets that does not involve a liquidation
    of their asset. Deficiencies inherent in traditional
    forms of collateral can increase costs to borrowers,
    decrease liquidity, and necessitate the need for
    income-based credit evaluation. SALT’s technology
    was built to address these shortcomings, while
    emphasizing the aspects of blockchain assets that
    make them a functional form of collateral -
    divisibility, fungibility, and transferability. With
    SALT, blockchain assets are transformed into
    collateral that can be incrementally liquidated in a
    calibration process intended to ensure
    overcollateralization in a fast, trustless, and secure
    process. Blockchain-Backed Loans™ offer a new
    mechanism through which lenders can indirectly
    gain exposure to digital assets in a regulated
    environment with sophisticated tools for managing
    the risks associated with lending.

(Credit: SALT)

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