Blockchaining The World Out Of Poverty (LV)

in #blockchain6 years ago

Once in a while a technology comes along and changes everything
Initially only a few visionaries see a future in it and adopt it
Gradually everyone sees what the visionaries saw
The change becomes the norm
The world changes....


In 2015, 193 countries came together to pledge unanimous support to eradicate extreme poverty, hunger and 15 other goals by 2030. Three years into the Agenda 2030, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) have been accumulating a funding gap at the rate of $2.5 trillion per year. Latest data indicates that the world is not on track to reach the 2030 Agenda.

Time Is Running Out

We need to act urgently to drive progress,” UN Secretary General Guterres remarked in his latest concern regarding financing the 2030 Agenda.

As the UN Agenda 2030 goals get impossible to achieve on account of the trillions in cumulative funding deficit, the critics demand urgency and accountability.

But there’s still hope.

There’s hope because the global private sector still has trillions sitting on the sidelines unutilized.

There’s hope, because sustainability can be a profitable global business opportunity worth $12.5 trillion for the private sector.

There’s hope because there’s indeed much surplus wealth in the world that could be put to good use only if safe, secure and risk free mechanism existed.

There’s hope because SDG One is taking the initiative to mobilize a new radical approach to fund sustainability without risking any funds. It is the next generation crowdfunding that exclusively uses influence and no cash:


This invention relates to a novel decentralized computer-enabled platform and system for incentivized and equitable sharing and monetization of influence amongst peers for raising funds for novel projects without anyone actually having to pay for it in monetary terms. More specifically it discloses a new generation of crowdfunding 4.0 platforms that do not involve or risk cash investments in any form of fiat currency or crytocurrency, but exclusively use influence of peers to fund projects. It is also a means of impact investing to plug the annual funding gap of trillions that’s hampering United Nation’s Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs). Such impact investing exclusively uses the influence of SDG signatory countries, their nominees or sustainability stakeholders from private sector or a combination thereof to crowdfund global sustainability projects that include but not limited to UN’s SDGs or China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Sociopolitical Will

There’s hope because a cause like SDGs can mobilize collective influence of signatory countries. Coming together and collating their influence, the nations will have no desire to break the new system, because they’re all in it together for common good.

And, more importantly their engagement earns them a consistent income without having to risk their own capital.

Call To Action

Sustainability impacts every living being as well as future generations to come.
Join up to share your influence in whatever way you can.

No human being is devoid of some influence to make a difference in this world.
If you think you have zero influence to influence another soul, let’s just show you one simple way to make a difference:


Make some noise with your claps, loud enough to be heard far and wide.

So Help Me God

Credits: This article was first published on Medium

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