Blockchain Network Takes on ‘Flawed’ Steemit by Offering Lifetime Earnings to Creators

in #blockchain6 years ago

Blockchain Network Takes on 'Defective' Steemit by Offering Lifetime Earnings to Creators740_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy82YjY3NTk0MmI0ZGViNDYyMGQ2MDFmNDQwZjRlYjk3Ny5qcGc=.jpg

A blockchain-based organization is propelling a substance rewards stage that remunerates designers – and says its stage gloats convincing focal points over "exploitative" standard adversaries, at the same time tending to blemishes in other crypto-driven destinations which offer a comparable idea.

UUNIO needs its administration to undermine any semblance of YouTube, where it asserts some substance makers are scarcely given $500 regardless of whether they gather a million perspectives. It is likewise railing against web mammoths, for example, Facebook, which makes billions of dollars multi year on the back of individual information and publicizing – riches which is never imparted to its clients. Copyright encroachment is additionally an issue, with juvenile performers very frequently finding their work has been ripped off by different records.

In any case, maybe most intriguing is UUNIO's arrangement to challenge other blockchain stages which pay individuals to post online – and Steemit is one of the systems solidly in the organization's sights.

As indicated by UUNIO, Steemit's upvoting framework is imperfect in light of the fact that the influence conveyed by a solitary vote is controlled by the cash held in a client's record. The organization says this has left littler substance makers attempting to acquire better than average pay except if their work is perceived by a "whale" – somebody with critical Steem Power. To intensify the issue, Steemit just pays out prizes for the initial seven days that a post is live, which means makers of evergreen viral substance could conceivably pass up a major opportunity for long periods of income.

UUNIO's answer is to give approach voting capacity to all – wiping out the danger of self-voting and guaranteeing that a couple of clients can't control the destinies of a huge number more. The organization asserts a vast piece of its locale would need to cooperate to manhandle the framework – significance there is less possibility of control. Its stage would likewise get rid of the idea of a remuneration period, with UUNIO raising the whimsical thought that makers could utilize the yearly income on immortal substance for an annuity.

In time, the startup plans to manufacture "another existence where a ton of makers can get completely compensated" – outfitted with a commercial center where substance can be purchased and sold without commission.

A suite of decentralized applications

UUNIO would be bolstered by a suite of other decentralized applications (dApps) which expect to shake up online audits, the universe of news, and putting resources into ICOs.

A cryptographic money wallet called CLET would be utilized for saving and pulling back UUNIO tokens, and additionally bending over as a trade. Upon dispatch in August, the organization additionally trusts it will end up being a "complete ICO stage" where financial specialists can take an interest in beginning coin contributions – or basically exchange coins to companions.

Another dApp called UUNIREVIEW means to handle the deceptive nature found in some online tributes, with the organization promising "legitimate surveys without obstruction from sponsorships." Users would get rewards at whatever point they compose an audit – regardless of whether it's great or terrible – and the startup trusts this straightforwardness would give buyers the "true and helpful data they require" to settle on acquiring choices.

This would be supplemented by UUNIPRESS, which would clash with media outlets that make "misrepresented articles just to acquire more activity." The organization trusts this stage would be home to dependable news articles, with essayists remunerated in tokens for "exact and shrewd" substance.


great post full of info really helpful

@cheetah why your upvote cannot effect my steem

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