
Crypto economy or the countries economy?

Countries economy since most of them are cyclist :)

For a country like India, where people prefer saving over investing, does create a effect on the economy.

Hmm how is India related to cyclist? If you ever been to Netherlands, their main transport is bicycle. How is that not collapsing their economy lolz. You can ignore me if you just want to give some plain answer :)

That phrase was by an Indian. And he referred it to India. India also has a lot of cyclist. If you're comparing Indian population to Netherlands than comparing people with cycle in India still is a large number.

Now Netherlands economy is not effected because, people there prefer investing more than saving. While in India there's Trillions of USD locked up in banks.
In a basic economy, for a countries economy to grow, you need the money to be circulated. It needs to go around to complete an economic cycle.

Correct me if am wrong.

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