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RE: Hello, world.

in #blockchaindev5 years ago

Let's see where this goes ! Following with great interest...
How do you plan to keep us informed code-wise ? Everything will be on Github since day 1 ? Maybe do some Twitch streams from time to time if you don't mind. As a coder, I would love to see as much of the process as possible.
Wish you the best in your journey !


Most likely Github, but I probably won't post code until the architectural decisions are made, and a non-trivial amount of functionality's been implemented.

Cool, then I'm eagerly waiting on updates :D
How do you plan on taking these architectural decisions ? You already got the ideas and just need to implement them or are some "big" points still unclear ?
Anyway, have fun coding ! And if you feel like it once you've made some headway, live streaming some coding (and maybe some Q&A with people following the project) could be really nice. If you manage to build a little community even before the chain is launched, it would greatly improve its chance of success.

By the way, I made a little post about my thoughts on Steem DPoS and how to fix it to prevent any more hostile takeovers in the future. It's short, if you want to give it a read :
We never know, that might be similar to what you're thinking of (in the case you're staying with DPoS of course).

I second this

I suscribe your words , will follow this project too.

Live development update. Cool!