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RE: Steem Proposal System will be completed on Monday

Hey, @blocktrades.

Going an extra week past a deadline that didn't originally include extra work and more testing is more than fine as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather as smooth and complete a hard fork as possible than one that was late, not quite finished, or rushed to completion. While I'm not an expert, it seems to me like you've all done an excellent job in getting the work done, getting the work right, and having Steemit Inc cooperating/collaborating in this is awesome, too.

Maybe this can open the door to future joint projects beyond the worker proposal.

So, from the looks of things, the individual proposing some kind of work be done will also set the terms of payment and the scope of the project, then the rest of us can decide if we like it or not? I'm not clear on what the minimum vote threshold is to greenlight a job? Is there an expectation that 51% of account holders will vote for it? My guess is, there must be a smaller amount (you'll be lucky if 20% of active users even know about the proposals, let alone vote for them, the way things work around here. :)

Will it be up to the individuals proposing the work to essential market it? Aside from looking on the worker proposal website on a frequent basis, will there be any other notification when new proposals go up, or the ones that reach the minimum vote standard get greenlighted?


I'm not clear on what the minimum vote threshold is to greenlight a job?

I have not looked closely at the final code yet but I believe from earlier discussions there is a "return" item which sets the line for approval. Anything below that line will not get funding because it will instead go to the return item (returned to funds).

Will it be up to the individuals proposing the work to essential market it?

It may well be. What is not clear is how this will work out in practice (by which I mean community expectations and voting, typical sizes and granularity of proposals, etc.). As far as notifications and such, I do not believe there will be any in the basic UI, but there are many other dapps and services available which make take that on.

Hey, @smooth.

Thanks for your reply.

Okay. I'm afraid I don't know what a return item is, though from what I get from you is, it's what sets the approval line, which means the approval line might be different for each worker proposal? Some things might require more voter weight than others? That would make sense if that's true.

re: not clear

I suppose until it's implemented there's still quite a few unknowns because human behavior needs to take hold first. :) Okay, so as far as notifications go, or getting the word out there, there may or may not be dApps on the platform to incorporate something like that, or some other service spring up. Barring that, people who are interested should be checking the website.

What smooth said was correct, but just to clarify: by default, there's a certain amount budgeted per day to be spent from the treasury fund. To spend less, you vote up a proposal that just sends part of that day's budget back to the fund. Informally, we call these "refund" workers.

So the voting level of the refund worker sets the threshold needed to for a proposal to get paid: you need to have more votes than a refund worker proposal that would otherwise eat up all the daily budget.

This means there is no fixed percentage of votes your proposal needs to get funded, it just needs to get more votes than competing proposals (including refund workers).

Hey, @blocktrades.

re: most votes

Okay. Got it. Budget is a certain amount. Until those funds are gone, the proposals with the most upvotes get funded. :)

There is one approval line for all proposals. If they are above the line they get funded, below the line they don't. "Return" is a voter-defined approval line. So, in effect, if a proposal gets more votes than "return" it is approved and if it gets fewer votes than "return" it is not approved. The line can change so if stakeholders think non-worthy proposals are making the cut they can vote for "return" raising the threshold.

EDIT: I guess from what blocktrades wrote it is possible to have more than one "return" proposal (each returning only a portion of the budget) so I guess it is possible have what amounts to different vote thresholds for different portions of the budget.

Yes, that's what I meant.

with my tiny vote I upload your comment, since the first has no relation to the post. Congratulations to @blocktrades, they have done a wonderful job and I am going to vote as witness

The fund will come out of inflation? how much percentage?

Initially all funding is via donations. I expect that some of the earliest proposals will be for additional ways to fund the proposal treasury.

Ah ok, yes, let's hope that because with donations there will not be much money and there already exists @fundition. With inflation as they said in the first post could have something more stable.

Well, it was enough to put it at the top, @danielvehe, so viva tiny upvotes! :)

The other comment was a bit off topic. Sounds like he's hoping someone will notice him. :)

re: the fund

I'm not sure if that's been totally determined, or if it will even be from the existing inflation. The last I heard, it was still up for debate. Hopefully, you'll get an answer and then both of us will know. :)

Sure when you start will clear all doubts, the truth is that it is something great for Steem and excited a lot