Experience’s golden moments!

in #blog7 years ago

We all want success overnight. And we want it now, now! Can’t wait for things to hurry up and get going?


Impatient desires:

  • We want to become famous and get rich miraculously overnight. 
  • And if we start a business, we expect profit straight away. 
  • Generally when people start art lessons, they want to be able to paint a huge fantastic masterpiece within the first week of their course. Sometimes, even the first day! 
  • When starting a website, we’re hoping it will trend big time, in no time at all. And wonder, gosh, why it’s taking so long. 

The time factor:

  • It takes about nine months before a baby is born. And for an elephant, it takes a lot longer. 
  • At school it takes time to learn how to read, write and calculate, and then, several more years to achieve high academic CV’s. 
  • Talents aren’t born overnight: singing, pottery, glass blowing, playing the piano, violin, etc… it takes time and practice to perfect and groom your skills.  
  • So it is with your website and blogging. People have to get to know where you are, what you are doing, etc.  

So why are we so impatient?

With ourselves and the acceleration of our success… generally speaking: 

  • People don’t like waiting. We’ve waited so long up till now. We are tired of having to wait. It’s human nature, when we order something, we want it yesterday! 
  • We want to show people, family and friends, that we’re clever, capable of success too. And under pinning all that, is the need to be socially accepted. 
  • And there is the factor of cause that we need to earn a living. We want to be like `The Joneses’, everyone else has a fancy car and house, etc. 

The true fact is:

Things take time.  

  • If we plant a seed, we need to nourish it with water, nourish and prune it, and dig around it, etc, so it can grow and flourish into something BIG. 

So it is with our projects:

  • We learn and grow from experiencing things and enduring hardships. 
  • The more you do something, the more you learn from the experiences you encounter. 
  • During setting up a business or website, you’re gathering info and improving the way things are done. It takes time for the word of mouth to get around, before people get to know who you are and what you’re doing. 

Each moment of experience is precious:

  • The miracle… living in the moment. Enjoying each moment of creating, of doing `your thing’. 
  • Results and success comes with time, if you are willing to work and keep at it! 

As my old saying goes: “One stitch at a time; eventually makes a jersey!” 

Last word on the matter:

So if you want to do well in Steemit… stick in there, enjoy the experience. 

You may not be able to give people` fancy cars or houses’, but you can share your experiences, knowledge, talents or skills. …Things that benefit and help other people to grow and succeed too.  


Hi @artguru
The current generation of young people tend to want everything "here and now." Some are just too lazy to work. I think this comes from the media (some). They show successful people who do not do anything. It's a delusion.

Over time, every sane person understands that success is a series of attempts and failures. Failures make us stronger and smarter. The main thing is to realize that "nothing" in this life happens "at once". For any endeavor, time and diligence are needed.

The miracle… living in the moment. Enjoying each moment of creating, of doing `your thing’.
“One stitch at a time; eventually makes a jersey!”

These are golden words. Have enough patience and enjoy the present moment of life. It is a recipe for success and happiness.
Thank you

Yes it is a delusion that successful got their success without any effort. People don't see what happened behind the scenes. Maybe all those tears, mistakes and frustrations we all go through. But hope keeps us still going and trying against all odds, hey!

Thank you for this post, it is as if you are speaking to me, because i am one hell of a real impatient guy. I will remember that it takes 9 months and a lot more for the elephant to for a baby to be born. If my breakthrough doesn't come in 9 months, i guess I will have to tarry a while like the elephant. God bless you.

A website takes more than nine months. More like five years, give or take. A lot depends on how exciting your blogs are, what people desire and crave most.

Success doesn't come easy, its achieved through a lot of patience, struggle, hardwork and perseverance.I think people want it overnight only because of the pressure that is existing in our social strata, it makes one think about success as an overnight goal, people then tend to do lot of unnatural and undignified things..One needs to keep in mind, true success only comes when your soul is actually yearning for the goal, if your soul aint in your work then um afraid it aint the goal you are actually looking for

The success process is time absorbing. Time to think up things, doing research, and in my case I take photos of places I go to, to get scene ideas I can paint. But there my joy starts with the adventure. Whether I'm writing or creating a painting, it's fun living in the moment of creativity.

True we all need success there and then when i joined steemit i thought i was going make about 100 dollars in my first week but through your inspirational messages i now know its hard work , engaging with people and most especially never to give up in life
Thanks alot

Engaging is the word. I's not about us making money, but rather making friends. The money is just a bonus, the cherry on the top. Having fun while you do it, is priceless.

Absolutely right...We can't achieve success overnight ...It's take time ....I felt demotivated here..But this post encourage me...Thanx for sharing...And I also remember a saying that - do not afraid of growing slowly..Afraid of only standing still...Nice post😇

If you `stand still', worried about not succeeding, you miss the feeling of been creative. Been creative is like secretly running a business. Something that gives you a reason for living.

To be successful, one needs lot of grit and patience, especially at Steemit, you see people being so much successful and you feel like doing same.It wont happen overnight, just stay there have patience, make your thing strong enough till the time it gets appreciated..Its tough though but not impossible, thanx @artguru this is such a lesson for all newcomers like us

Sometimes I think we are all beginners. We are forever learning something new, especially in this digital technology advancing world today. That's what makes blogging so much fun.

Blogging is real fun... But if we take its other side ... The blogging is made to make us greedy... N i hope we stay away from it... 😝

@artguru my dad use to say.... Destiny plays an important role. No one can get more than the destiny and not before the time. And everythings happen for a reason.....so keep patience and let the things happen

Destiny or reasons! But we can push the deal, help it move along a little faster, by been smart in the way we prepare and write our blogs. Improve our chances by been more upbeat and effective.

Indeed @artguru we can say its about 'karma'... We should do everything with all heart..rest all on the results...👍

Thank you @artguru for this post which is very informative and motivating.

Thomas EDISON has tried more than 1000 experiments before reaching the formula that allowed him to invent the light bulb that is still lit until today.

You must never lower your hand and try and try before you get the results.

Success in any field requires hard work and perseverance.

I propose a motivating quote from Thomas EDISON:

There are so many impatient peoplein the world. It seems everyone wants something right this second. We don't want to wait in lines, we get fidgety when our food takes too long to cook, and we have no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who holds us up from doing anything we want to do the moment we want to do it. I'm bothered right now that I'm having to wait till the end of this sentence to see what word I end up on. On, who knew? It's particularly hard to wait for things that are days or weeks or even months away. Calendars mock you, clocks pester you, and the rotation of the earth seems to slow by at least forty percent. I suppose, however, that if you were preparing to take over the world and you needed one final piece to fall into place, but that piece had to be slowly dragged over the dirt so it didn't die, that would be really hard to wait for. I'd feel sorry for whoever that happened to, but then again they were trying to take over the world and all.

I smiled when you said, can't wait to the end of your writing. Guess that's part of envisioning the out come!

positivity and patience is what we should hold and have faith in...