What if Rachel Maddow Isn't a Butch Dyke But a Dude?
After that Transgender post- a little while back- I keep finding myself going back & back & back again to this issue.
The Shit- Elites- The Shitomy Illuminati-
They are pushing for TRANSGENDER AGENDA. Why if we don't want to let a 4 year old little boy wear makeup & cut off his dick- WE'RE Insensitive Bigots!
The elites don't do anything OUT in The Open- that they have not done behind closed doors for years.
So if the Mainstream Media & The Elites are trying to Push this TRANGENDER AGENDA on us-and have us ACCEPT OUR KIDS go on- HORMONE BLOCKERS at Puberty- thereby the kids never go through natural puberty- then put them on Transgender Hormone Therapy.
So if they are now pushing this openly on our society & actually turning the tables & saying those of us who even question this- let alone oppose this- are THE ENEMY.
Then how INSANE is it- for us to go back & seriously consider that a NUMBER of High Profile Celebrities, Hollywood Movie Stars, ETC are in fact TRANSGENDER. That we probably have had Transgender Male to Female MODELS & MOVIE STARS & SINGERS- pushed on us for DECADES???? It's been going on all this time - right in front of us & we never even knew it?
It's past midnight now, I'm tiered & want to go to bed- Plus I'm not a REAL WRITER- I'm just some shit talker making some shit posts....
So although - I've been going over various High Profile Celebrities- a number of which I USED TO THINK WERE QUITE STRIKINGLY GOOD LOOKING WOMEN- I'm not going to mention any of them now.
I'm just posing this question-
What if Rachel Maddow is not a DYKE- but a DUDE?
I make no claims on the authenticity of the photo below
Been Off The Female Hormones For A Few Weeks Have You Rachel?
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Facial Feminization Surgery ...
How Much Jaw Bone Can You Remove?
Shave Down Your Trachea Anyone?
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This is not a laughing matter. That is a lot of Fucking Surgery. MAJOR SURGERY. The human body not a piece of shapeless mold to be carved into any shape some Demonic Surgeon with a scalpel so chooses. If you are reading this & have NEVER had MAJOR SURGERY- then consider YOUR WORST INJURIES. Magnify & Multiple Them- Then you might be getting some glimpse of what it is like to undergo a surgery where-
your skin is cut into along your hairline on your forehead- you skin peeled own - your brow ridge sheaved down- the shape of your forehead changed- your hairline brought down - before that section is stitched back up. Then lets go cut open your skin ion the lower half of your face & start shaving away as much jaw bone as we can. Not to Mention the nose job. Then we'll shave away at your Adams Apple & you can just hope- you won't lose your voice box while we're at it.
After 1 year or so of healing & recuperating from these surgeries- consider you're now on LIFELONG- Everyday of your life HORMONE THERAPY. Putting the HORMONES of The OPPOSITE SEX INTO YOUR BODY. What repercussions come from that?
I'm pretty sure most Male to Female Transgenders get their balls taken off- Even if they don't- I'm guessing the Testosterone Blockers & The Massive Amounts Of Estrogen they take should SHRINK THEIR BALLS To a Small Size. But I'm not so certain how many actually cut off the wee wee.
Did you know that when they slice & flay the penis to try and turn it into a Labia - the BODY WILL TRY TO CLOSE THE ARTIFICIALLY CREATED VAGINA? The Body thinks the Surgically Created Vagina is a WOUND- and will try to close it. So the Transgender Individual has to use a dildo & constantly play around down there to keep the ARTIFICIAL VAGINA OPEN. There are cases of the Vagina's closing up & the Transgender having to go thru surgery to have it cut open again. With that in Mind- is the Term 'Chick with a Dick' - really offensive & derogatory- is it just An Accurate & True Statement. How many do you think really go thru that? From what I've read- most are in deed 'Chicks with Dicks.'
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And here is where it really fucks with your mind some more..... CASTRATO
Google it yourself & see what comes up. CASTRATO- it is where the ELITES cut off the BALLS- The Testicles of a Boy- BEFORE PUBERTY.
They've been doing this for over 400 years. They used many of these CASTRATO in the OPERA. One of the last well known ITALIAN CASTRATO- died in the 1960's. Notice I said "WELL KNOWN CASTRATO."
Now cut off a pre-pubescent boys balls & he never goes thru puberty. He never gets a lot of those MAN TRAITS. Add some FEMALE HORMONES into it- what do you get? You just might get a bunch of HollyWEIRDO Hot Ass Actresses & Victoria Secrets Models.
It was documented & written down in the 1600s- that one of the side effects of CASTRATOS- was they developed unusually long limbs & larger rib cages.......... along with some reports of long- long- long serpentine necks.
Those are some long arms there lady. My mind goes back to when I was a teenager & the year I spent at NEW TRIER Highschool- one of the TOP - RICHEST Public High Schools In The ENTIRE NATION. One of the girls in my homerooms- her father was a DIPLOMAT. Several of my classmates fathers worked at the FBI. At the time I did not think much of it. But- there was this one young woman at school. She was a VERY ATTRACTIVE Slim Blonde. I'm talking really light Blonde Hair- that went almost down to her rear. The thing that struck me most- was her Unusually Long Arms- they were down to her knees. She reminded me of a GORILLA. Too bad I thought to myself- as she was otherwise a really Good Looking - Very Pretty Girl.
Aside from the obvious notation that most of this is illogical nonsense you are missing credits or sourcing for some of the photos you are using, that can be seen as plagiarism. But more to the point, who cares if she is Transgender? How is that your business? Why do you find it acceptable to obsess over trans people then say your not interested? You obviously are interested and there's nothing wrong with that either but the hate is troubling, and should be a bit of a flag for you.
photos are all from google images. The issue is not one of an INDIVIDUAL'S Choice to choose what they do to their body or how they present themselves to the public- or the INDIVIDUAL'S right to Privacy. The Issue- is I am posing Some serious Questions That Our Society Needs to Ask- we are now being told by the Media- & mainstream establishment- that to Question Transgender is a Form Of Intolerance. Is it? We are told that a Child as young as 12 yr or 7 years or 4 years- HAS THE RIGHT & MENTAL CAPACITY to choose to be TRANSGENDER! Really- because a 4 year old can't cross the street by themselves. Try leaving a 7 tear old at home alone. Or let that 7 year go to a park or walk home from school- alone. You'll get reported to DCFC for Child Neglect. So why should we be raising a 7 year olf as TRANSGENDER? a 14 year old is not old enough to Vote in Political elections, live on their own, check into a hotel room or buy a plane ticket- drink alcohol. If a 14 year old has sex with a 40 year old MOST AMERICANS still consider that wrong & that the 14 year old is NOT MENTALLY MATURE enough to make al those decisions. SO IS A 14 YEAR OLD Mental Mature ENOUGH to Make the Decision to GO ON HORMONE BLOCKERS & Start the surgical process to transform their bodies into the opposite sex?
How is it my business? We now have TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS in JUST ABOUT EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL IN AMERICA- yet we are told that transgenders represent less than 1% of the population?
If in fact a large number of supposed media SEX SYMBOLS- are ion fact XY Chromosome MEN- then WHY ARE THEY CHOSEN by the media to Represent FEMININITY & The Ideal WOMEN?
If in fact a large number of SUPPOSED Trail-Blazing Feminists were actually born XY Chromosome MEN- what does that really say about the Feminist movement.
There are many more Serious Questions this "Mainstreaming Of TRANSGENDER" poses.
Anyone who fails to recognize that is blind. Here you are accusing me of being obsessive & hateful- for simply ASKING QUESTION- about what is really going on.
Perhaps you should ask yourself if you've drunken to KoolAide- At Rev Jim Jones Mass Suicide- or if you need to be RED PILLED.
How is it my Business you ask- well I did not pick some person - just trying to live their in America. I picked as an EXAMPLE- a PUBLIC PERSONA. Rachel Maddow- has CHOSEN HERSELF- to put her face on the TV NEWS every Night & TO LECTURE ALL AMERICANS - What we the public should be Thinking about- WHat we the public should do- etc - etc - etc. Rachael Maddow is PUT on TV AS a NEWSCASTER- By The Mainstream Media - To SHAPE & MOLD The Minds & Opinions Of The Entire American Public- Therefore it is Perfectly Legitimate- to ask the questions about WHO IS RACHEL REALLY- WHO IS SHE?
Anyone who is not only too blind to see this- and thinks that merely asking QUESTIONS is a form of Hatred - is beyond Hopeless.
Goodluck with your TRANSITION. May you find all the all the happiness in life you're looking for.
Thanks for sourcing, its just important I forget sometimes too. So I've taken a little while to think over what you are saying and reexamine what my motivations in engaging with you are and what exactly about what your saying is rubbing me the wrong way. I will be responding to your last reply to my comment in chronological order. I will not be responding to your post per say unless it crosses over in the explanation of your comment. Also thank you so much for responding, I do feel dialog is important in these matters.
It is in fact an issue of an individuals right to live without fear of overt persecution for merely existing.
I am not at all 100% sure you are asking relevent questions. I feel that expanding your knowlage past the church, family counsel, and Alex Jones may benifit you greatly.
No single person with any credibility or media impact is saying that questioning what it is to be trans is hateful or an act of intolerance. What you are being told is that without an understanding of what it is to be transgender you lack a platform on which to build your questions. What you are doing is creating a straw man by saying young kids are being abused. Where as there are children in the world being hurt, and we should do all we can to stop it, allowing for gender expression is not what is causing that harm however, categorically that statement is demonstrably wrong.
I have no idea if you are a parent however I am and so I feel that I have some authority in this matter. First, don't let a four year old cross the street alone. That is not related to or relatable to gender expression. Second, don't ever leave a seven year old home alone or allow them to go to the park alone. Not gender related. Doing those things would for sure be a big red flag in parenting, for sure.
What exactly do you think parents are doing? "Timmy said they are a girl so we are just going 100% with it give her drugs chop chop chop!!!"
Get your head back on earth. No parent is doing this and being taken seriously. Mostly they just beat you until you agree your the gender they tell you to be. That's what happened for me, and a very large number of trans people my age. We now have a path that can save kids fro m that abuse, if zealots would get out of the way. It takes counseling and doctor visits, thousands of conversations and a whole group of involved concerned adults. But to answer you simply yes. Yes kids know. I knew at age four with zero prepping or knowlage, when I was a child there was no word for transgender, no understanding of what it ment or how to fix it. I was just odd, heck it was shameful to be bay in the Christian community I was raised in, I prayed daily to be normal, I watched movies and read books, studied on how to be a man. Because I was a women and not one soul would let me just be, so I got tough and I grew up and I claimed my womenhood not to change the world or because the government has a plot but because its mine and I will not have what is mine denied to me, and now that I'm strong I will see that its not denied too others. My dignity is not contingent on your approval of my womenhood. You don't get to delineate gender norms. This fucked up notion that trans people are new is what shows me how little study you have put into this. We are reemerging not new, we have always been whether or not we are killed and shoved into hellish poverty or simply allowed to live we are still here, history is our witness. You lack the knowledge base from which to speak. That's not an insult it is simply fact. Your examples are not in line with your point and your postulation that you are simply asking questions is proven wrong when you strawman an answer.
No fourteen year old is having surgery. No person working in this field is suggesting it currently. Hormone blockers are a life saving stand in ment to buy time until a decision and an age have been reached where things can progress in a healthy informed manner. Be trans for as day and then tell me about how people!e are clamoring to do it, fucking please my daily life is a war zone, and I say that literally having served three active combat tours. These steps are taken with the greatest of care, doctors therapist and parents are involved in a coordinated effort to help said fourteen year old child. All the examples you give are external, did you know your gender at fourteen? Honest answer time, did you?
We do not have "trans bathrooms" in just about anything, that's not what we are fighting for. We know we are a small percentage of the population, the boot print on our neck testifies to that. We are trying to just use the bathroom, its the zealots trying to celibate where we dedicate that are pushing for a trans bathroom , I'm fine with the ones that exist as long as you don't bomb or shoot me, which seems hard for cis people, so now I have to carry a firearm to piss, fuckin awesome world view, really helping a sister out. Your talking complete nonsense here absolutely false.
Here is where your lack of understanding shows. What are you talking about? A large number?! STFU. We have been begging for media representation for decades and now that we have maybe four low key examples of positive representation we have a large number? Lol, try again.
However your bigotry is for sure on point. We are just women, not chromosome whatever, just women. Not that it matters at all but I do not have a xy chromosome pairing and was born presenting male. We are very far beyond that dated science. As knowlage grows so does understanding, as a generation we need to accept that we have moved beyond fifth grade biology and are learning more every day. It is bigoted to think less of trans women because they are not cis women. Its not my word its simply how we describe focused uninformed hatred of a minority group.
Yes yes obligatory stab at feminism. Check...
We are not "mainstreeming". Just trying to live. Our murder rates are atroshious, getting work? Very difficult. Housing? Big problem. We are trying to survive, not " mainstreeming"
I question how someone lacking sight in an area can call another blind but...ummmm..OK?
You are being obsessive and hateful, the path you are suggesting is that there needs to be a purity check in establishing gender. This is eugenics, its been tried.
You are distracting from the point by trying to be "woke". Your not "simply asking questions" your strawmanning. Rush made a career of it and you picked up on it, its fine just understand that in 2018 its transparent.
Ian an Atheist Ancapp Artist emersed in this by force 24/7. I have multiple blogs, go to Meetups and give lectures. I am Queen of fucking woke. I think accepting any kind of pill from you would be a downgrade and frankly dangerous considering your obvious dislike of everything I am. I have lived more in any given day of my life then you could hope to in your lifetime. I think that'd in this area my knowlage base far exceeds yours and I am telling you that you have it wrong. Your inability to listen and adjust perspective is not a result of my woke level it is a result of confirmation base you have become comfortable with accepting in yourself.
Ya fair enough you where however going for a derogatory. Where is your statement on trans men, why the focus on the feminine? Masogony is an awful thing. You believe it would damage her in some way if she where trans (she's not) but honestly it changes nothing. She would still simply be a person reporting the news, this is your bigoted misogynistic witch hunt carried forward into public, in my opinion.
Again, I'm not blind I simply have more knowlage than you in this area. You asked an irrelevant question and I am answering and letting you know that I am aware of how flimsy the straw man you are presenting is. I deal with this all day. Your not even original in your misinformation.
The root of your problem is that you don't lime trans people. Its very clear in your article and that's fine. You are by far in the majority, but I'm fighting to change that acceptance of hate. No conspericay just a group of people trying to survive a world that is actively trying to kill them again. Way to be a sheep. Go get your cookie from whoever owns you.
Stands claps, bows and salute.
This is probably the most amazing reply on this topic I have ever read, I certainly hope the op takes the time to read and digest your wonderful insightful reply.
true this:
Can you explain to me...when you are rested exactly what is this "The Transgender Agenda" that you are so worried about?