BULLYING - is this something to be addressed?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


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Here is something personal to me. I don’t usually talk about this then, but this problem needs to be addressed openly and radically as much as possible. The dictionary defines bullying as “the use of strength or power to harm the weak”. Even the meaning of this word makes my forehead and eyebrows scrunch up. One in two people under 25 years of age experience this.

Bullying doesn’t exactly take place at school alone it is everywhere nowadays because it takes different forms. Some are online abuse, subtle teasing with friends, gossip, manipulation and socially secluding a person.

My Story

The reason this topic strongly affects me is because I got bullied to in my college days. As a freshmen I had dreams of what my first day would be. I had high hopes to meet new friends and broaden my experience in the outside world. Little did I knew I would soon have to broaden my understanding about other people.

Bullying hit me fast and hard. I was a country bum studying in the city which is why I stood up like a sore thumb. I found myself getting questioned closed group of boys about my voice and my strange intonation, they would ask why my fashion sense and play of words are funny. At first I thought this was all normal until it became persistent throughout the day. They would shout out or guess of my circumstances as if it was a game. As to make matter worse name calling began to take root.

The Aftermath

After a few weeks people started treating me differently. My classmates would lessen their time and had become dismissive towards me. Well I understood them because who would be friends with the nerd or the class reject. No one would want to be in this cross fire. It was every man for himself.

My grades plummeted, I lost the interest to go out and socialize even. After the first semester I relieved of myself of that class and the bullies but sadly the effect of it never left me. Back on my high school years I was an outgoing person, very talkative and forthright. I loved to make friends and take on extra task for the class. Since the bullying I became very doubtful of myself and socially reserved.

Back in the Saddle

The effects of bullying robbed me 2 years of my college life. It took me quite a while to get back on my feet. Because I didn’t know how to prevent it or how to get over it. But here is what I did to regain myself - my new and improved SELF.

1. Getting Help

Talk to someone or inform them about what is happening to you. Don’t be afraid of feeling like a “tattle tail” You may have told yourself “I can handle this”, “This will stop eventually” or “I’m probably just being way too sensitive” Seems familiar? Opening up to other people you trust works wonders.

As for my case I told my brother and sister about it. They were infuriated at first and asked me to change school or they would find my bullies. But I opened up to them about how I would deal with this and they supported me emotionally through and through. I took me a lot of courage to tell them and it did wonders. I only wished I’ve told them sooner. :)

2. You are Awesome!

The definition of bullying I chose above earlier mention that the people on the short end of the bullying are weak. Well you’re not. Your probably the best you in this whole world. You could probably sing like no one else, cook great home dishes, crunch number pretty fast or do 100 somersaults. My point is you’re Awesome!

No amount of bullying can take that special thing inside of you. All bullying ever does is blind you from this simple truth. So always remember your worth and remember the people who surround and truly love you. Have a positive outlook daily because in Life 10% is what happens to you and the remaining 90% is how you react to it.

3. Surround yourself with loving people

I had a small church group who boosted me up and helped me get back up to speed in socializing. The cured me from the aftermaths of bullying. They became my family when I was away from home in college. They were honest and tact about my faults and supportive about me getting over them. These people made me realized that I is better to love truthful than blindly.

They were with me in my ups and where even close in my downs. They remind me of a verse in the bible. Galatians 6:2 says “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ”. Having a church family really did a good to me and I hope you find your or people who can treat you as authentic as possible.

To end, bullying is a serious matter. Don’t let it robbed you of your youthful days. If you are being bullied wake up and act now or you’re gonna miss a lot. If you know someone who is being bullied be an advocate of love and friendship and give them a hand. Because you may not know it now but you are saving their lives.

God bless! Thank you for reading. :)


Upvoted and resteemed.
I always believe that bullies have inferiorities and securities in their lives, aspiring to have what you have. But since they don't, they paint you to be bullied by the manipulated people around them for you to fall.
We don't always see this at first.

@bayanihan thank you! Let us all be a beacon of light to this generation

I hate bullying, its just making the person down for not having what other people have. Or for having something that the other person dpesnt have. We should learn how to respect each others uniqueness and respect feelings !

@minerva23 im with you on that! Respect begets respect. followed you :)

Thank you, followed you too.

Bullying has taken so many lives. The values and morale of a child starts at home. If we could nurture our children and teach and show them to love then we would be living in a paradise.

@shairanada i believe you 100% . Parenting is key!

followed you :)

I appreciate you sharing your story. I was bullied too when I was younger. I had just moved to the states from Philippines and had a terrible accent and my clothes were different from everyone else. Kids didn’t know what a Filipino was or where Philippines was. So I was called a chink or Chinese. I even got pushed while on metal stairs that ended up getting stiches on my chin.

I do believe that we (everyone) all just need to be educated of the different cultures. It doesn’t even have to be from a different country. Because the culture of someone from the country will definitely be different from the city. Once we are educated on the differences, we can respect and appreciate the differences.

@isharmaine Education will make that difference soon enough we will reach that peace and understanding. I am with you on this.

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My heart is in pain whenever i read blog about bullying. Noone in this world deserves this kind of treatment. Noone in this world has the right to do that to others. Noone should feel not belonged. Everyone should feel love, belongingness and experienced acceptance with each other. To all the people who has been bullied, always remember: YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE BRAVE. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU BELONG IN THIS WORLD

@appleskie people like you are a breath of fresh air for those who are being bullied. Thank you for those kind words. Continue to be vocal about it. You are making a difference.

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Thank you @craigmeister! And yes, we should stand for those oppressed. Thank you too and followed you back. :) It's good to read a lot of good posts here in Steemit. :)

Bullying really has to stop. It has ruined many lives and too bad that others has taken their own lives to escape from it. Thank you @craigmeister for sharing your ways of overcoming it. This will surely help the people who are currently suffering from it.

@ayingroxie your welcome. Lets both do are part to end bullying and prevent the loss of life for anyone.

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Followed you too. You're right, we can really be advocate of love and friendship. No to bullying!

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