Steem is an idea who's time has came / Sickness / delegating Steem

in #blog7 years ago

Yoyoyo everyone. I have been processing all of this drama here, dealing with a cold. Just doing lots of inward searching trying to decide what to do with my coins. I spread them all out too much and I would like to consolidate back into some core positions.

Even with all this debate and drama around here lately, I have decided to send some Steem over to power up more. This will be one of my core positions. Regardless of what Ned does or how much I believe in Dan's ability to create a decent competitor. I keep hearing a quote in the back of my head, Ron Paul is saying it when I hear it. it was originally from Victor Hugo however and he said No force can resist an idea whose time has come. This applies to Bitcoin, crypto, and blockchain technology in general. It applies to Steem.


The owner of this website might own a large portion of the entire pool, there may not be the most fair distribution with the pre-mining and the whales we have here always at war. The others just taking everything they can, spending their power self voting, or upvoting shit posts that fill the trending pages. Where we see the same authors over and over. All of this sucks, sure. You only need to look a different direction to see that this place will succeed regardless of the professionalism of the CEO, regardless of the unevenness of the distribution, or the 'reward pool rape' that goes on.

This community is great, it is powerful. It dwarfs all the negatives. Monetizing memes on dmania or through decentmemes is powerful, its hard even for me to understand how powerful memes are, they are the majority of posts on the internet anymore. They cannot be denied. You have Dlive and Dtube on boarding all the good video producers that have been demonetized by Youtube. ZAPPL getting ready to take on Twitter, since just the other day they recieved 500,000 Steem delegation to help move things forward. Steepshot, Esteem,, and chainbb. Then you have all the great community resources (large amounts of websites built around the Steem ecosystem) and the live chats on and Discord. All this is there right now, usable today. Its Been a busy year + for Steem and its community. Look how much has been accomplished though. Its amazing. Thank all of the witnesses and the community members who have built all these great things. This is an idea who's time has come. Ned cannot stop it with his mistakes, Dan cannot stop it with competition. It is rolling to fast already. That's how I feel anyways.


After spending all this time thinking I was better than everyone else this winter. I got sick just like the rest of them. My Stepdad was in the hospital with some kind of crazy fever. Its been a scary year around here as far as sickness goes. I think I just have a cold though, so I will survive. Just trying to take it easy. Attempting to let my voting power recover while I just rest these bad feelings away.

I spent quite a few days looking at MinnowBooster, debating selling out, and delegating some of my Steem Power for easy profits. I would make much more money there, I don't post enough, and don't upvote myself enough to make anywhere near what MinnowBooster would pay me for delegating out Steem Power.

The conclusion I came to was that it's not about the money, I can't let it be. I have been a human curator since I arrived. I will remain a human curator until I am gone. I see that selling delegation will happen, I get it, and I get why people do it. I am not talking negatively about anyone who is delegating or buying delegation through MinnowBooster. It's not about the upvote bots, I could start my own baby upvote bot and make more than I do from posting and manually curating. I could be just another upvote bot. I have stopped using upvote bots, given up in that regard. I don't like the way it makes me feel. I get why people use them, and I get why people run them. I am also not talking negatively to anyone that interacts with an upvote bot. I will not ignore you if you use one, or if you run one. I get it. Once in a while, when I want to have a discussion.. I will pay an upvote bot to get the views and the conversation that a large upvote can provide.

So, no delegating out power for Steem, no running an upvote bot for me. I still want to delegate some SP out to worthy causes. What do you guys think are the worthy causes to delegate Steem Power out too. I don't have a whole lot, and I would like it to have the most impact. So I was thinking I would delegate it out to people who are newer to the platform, to help them get started. I want to help people who are trying, and to encourage them to power up themselves. I am open to suggestions though..

Gif from here

I will be looking around and deciding the best way to do this, but some input from my good friends here would help!?

Woot woot,



Even with my little bit of Steem Power I tried doing a hijack my blog. Lost a couple of auto-upvotes back to 0. I wanted to help new users here but I built my SP from scratch. Always back to zero with me; earning a dollar a blog which in hindsight isn't so bad considering I was pining for 0.15 cents.

I have no idea where this platform is going. Seeing wars, even the founders fighting.. sigh - but it's my only window into the crypto world so I just keep going I guess.

Good luck mr puffnstuff (always thought it was puffnsmoke lol

All you can do. I still think it's in a pretty good spot. I seen your hijack my blog stuff, didn't know you lost autovotes for it, no bueno. I will have to consider that while I decide how best to delegate out some SP.. good luck to you was well bearbear!

If you can put together this very honest post with a cold, I might need to catch one!
Kidding of course, yet I hear you about I call's an open market, but like you, I am really enjoying the community here.

I get to talk to an array of Steemians in, I don't know how many countries, cyber met many people with different perspectives, it's like a common united nations, minus Centralization and no

I have just been here 37 days, I could kick myself I didn't get here sooner, but I see the amazing potential, as a vestment and a community, to me they are synonymous. I see others just going for gold, and like you say,
it's cool, go for it.

I tried to use a bot from @steemsmart and went to bed with one vote and woke up and looked at my post and it had 99 votes working up to hot reward numbers. I was shocked...the smartseem told me that they could not find the votes for some reason so try again and gave me back my 7.00sbd which was cool. But this proved that my content was liked in the sea of competing articles.

Which substantiate's a lot of what your getting at in your post. And what I feel Steemit is really all about. I would love someone's help to take me on a higher ride.

Come for the rewards....stay and be apart..of the community...excellent post.

I know...look how long I've written...I might make this my next post! When ones inspired, time does not exsist.

It is like a United Nations. I have pipe dreams that cryptocurrency breaks down borders, in the only non new world order way possible. With blockchains. So we can have world currencies that aren't backed and manipulated by a few greedy people. New world order in the peoples terms without the new world order and their agenda 21. I hope you did make a post about this. Then I can read it when I get off work!I have been here for a good amount of time. I used to post more often, run contests, and do random steemgigs more often. Just gotta dive into all things community around here.

I'm glad your here, you are still here early. Not even a million accounts have been made yet. So just keep enjoying it, find the happy amount so you don't get burnt out.. and learn everything you can from everyone around here, helping where you can.. like with this comment. Thanks yo, you are appreciated!

Yes, thanks for the informitive reply, well I realized I could trade steem or SPDs on steemit with anyone in the world instantly, so that is bypassing fiat and borders right now!....I guess you knew that but that is such
a beautiful thing..many countries not all. Thanks for your encouragement. Right now I am writing a "fiction"...series about women that take on the dark pedo class...its a cathartic exercise, that I can stick a whole lot of free flowing Ideas around..

And yes,I pull my head out of my screen for some air and sunshine....
appreciation forward×

Thanks for sharing your insight into what is already hapenning, and your vision into where it can keep going. I am very new to steemit (just over a week now) and what I love about it is that regardless of what else is hapenning (fomo shit posting etc) if your own vision of what you want, is clear, then you can follow, and thus perpetuate that through like minded people.

You walk out into the backyard, there is a rose in full bloom, and your dog has also just recently laid a big steamy one. Which of these two things do you want to look at ? That's a choice, but it can only be a choice if there are roses to look at, even if it's just one rose, growing out of a pile of big steamy ones :)

That's what I look for. Case in point; I just read your comment on @whatamidoing 's post, and resonating with your opinion, then came to check out your posts, and found this gem of an article.

Monetizing memes on dmania or through decentmemes is powerful, its hard even for me to understand how powerful memes are, they are the majority of posts on the internet anymore.

In another few years, school text books will probalby just be pages of memes, lol.

Once in a while, when I want to have a discussion.. I will pay an upvote bot to get the views and the conversation that a large upvote can provide.

Again, choices. You make it clear in your article that you're not personally a big fan of bots, but you don't let that bias over rule the value that they can provide, but you wouldn't have that choice if other people weren't pursuing their ambitions.

That's what I love about this platform. If you just focus on what you want, which seems to be a self perpetuating community of idea and knowledge sharing (me too) then that's what you'll grow. All that's needed to begin with, is to be clear about what it is that you want, then just follow the sign posts that point in that direction.

No force can resist an idea whose time has come.


I can see it now, memes might be short and entertaining enough to keep them looking at the textbooks though. With some any things to do now, and the world moving so fast ADD will just increase and it might be that memes become more effective than bullet points and long walls of text lol.

I always worry about echo chambers, so I try to watch and listen to people I don't agree with quite a bit. You never learn more than when you have a conversation with someone who has an opposing point of view.

I love freedom, liberty, and decentralization.. this place seems to have a larger majority of people like that than other websites. I blame blockchains but I can't really say exactly what it is about this place that brings so many people like that together. It's Nice to meet you, glad you found me through whatamidoings posts!

I don't meme to be meme, but I meme what I say :)
That's how you raise young kids today.

I love freedom, liberty, and decentralization.. this place seems to have a larger majority of
people like that than other websites.

I hear you brother, I've noticed that already. I used to be on the public speaking circuit for a popular truth movement here in Australaia, I even made a rap about how to deal with the police, utilising Freeman on the Land information, that Dean Clifford prominently featured on his website that got me about 10k youtube hits. What I noticed though was that it was always the same faces in the crowd, the same angry faces that just wanted their daily fix to have something to be angry about.
Then on my facebook posts, it was the opposite, just a flood of cognitive dissonance from the brainwashed masses. My actions even eventually lost me my job, and after several months of not finding any work, eventually removed all my youtube videos and deactivated my facebook account, as they were clearly hindering my employment prospects.
I am quite excited that there is quite a large presence on steemit of solution based thinkers who are aware of NWO and agenda 21 type issues and am looking forward to developing relationships within that community.

I feel you. There is so much shit here that if you start paying attention to it, it fills your vision. But it’s dwarved by the awesomeness of the community. I went through a rough patch too but eventually I realized I should only be focusing on the shit for the sole purpose of figuring assessing whether or not there is something I want to change about myself to be better and feel better. I don’t like the uneven distribution of wealth here and used to complain about it. Later I realized, I could do a lot more by building a mutually supportive community, insisting on what I believe in and enjoying the process, despite the hardship, and continuing to build my own account so I can help spread the wealth to sincere people who also want to build the community.

You can do so much more leading by example than trying to “fight” for change. The behaviornis the same but the framing is very different.

I think SP delegation to any users who are much more focused on quality content and community building is a good move, especially users who are around 59-55 rep as I think those people will quickly be able to start supporting new minnows themselves. They’ve also probably been here long enough that they aren’t going to take off or take the support for granted.

Indeed you are right. Its much better to just start to fix a problem how you can, than to point at a problem and scream. Assessing things to make yourself better is what makes you one of the awesome people here yo! A motto I've lived by is just try to learn one thing everyday. I say learn but I really mean learn, adjust, and become better.

Thanks for the advice on delegation. Maybe it would be good to give the people close to my rep, that don't have very many funds still a little boost. They have already put in the time at that point obviously. Whats a good amount to delegate do you think. Do I want to delegate smaller amounts to more people, or a larger amount to fewer people.. always trying to fin that balance lol, baaaah

You know seems we have very similar ideas on all the "drama" and just the concept of idea whos time has come. Some competition is probably good in the space and should serve as a motivator and I continue to power up for the long haul.

@drpuffnstuff, This was a great read! I love the way you used, "No force can stop an idea who's time has come."

I have been thinking and speaking of that concept, but unable to articulate it well.

I believe that Steem is powerful, solves several real-world problems and has many user case situations.

I do use the bots and I am venturing into selling and delegating some of my stake. I don't see it as a negative. I've started to put money into the site in order to capitalize on this. Just last night I sent more steem in from my Bittrex account. The problem isn't the tools it is the bad actors in my opinion and our inability to agree on a way to monitor and handle them. Even Twitter and Facebook allow you to buy visibility.

Anyway, it was a great read and even where we disagree I respected your opinion and lack of drama or judgement.

I am really glad you are here on SteemIt.

Hey, even on minnowbooster I noticed that a lot of the people looking for delegation appeared to have good intentions, curating goals and etc.. so you delegating your power is helping them, and thats nothing to shake a stick at. You could just upvote your comments 100% on the 6th day like other people do. You are right about the bad actors, we just have to make sure as a community we dont let a few bad apples spoil the rest, but this place seems to have lots of people who have showed themselves to be spoil proof already, you are one of them! I am also glad to have you as a blockchain friend whatsup.

I think delegating out to newer people who have caught your eye is the best use of SP that you don't mind parting with, they'll most likely pay you back in the long run and it will help by broadening our content. People starting out don't like to visit pages unless they think they can get a vote out of it. They want to grow too, so helping a few grow can actually help the site grow by making other pages more desirable.

The other thing I'd suggest trying is upvoting a couple minnows 100% like @taskmaster4450 and a few others have been doing. It's really helped me out

I will check out taskmaster4450, thanks yo.. and you are right about the newer people just trying to grow too so I will probably do some sort of delegating to help some of them out

One thing I'm planning on doing is highlighting some of the minnows I interact with in a post once a week or once a month. I feel like there is some great content out there with 0 exposure. I'll be doing some delegating as well once my SP is a bit higher.


Great article!
SteemIt has amazing potential, regardless of growing pains.
I wont say the money doesn't matter, it does for me. However, I'm going to keep working, when I have time, to add improving content. Money is just part, eventually the less important part I hope.
And that's my $.06 worth....:)

There aren't very many people on here who money has no affect on. Part of the allure of this place is monetizing posts. So I get all of that. I often wonder how my interactions would be on here if there wasn't money tied into it. I can't say for certain one way or another.. though I spent a lot of time on a website called the dailypaul meeting other ron paul supporters, sharing news, we had a really good community on that website, with no monetization. I stayed there until it got shut down. I met so many awesome people there. Some I still talk to today.

You are right, this place has so much potential and we are only a year and a couple months into this great experiment. I have enjoyed it so far and I have got to meet lots of awesome people. All the while making bits and pieces of crypto, and that is powerful.

Sidenote: engadget is posting on Steemit now, I would say they are the biggest people on here now. What happens when the next huge company joins, and the next. We are snowballing down the mountain and we have just started. Hopefully when we make it to the bottom of the hill we are big enough to crush smaller things like Reddit!

Excellent news!

Hey @drpuffnstuff Hope you start feeling better. I always hate getting sick. Even if it is just a cold.
I agree with you on delegating to newer accounts. When I first started my account, someone gave me a quarter the first few days. It was very motivating and not to mention awesome!
Happy Smoking!

I am sure you know this,but just to be sure,
gives you a vote slider option. Think you are big enough to have a vote slider tho... ;-)
but maybe it will help some of your followers...

I have had it forever. I invested in Steem before i knew what Steemit was lol.. I had just went through my feed and seen your post about that though actually. you also could get a slider through the esteem app and on chainbb I think. How close are you to just having it anyways?

I am at 250 Sp so half way. yeah knew of the esteem app way,and thru
I know it is all the same thing,just confusing that you have to run 3-6 versions of platform to get optimum services...browser for each form of the platform you want to use is tirersome..
not a tech person,so kinda of a beats digging ditches tho so I shouldn't bitch to much...

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