A Birthday and a Steemit Invitation to Guests

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Happy birthday Honey Ford II!

January 8 marks the 5th birthday of Honey Ford. It was also his and his sisters' (Nicole and Queenie) dedication.

Well, if you wonder what dedication is, it is actually not a church tradition but rather just a way of bringing the parents with the child to the Lord. This was inspired from the act of Abraham when he dedicated his only son to the Lord.


By the way, this is Honey Ford. He is the youngest member of our small family church at Iponan, Cagayan de Oro City. He has four older sisters who are equally intelligent and funny. I love them all.

He wanted to say hi to all of you. He is such a sweet and pleasant boy. No wonder he is loved by all. Do you know kids who are like him as well?


And this is his friend Denise. I found out through my dad that we are somewhat related to her mom's side.

They are indeed both lovely kids. They even entertained me with their antics before the program started. I laughed when they pointed out that the roasted pig is a roasted chicken. I cannot help but laugh out loud. I also cannot help but giggle when they asked me innocent questions and gave me innocent remarks.

Let us get this party started!

Oh well-papel, the party was not that usual party that you think of guys. This birthday party has been celebrated in a solemn manner. It was not actually designed that way but since there are a lot of adults, there were no kiddie games. There was also no drinking of hard liquor, well just some fine wine. The liturgist for the evening was Engr. John Laid.

He works as a supervisor in an electric power company in the city so he is usually busy. I am just glad that he is around or else it would be me who will take the responsibility of being a liturgist. It would be a thrill to have him around here and share his thesis about the connection of the sun and the electric current. I cannot share it in detail though because I do not have any idea about electrical engineering.


After opening the program formally, my father stood at the pulpit and share few words about the importance of guidance from the parents and godparents.


After the short message, Ford, Nicole, and Queenie were prayed over. The godparents, parents, and family friends of the Barrarodin laid their hands to the kids.



I am not really imposing others to believe what I believe. I would just like to share my experiences especially this one. As someone who has seen and experienced miracles through prayers, I felt great after hearing those prayers of my dad (@alfredotongco). It made my heart lighter and made me realize that this little kid will be my son , same with my kumares.

And then the dinner was served! There were two birthday cakes and some other meals.

Meanwhile, Ford was asked to open one of his gifts and he chose this one. I must say he had fun time playing this gun which shoots arrows. Do not worry! It would not hurt Ford nor his playmates. He had a lot more gifts and even his sisters have although it is not their birthday.

An Introvert's Dilemma but Steemit is Life!

Let us break the myth here. I know this sounds a bit out of the topic, but I just want to clear that I am inherently an introvert. My test results tells me so. I also admit, there are a lot of unfamiliar faces around awhile ago during the party. As an introvert, I do not really have a problem with meeting different people and I am actually not that shy. It is just that when immersed to a lot of people, I tend to have my energy drained easily. It feels so unhealthy for me.

Few days before Ford's birthday bash, Tita Rachel already shared to her friends that I had been earning online. I was caught off-guard. I was not ready of course, but I needed to take the challenge that was set in front of me.

I started by sharing what steemit is and how it is able to transform lives including in the crowd. I also told them that it is able to help communities as well. Their support with the platform at that time was high and they wish to be part of it too.

Here are some of my prospects

My family and churchmates of course! We are composed of diverse group ranging from educators, to dressmaker, real estate agent, musician, and a regional trainor in Amway.

Although we are just starting (we actually came from a big church and decided to separate from it), we plan to expand our sanctuary by buying a good lot and building a nice sanctuary. After sharing about Steemit, we hve thought that payouts from Steemit would definitely help us out.

Also, we have planned different outreach programs and I known earninga from Steemit would help a lot.


I was also able to share about Steemit to my teacher in college, although I felt bad that I forgot about her. She was our instructor during our Basic Computer class. She said she could not forget about our group particularly me because I was fearless in giving remarks on our class discussion although I am an International Studies major.

We are now kumares, meaning she is also Ford's godmother and now she will become a Steemian like me. I am so excited! I also love to learn more from her experiences as an educator in a university and real estate broker. I am also excited to share time with her reaching out elderly people who had been left by their families at City Social Welfare and Development.

I was just so inspired by few of their community projects for the past few years which included what I mentioned above.


And the last group whom I shared about the wonders of Steemit. These are professionals and experts on their chosen field and I know their knowledge is of great use when it is shared to us all.

Are you not excited to welcome them all here? Well, I f you were to ask me I would definitely tell you that I am very excited! I could not contain it. I know you feel the same way too right after inviting your friends and family in Steemit.

I am happy that I was able to take the chance in introducing Steemit to friends and acquaintances. I know this will be of great use since these people are known to be community builders.

Steemit had been and will be of great use to more communities who seeks solution to their problems not just with monetary assistance but also from the information and strategies being shared in this platform. I cannot wait for more good news to share to you all.

Well, it is past two in the morning and I still need to rest. Thank you for taking time in reading. I hope you would all have a fabulous Tuesday!

The rest of the photos were taken using Samsung J7 Pro.



Lol Paweer! New prospects .

I can so relate I have been doing that on all my friends get together that am officially the Crazy Steemit guy who talks about Facebook being a waste of time hahha.


Happy birthday Ford!
Hopefully you will join steemit community soon.

Oh thank you @rothberg. I wish he knows how to write. I will really invite him on steemit.

Thank you Gail.

Wow. Celebrating with your brothers and sisters in the Lord is the awesome party of all! My closest friends (which happened to be my churchmates) threw me up a surprise party (mastermind was my beloved boyfriend) about 2months ago. It was really awesome!

We also do that lay hands and pray over the celebrant :)

Belated Happy Birthday Honey baby! ♥

That is answeet gesture of your boyfriend and friends. =)


Excellent promotion Job! well done..@gailbelga

Oh yes dear. I also promoted steemit to other people online.

A rat race is for rats. We're not rats. We're human beings. Reject the insidious pressures in society that would blunt your critical faculties to all that is happening around you, that would caution silence in the face of injustice lest you jeopardise your chances of promotion and self-advancement.

'Honor in the Dust' is less about the freedom of the Philippines than the soul of the United States.

My esoteric doctrine, is that if you entertain any doubt, it is safest to take the unpopular side in the first instance. Transit from the unpopular, is easy... but from the popular to the unpopular is so steep and rugged that it is impossible to maintain it.

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