Astrologer's advice: Romantic relationships from July to September 2023, for all zodiac signs!

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Relationships are one of the central themes in our lives. Relationships encompass not only romance but also family, friends, and business partners. However, today we will focus on romantic relationships. Even if you have been together for a long time and the romance seems to have faded, celestial mechanics still have an influence on you, and it can help us understand what is happening and provide a broader perspective. Of course, I will provide only a general description and forecast, but if at least one of my phrases or even a single word resonates with you and helps you realize something important for yourself, I will be immensely glad.

First and foremost, Venus has a significant influence on relationships. It is currently in the process of going into retrograde motion. Therefore, it is important to understand the significance of this period, as it will impact relationships for all zodiac signs.

Next, an important participant in relationships is Mars. Here we encounter the dynamic between Venus and Mars. Venus is vibrant and fiery, desiring to socialize, showcase its creative nature, and radiate its energy. On the other hand, Mars is busy and engrossed in tasks and responsibilities. On an individual level, this can be beneficial as Venus's creativity can inspire, while Mars brings practicality and action. However, in relationships, misunderstandings can arise due to the differing energies of Venus and Mars. Work interactions, on the other hand, may fare better. While Venus may have no problem expressing emotions, Mars can be more reserved and may struggle to work with their own feelings, let alone their partner's. Additionally, towards the end of July and throughout August, the Sun will be in the sign of Leo, amplifying the expressive energy of Leo. There won't be major conflicts between Mars and Venus, but there may be a tendency to overlook important nuances in the relationship.

Mercury is indeed an important planet for relationships, and it will also be retrograde at the end of August and during the first half of September. During this time, it is advised not to make significant decisions in your personal sphere, as they may prove futile or lead to misunderstandings. Retrograde periods of Mercury are known to be associated with communication challenges, delays, and potential conflicts. It is recommended to take extra care in expressing yourself clearly and to avoid jumping to conclusions or making impulsive choices. Instead, use this time for reflection, reassessment, and focusing on resolving any existing issues in your relationships.

What every zodiac sign needs to know about relationships:


Aries: Significant changes are coming in your personal relationships, and they have a karmic significance. This is an excellent opportunity to introspect, build equal partnerships with your partner, and find true partnership. Keep in mind that these changes won't happen overnight; it's a transformation that spans about a year and a half. What to rely on: if you're already in a relationship, focus on your partner. If you don't have one, learn to trust and share responsibility with your future partner. If you're contemplating whether to leave or stay in a relationship, follow your feelings because there's no general recommendation in this regard. Also, rely on dialogue and the ability to truly communicate (listen and hear without ultimatums or giving directive orders). Please distribute responsibilities fairly and avoid taking on too much or dumping everything on your loved one – this can lead to discord. The current weather in relationships is challenging and may be burdensome, but this difficult phase will end in about six months.


Taurus: Leadership position prevails in your relationships. You are currently the leading figure. Most of the initiative comes from you, and things are going well for you. You also initiate changes in your partnership, and if you don't realize it, it means your behavior is subtly changing, but it makes your partner act or think differently. Sometimes the atmosphere in your relationship can be romantic, while other times it can be irritable. You may feel the need to release tension. Uranus creates such weather, teaching you to be independent from your partner and preventing fusion. Sometimes you may feel lonely because of this, but Uranus separates and liberates. In such situations, it can be challenging for partners to maintain the relationship, but Taurus is a fixed sign and doesn't easily let go of what is valuable, so your relationship is likely to withstand the test. The retrograde period of Venus is very relevant to you. Read about it and try to go through this period without making serious decisions about your relationship. It feels like the atmosphere in relationships has been heavy in the past year. This feeling will dissipate if you engage in physical activities together with your partner (such as walking and running) and participate in couples' therapy sessions. It is essential to learn to better recognize your feelings. If you are currently single, simply taking initiative on your part will be necessary to meet someone. You are a very noticeable person right now, so your activity will attract love into your life.


Gemini: In the coming month, there will be high activity in your relationships. On one hand, you can accomplish great things together, especially if you have joint business ventures or construction projects, for example. However, this also brings an aspect of heightened conflict. Before speaking in a heightened tone, it's important to pause, take a breath, and think. In general, there is a period in your destiny when it's advisable to formalize your relationships, but not in the immediate months. Wait until Saturn exits its retrograde phase. Saturn currently has a significant influence on your relationships, both in the romantic and family spheres. Therefore, it's important to act accordingly. Establish rules in your relationships that both partners can adhere to. Additionally, it's necessary to learn to be not only together but also separate from your partner. It's possible that the relationships will become hierarchical, but this is not necessarily a bad thing at this stage. There's a feeling that for a long time, you've had somewhat idealistic expectations of your partner. You're searching for perfection, but it doesn't exist, and each time there may be disappointment or even anger when your expectations aren't met. Yes, it's challenging not to idealize, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, but try to have more contact with reality. You can achieve this through grounding, in other words, maintaining contact with yourself, nature, and the physical world in general. It's easy for you to get lost in a world of dreams, fantasies, and wishes, and while this can be a wonderful function, you may not notice when life starts to malfunction because you're not in a "sober" state of mind controlling it. Nature, meditation, and retreat can be helpful for you. The retrograde period of Mercury is particularly relevant for you, so avoid making important partnership decisions during this time.


Cancer: Perhaps, among all the zodiac signs, you have the most passionate relationship with your partner. Passion can take different forms, and you experience all possible emotional ups and downs. The current relationships you have are very intense, with a lot of emotions involved. Sometimes it's challenging to express these feelings, and it's easier to hide or not fully acknowledge them, but at times they can overwhelm you, leaving you with nowhere to go. Your connection with your partner is deep, and it alternates between intense closeness and intense separation. If you're a person who values freedom, it can be difficult to be in such close emotional and physical contact with your loved one. If you're accustomed to this level of intensity in relationships, then it's good, but the key is not to merge completely because love and hate are just one step apart, and the same goes for the reverse. It's crucial for you to understand your emotions, which is vital for Cancer individuals in general, but particularly in your current partnership. Your partner may be controlling or directive. If you have a tendency to enter abusive relationships or exhibit excessive self-sacrifice and feelings of guilt towards your partner (possibly stemming from a parental scenario), it's important to change this paradigm. I believe that for a long time, you have been learning to withstand and endure the blows from relationships with people in general, not just with your beloved. Continue learning not to bend, to be highly conscious in your relationships, to bring real problems to the surface, never to accumulate or conceal them because they will eventually burst forth. This is a time of self-transformation through your partnership. It's beneficial to engage in physical activities, spiritual practices, psychology, or business ventures together with your partner. If you're seeking a relationship, pay close attention because there are powerful and dominant individuals around you. If you're not ready for intense relationships, try to refrain from entering into them (although I believe it may be challenging to resist, as this is an enticing period for romance).


Leo: The retrograde period of Venus is relevant for you, so please read about it and be prepared for what you may encounter. If you're currently single, don't despair, as you are very attractive and will certainly be able to find an interesting person for yourself. If you're already in a relationship, it's a good time to engage in stimulating conversations with your partner and participate in intellectual activities together. There is a sense of turbulence in the air, which is likely still ahead, but I am warning you in advance. There is an aspect forming where you will desire freedom, independence, a heightened sense of personal boundaries, and a reluctance to commit, and so on. However, you can already feel the influence of another factor that is tempting you to dive headfirst into a relationship. Yes, in the future, you will encounter a partner or experience a change in your current relationship that will be easy to get deeply involved in and difficult to detach from. You will go through what people born under the sign of Cancer have already experienced (read above). But that is still ahead of you. Overall, it's a good period for your relationships, and you have a strong desire to see their prospects. It's important to discuss with your beloved where you are heading and to develop dialogue while building joint plans.


Virgo: In your relationships, a period is approaching where your activity and increased noise levels may disturb your partner. Conflict may arise, so it's important to think before you speak. Rushing from your side can be irritating to your partner. It may seem like your partner is slowing down your actions, holding them back. Your partner is currently focused on their own fulfillment and work. Additionally, their actions or opinions may unexpectedly change, which can be frustrating for you. It's a good time to consider creating a marriage or starting a family, but it's best to wait until Saturn goes direct (read about it here). Your partner is very appealing to you; they are both gentle and stable, caring and strict. The key is not to project qualities onto your beloved that they don't possess, as sometimes you see them through rose-tinted glasses. There is a good chance of building tender, warm, and romantic relationships with your partner. Try not to lose yourself in your partner; learn to exist separately as well. The retrograde period of Mercury is relevant for you, so keep in mind that plans may change, agreements may fall through, and trips may be canceled, among other things. It's not advisable to make serious partnership decisions during Mercury retrograde, as you are likely to change your mind anyway.


Libra: Significant and karmic changes are on the horizon for your personal relationships. This is an excellent opportunity to introspect, establish equal and balanced relationships with your partner, and find true partnership. Keep in mind that these changes won't happen immediately; it's a transformation that will unfold over the course of one and a half years. What you should rely on is yourself. In the near future, you will become a source of strength for your current partner or a future partner. If you're contemplating whether to stay or leave a relationship, trust your feelings because there is no general recommendation in this regard. To develop your relationships, you will need to immerse yourself in them, understand deeply, give your beloved the opportunity to take the lead, and support them in their decisions. Please distribute responsibilities fairly and avoid taking on too much or burdening your partner with everything, as this can lead to discord. The current climate in your relationships may be challenging and burdensome, but this difficult phase will soon come to an end (within six months).


Scorpio: If you're single, a partner will come into your life in the near future. If you're already in a relationship, the current period is favorable for its development, creating prospects, and possibly even starting a family or having children. You can rely on your beloved as they are currently experiencing a fortunate period in life. Changes in your partnership will be initiated by your beloved, and at times, the atmosphere in your relationship may be both romantic and irritable. You may feel the desire to release tension and create a sense of freedom. Uranus plays a role in creating such weather, teaching you to be independent from your partner and preventing fusion. At times, you may feel lonely because of this, but Uranus separates and liberates. Maintaining relationships can be challenging in such circumstances, but Scorpio is a fixed sign and doesn't easily let go of what is valuable, so your relationships are likely to withstand the test. The retrograde period of Venus is particularly relevant for you, so try to navigate this period without making significant decisions about your relationships. There may have been a heavy atmosphere in your relationships, especially in family matters, over the past year. However, this feeling will dissipate if you engage in physical activities together with your partner/family, such as walking or running, and participate in therapy sessions. It's important to learn how to better recognize your feelings.


Sagittarius: In the coming month, there will be high activity in your relationships. On one hand, you can accomplish great things together, especially in joint ventures such as business or construction. However, this also brings an increased likelihood of conflicts. It's important to take a pause and a deep breath before speaking in an escalated tone. In general, there is a period in your destiny when you can formalize your relationships, create a family, or build a home, but it's best to do so when Saturn comes out of retrograde - read more about it. It's time to take relationships, especially family ones, more seriously. You need to learn to share responsibilities and stick to agreements. It's possible that hierarchies will form in your relationships, but this can be beneficial for you at this stage. There's a sense that you've been wearing rose-colored glasses when it comes to your partner for quite some time. You dream of an ideal family, but ideals are hard to attain, and each time there may be disappointment or even anger when expectations aren't met. It's challenging not to idealize, especially in romantic relationships, but try to have more contact with reality. Grounding yourself is key, which means staying connected with yourself, nature, and the physical world in general. It's easy for you to drift off into a world of dreams and fantasies, and while that can be wonderful, you may not notice when life starts to falter because you're navigating it in a "less sober" state of mind. Nature, meditation, and retreats can be helpful for you. The retrograde period of Mercury is particularly relevant for you, so avoid making important partnership decisions during this time.


Capricorn: You are currently a highly alluring and attractive figure. If you're single, there's a chance of meeting a good and vibrant partner in the coming days. You take on a leadership position in relationships, but be careful not to cross into a domineering role. Avoid pressuring your partner or putting pressure on yourself. The relationships you have now are intense, filled with deep emotions that are often difficult to express. It's easier to conceal or not fully realize them, but at times they become overwhelming and there's nowhere to hide. Your connection with your partner is deep, alternating between intense closeness and strong repulsion. It's crucial for you to understand your actions and their motives. Sometimes your partner may not understand you, leading to accumulating resentments that eventually explode. If you have a tendency to engage in abusive relationships or to play the rescuer role in relationships (possibly stemming from a parental pattern), it's important to change this paradigm. In relationships, and for yourself as well, it's necessary to be aware of your feelings, bring to the surface what you consider to be issues right now, not ignoring or suppressing them into the subconscious. The problem will eventually emerge, but in a more troublesome form. This is a time of self-transformation for you. Engaging in extended and vigorous physical activities, spiritual practices, psychology, and business can be beneficial for you.


Aquarius: The retrograde period of Venus is relevant for you, so read about it to understand what you may encounter. If you're currently single, don't despair, as there are worthy people around you or they will appear in the near future. If you're already in a relationship, it's a good time to engage in interesting conversations with your partner and pursue intellectual activities together. There is a sense of turbulence in the air. There's an aspect emerging where you crave freedom, independence, and heightened personal boundaries. It's as if you're resistant to commitments and maintain a distance from your emotions, which are lofty and somewhat unrealistic. This is especially pronounced in your family relationships but also affects your partnerships. It's important to create separateness. Overall, it's a favorable period for your relationships, and you have a strong desire to see their prospects. It's crucial to discuss with your beloved where you're headed and what your future holds. For those who are married, it's a good time for having children and acquiring property. It's beneficial to learn together with your partner, delve into philosophy, and explore new truths.

Pisces: In your relationships, a period is approaching where your partner's activity and heightened noise level may affect you. However, this aspect also brings more intensity and passion to the relationship. If you are seeking love, it is an excellent time to meet an interesting and worthy person with whom you can build a relationship. Currently, there is a conflict-prone period, so be cautious with your words and speak to your partner in a softer manner when addressing issues. The rush and urgency from your partner can be irritating to you. It may seem like you are slowing down their actions and putting a halt to them. Your own personal fulfillment, possibly related to your career, is important to you, and it affects your relationships as well. You are undergoing changes, which is normal, but in the near future, your actions or opinions may unexpectedly evolve, which can frustrate your partner. It is a good time for creating marriage or starting a family, but wait until Saturn goes direct - read about it here. You may encounter situations where higher expectations are placed on you or qualities are attributed to you that you do not possess (or they are on a deep unconscious level), and this can lead to relationship frustrations, making it seem like your partner is wearing rose-colored glasses. Overall, it is an intense and interesting period, with a chance to build tender, warm, and romantic relationships with your partner. Try not to take on your partner's emotional reactions too much; remember, you are not their mother, nanny, or therapist. Support is still important, just reflect on whether you are being overly nurturing to someone with whom you should be on equal footing. On the other hand, make sure you are not dominating all the attention in your partner's life. Learn to maintain a separate state within the partnership. The retrograde period of Mercury is particularly relevant for you, so keep in mind that plans may change, agreements may be disrupted, and trips may be canceled, among other things. It is not advisable to make significant partnership decisions during Mercury retrograde, as you are likely to change your mind.


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