How to Get Rid of Acne NaturallysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago


Are you on the hunt for an acne solution that works? Well, the news you’ll be pleased to hear, whether you’re in high school or well into adulthood you don’t have to put up with it. Here’s a list of 10 effective and easy to follow tips on how to get rid of acne naturally.

  1. Cleanse your skin twice daily with a mild pH neutral soap. Better still, if you can find it use sulphur based soap, especially for acne. If you have oily skin its best to use a benzyl peroxide soap. Absolutely in no circumstances should you use brushes, rough sponges, heavy exfoliating cloths or anything rough on your delicate face. Don’t be tempted to over wash your face either. Doing so will stimulate your sebaceous glands into producing additional sebum, which will increase the acne.

  2. Don’t pick, squeeze, prod, rub or press the pimples. Like over washing, doing so will increase your faces sebum creation and rupture the thin membranes beneath your skin. The sebum and infection will spread under the skin and break out in increased pimples. You’ll also run the risk of scar tissue developing as they heal.

  3. Consume more water each day. Respected acne expert Jennifer Thoden, a very well respected expert in the acne field maintains that “eight glasses of water each day keeps acne away”. Heed her words, this is because water in the body carries waste material away from the source of the infection, aids the healing process and helps prevent further acne flare-ups. Water definitely helps you to get rid of acne.

  4. Consider the food you eat. For many, acne flare ups are caused by an adverse reaction, an allergy if you will something we digest. Stay clear of spicy and oil foods. Studies carried out recently have shown that acne is often caused by the hormones in milk and the high levels of iodine found in seafood. Where possible, cut these out of your diet. Other notorious acne causing foods are: dairy produce, fried food, fatty meats, sugar and nut butters. On the other hand, many experts believe vegetable juices, green vegetables and high zinc content foods can ease acne flare ups.

  5. Don’t overdo the makeup. Makeup clogs up the pores in our skin, which causes a build up of blackheads and pimples. If there’s no alternative and you absolutely must wear makeup ensure it’s the water based variety. Remove all the makeup and cleanse your skin before you settle down to sleep for the night, and you’ll be well on your way to naturally getting rid of acne.

  6. Moderate exercise helps the circulation of blood and helps your body eliminate toxins more efficiently.

  7. Do not use oil based products. Avoid oil based hair products, cleansers and facial moisturizers

  8. Do not touch your face. Keep it clean and do not rest your head on your hands. Ensure your hair is clean at all times by regular shampooing, if you have long hair keep it clipped back away from your face, especially at night when you’re sleeping.

  9. Sunshine is good for your skin. When you’re out in the sunshine you skin is stimulated and produces vitamin D, an essential ingredient for healthy looking skin. Sunlight and fresh air also reduces stress levels and increases oxygen flow to the skin. Don’t stay in the rays for too long though, heavily tanned and sunburned skin can flake and lead to blocked pores.qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZkp4TBXa1QADvB8H7nhfGCiSZp9JSPPQnokbqbNFXM52DARqfco5AcBHn6PaVxXiLfpNQTfRzoDG.jpg