The currency of words: A recession of responsibility.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Words don't carry the same weight as they used to, the internet gave a voice to the masses and with it came a depreciation in the value of words, the market got flooded with bullshit and now it seems almost nobody cares about what fucking tripe they fling about effortlessly with their fingers firmly fixated on a keyboard, myself included.

It's like nobody has the guts to stand firm in reality yet when the dissociation of having a poxy screen in between them and the people they communicate with appears then they think themselves impeccable gods incapable of reproach by mere mortals and yet i can't help but get the nagging feeling that if those same "gods" were face to face with the people they were spewing their bullshit to, they'd cower, turn yellow and flee.

And look, i don't blame people for doing so. Picture a dude that doesn't have an outlet for angst, with a shitty 9 to 5 office job where his boss is just constantly swinging around his sweaty boss balls, dragging them up, down and all over every shred of dignity the aforementioned dude possessed. So he's stuck in a situation where he can't verbally castrate his boss because that'd cost him his job thus he takes that mental anguish and carries it home and opens up his laptop only to find out that some snot nosed little punk knows more about the art of cat memes or some other nonsense than him. Well fuck that kid, he's in for a reckoning that goes far beyond a mere debacle about cat memes. He's going to get the shit end of the stick.

What got me thinking of all of this was a delightful debacle with what i can only describe as the whitest of knights on steemit. This one fellow in particular sought to reprimand me for expressing my distaste in the postings of a lady who seemed to be lazily taking selfies of herself and filling in the gaps between pictures with sloppily written provocative text and profiting from it. Disgusting.

So i and the whitest of knights did some verbal jousting, after i concluded that i was victorious due to him simply resorting to calling me a dick, i found myself enraged that he possessed the capability to flag my perfectly valid arguments into oblivion. But i caught myself thinking "If this worm were here with me right now, i seriously doubt he'd be in possession of the moxie to call me a dick"

And so began a day long fantasy of a day and age gone past where words held consequences, where people were willing to die for their words and thus so they carefully chose them. The era of duels for ones honor has long past and i will admit that it is an extremely flawed and barbaric means of settling a dispute but my lord does it carry a certain romance as well. This in my opinion was when the currency of words held the most value, when opinions shared held an almost tangible meaning unlike today where most social media posts come off as some sick stroking of ones ego, the virtual equivalent to "mommy, mommy look what i did, i did good right?".

I'll admit indulging in it too when i had little sense, upload some goofy video, get a couple of likes and feel good, a simple recipe for dopamine but effective. I don't have a solution to the epidemic, i wish i did and heck maybe it ain't nearly as bad as i think it is but i do know that if a generation grows up on the internet with their heads in their phones then they won't hold the same value for words that i do, they'll fling a "fuck you, ya cuck" to the wrong person on the wrong day and they'll wind up in a bad way.

Upon reviewing what i wrote, i can only chalk this post up as an opinionated rant. Nothing informative here, just an insight into my mind on the day to day grind so i do apologize for the lack of sweet sweet information for all y'all to suckle on, was thinking about making it somewhat historical by discussing the era where dueling existed a bit more but unfortunately my mind just ain't with it today, maybe another day but until then, adios.

All the best


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