Shall I go left or right? - fear of making decisions...

Back in Switzerland I rode my bicycle home after getting some groceries. In the far I saw a post in the middle of the bicycle lane. I drove slowly and gently and there was enough space to curve around the small obstacle.
As I approached I asked myself dreamily if I should drive around left or right.
It took me long to decide. A little bit too long. And I found myself driving into the post.
Nothing happened, I drove slowly.
What's good to keep in mind: Sometimes it doesn't freaking matter what decision or direction we take. Just pick one - and you'll be fine.
Fear of making decisions can end you up in a crash.
Happy cycling 😉
This post is originally published on my blog:
I, Sam Ryter (@sams-world) am the author and creator of this piece of content.
(Copyright @sams-world,
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
It is quite ironic that the fear of failure is what causes us to fail in the first place.
Thank you. You gave me inspiration for a new post.
haha oh yes. 😄 it's kind of a good joke on the -somehow- innocent sillyness of us.. :))