Health is the most overlooked aspect in our lives - I realized it after spending 12 days at hospital.

in #blog7 years ago

Image Source: Pixabay

How often have you noticed ? When one has something, it is taken for granted. Most people don't realize how lucky they are to live healthy lives until the blessing of health is snatched from them.

Likewise, earlier this month I was hit by one of the worst bacterial infection. It started off as a minor abdominal pain. My rudimentary reaction was like, "It might be because of a gastric issue". So I tried some home remedies. Unfortunately, the pain didn't subside and I had to go to a doctor later in the evening. The doctors gave me an IV-dose with some medicines, the pain reduced and I came back home.

The next day, I was blown away by severe chills and shivering. Luckily, it only lasted for few minutes. However, the very next morning, I had a severe unsettling pain in my abdominal area so I went to the hospital in an emergency. After the initial checkup, I was admitted to the Hospital. However, the doctors still weren't sure whether it was an infection or appendicitis. The doctors put me on IV-glucose and stopped me from eating or drinking anything. For the next two days, I didn't eat or drink anything. Along with it, they also started giving me shots of generic antibiotics like Flagyl, penicillin etc.

The pain increased during this time and now it was affecting my breathing. I wasn't able to breathe properly and was facing pain in right lung with shortness of breath. At this point, my infection was at it worst. I couldn't even move my body because of excruciating pain. I had to lie still in the bed and even sleep in the very same position i.e on my back. Furthermore, the infection exacerbated and caused pneumonia. Additionally, I was having 100 - 102 degree Fahrenheit fever daily for 3-4 times.

Finally, after 4 days, a CT scan revealed a large collection of abscess near the liver area, which was rapidly spreading. The next day, CT scan guided aspiration was performed on me with the presence of local anesthesia. To my surprise, the surgeon extracted 250ml of abscess. It was way too much and was the main cause of my suffering. A sample was sent out to the laboratory for a culture test and I had to wait 3 more days for the results to come out. It was revealed that the bacteria belonged to a culture of Gram Positive Cocci was seen. On this test, a few antibiotics were suggested which helped me a lot.

The pain started to descend. I was able to move over and change my position on the bed.

On my latest visit to the doctor, there was still a presence of fluid in lungs but it is regressing. My weight has decreased from 87kgs to 80kgs (7Kgs) in these last few weeks.

Lessons learned

  • To strengthen up my immune system. Our immune system is directly correlated with our overall health. Things like stress, depression, anxiety, dehydration have an impact on the immune system, so they need to be kept in check.
  • To mindfully take my meals. The first sip of Kahwa (drink) after two days of not eating or drinking anything made me realize that we never really enjoy our food to the fullest. There's a huge difference in the experience when we are mindful. As experience by my first sip which was akin to an elixir.

  • To value our most valuable commodity. Our Breath.

So far, I haven't recovered fully but I am in much better condition and on the road to recovery.


Good information for health on steemit platform thanks for sharing