Chemtrails – The Truth Is Out There – Part 1

in #blog7 years ago

The story I'm going to tell you about a most of you can be real phantasmagoria. Everything written does not impose an opinion.

This is a perspective of a group of people who look at the things that happen around us at a slightly different angle than the crowd. Everyone has the right to believe in their convictions, but I hope even the biggest skeptics will spend a few minutes of their free time and read the stunning story that I have gathered for you.

And for you, my readers who believe that this crime really is happening, make this article reach more people and give them the right to choose what to believe, not to blindly follow and believe on what they see on TV....

I sincerely hope your interest in my story, because that is how you will give to me the strength and the desire to keep digging and gather information about this genocide that is being done against us.

"I sometimes think that the price of liberty is not so much eternal vigilance as eternal dirt." - George Orwell


Most of you each day see the "white traces" in the sky above your heads left by the airplanes.

You have hardly thought or just rejected that these traces may not be ordinary vapors from aircraft engines, but may be special aerosol mixtures that contain extremely harmful and poisonous ingredients for the human body.

Like any story, so ours in order to be fully understood and clear should be started from the beginning.

It all started just after the Second World War. Since then, under the pretext of artificially created fear of the Third World War, nuclear and biological experiments, electromagnetic and other operations that have taken place in the atmosphere of our planet have begun.

Later, a false thesis on global warming is added to justify these aerosol operations. The truth is that all this time our atmosphere was deliberately destroyed to depopulate and reduce the world population.

I guess right now, all skeptics ask themselves, "Why the f@?k they will want to destroy mankind?"

But the question will not be set correctly because "They" don't want to destroy the whole population but ALMOST the whole...

And the most interesting thing is that the answer to this question has been in front of us for nearly 40 years ... and not anywhere but in the heart of America.


The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia.

A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian), and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

A message is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones:

  • Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  • Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  • Unite humanity with a living new language.
  • Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  • Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  • Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  • Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  • Balance personal rights with social duties.
  • Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  • Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Doesn't it sound ominous to you ?

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„Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

What will happen to the rest of the population ... we have no response yet ... or maybe we have ...

More and more people have been thinking over the past few years, how is it possible, despite all this technical, pharmaceutical and scientific progress, mankind becomes increasingly ill and more and more new diseases appear.

More and more serious diseases and deaths happen to small children and babies.

There is clear evidence that everything is connected and "Someone" has a plan to cause a global and environmental disaster.

(to be continue)


See also -

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Chemtrails are not as prevalent as they were a few years back. The truth is the program had 2 distinct phases. Phase 1 which ran from 1998-2008 was what is referred to as the "Seeding Phase" which required a massive amount of direct spraying in large areas on a near constant basis. Beyond that date from 2008+ the program transitioned to Phase 2 which is referred to as the "Upkeep Phase" which would require much smaller and less intense localized spraying from that point forward (with smaller scale direct spraying operations intermittently from time to time in select needed areas). An just an FYI the base chemtrail program itself is managed by the US NAVY but it also uses a large amount of private contractors (both entities of which bypass the law "15 U.S. Code Chapter 9A - WEATHER MODIFICATION ACTIVITIES OR ATTEMPTS; REPORTING REQUIREMENT" via loophole), as well as some commercial operations done using government subsidized fuel (something that became prevalent in the aftermath of the 2008 crash, which happened at the same time as the upkeep phase was about to start). And for the record the stuff they are spraying in MOST cases is refined Fly Ash, which is a toxic waste byproduct of the coal industry (which is justified to those doing the spraying as an effective way of greatly reducing the effects of man made global warming, although many of the missions were done unmanned), similar to how they put Sodium Fluoride which is a toxic waste byproduct of the steel/aluminum industry into the public water supply (which is justified to the public using the false guise of promoting dental health).

I know most people won't believe a lot of this stuff, but whatever.. all I can do it put the info out there and let the chips fall where they may.

Thats why we are here. To speak about that and more people to see different points of view about chemtrails.

To resteem the hidden facts


Project Blue Book never went away, my neighbor started off in 1970 as a Lt. retired as Lt. Col. 2nd i n command of the base in Alaska that Air Avantie flies out of . (Has a number no name ) It's far worse then then pop. control that's just part . Dennis told me many a time about Nibiru long before YT . What he told me was this 90% of conspiracy theories are true ,one of his job's was the other 10% along with re-mathing for failure.

I see the chemtrails brother, completely diferente from normal airplanes trails, it´s true, so sad our world is being poisoned little by little.
Upvoted and followed, peace, Carlos

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You've provided absolutely no proof.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. -- Hitchen

I will show evidence ... the subject is immense and I can't post everything in just one article

Yeah the maintain humanity under 500,000,000 is definitely ominous. That is some NWO stuff.

Public steel sleep.😩

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It's not just what is being sprayed in the air but what is in our food, water and medications. A thinned down and dumbed down population is easier to control.

Hi @sir3nal thank you for sharing, i just posted a video from our terrace on a sunset were they have been spraying so heavily those chemtrails thats its so close. And that happened last month, its summer and whenever they spray chemicals in the air we get alot of respiratory problems, not a flu with fevers but just coughing, from asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis, its being sprayed everywhere, in our soil, water, food, air, its pollution as its finest

I know mate. We have to speak more about that. To share our stories to reach more people. I will follow you and Im sure we can create huge anti-chems movement here. Supporting is everything.


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