An unexpected foot falls today in NYC, investors begin leaving; to avoid similar fines on real estate trans

in #bloglast year

I didn't see this one coming! It makes sense that real estate investors would be concerned, because everything they do is now subject to the same possible fines!

Here, a major speculator is not building in NYC:

His claim of increased pressure from his investors to avoid such high legal risk areas; makes sense to me. This one surprised me, because I just hadn't thought of it yet....

He is building a multi-Billipn dollar data center, and it can apparently go wherever it has good power, and can high speed Internet connect! This is a 500 job company, with several thousand support jobs also needed, so NYC just lost 2500 new jobs tied directly because of this legal president, from this one investor!

In the video he talks about loser and winner states. He links that status to liberal or conservative policies. On the loser side, it is clearer to me if I look at it as a company budget. Any indirect job, while supporting company function, produces no product; so it's placed in the overhead side of the ledger. This type of job, like managers, engineers, janitors, warehouse people, and shipping staff; while necessary, dont produce direct income. A healthy company minimizes these jobs (while retaining needed staffing), to increase profits, that adds to the company's health. Politicians and their policies are pure overhead!!!

Overhead is a good description, if we consider Willie Coyote. I was sent this sign picture, so I am Not sure where it came from...but I'd Love to know! I'd like to visit, after reading the fine print on the sign.
So back to overhead, picture it as an anvil ready to fall. Then understand that in NYC that fine was 100+time larger than any past fine, which ironically makes it illegal by NY State Laws. But now look up, and make that anvil 100 times larger; just before it drops!

This is what real estate specilators, and other investors are seeing! Whatever funds they control, or partners invest; that money just needs to be used where a decent return can be expected. From what he pointed out, people no longer feel that NYC will provide a decent return; due to increased legal risks!

He is apparently shifted building plans for this project to Oklahoma, stating that it's legally safe; and a Winner State!

Big projects leaving, will hurt much more that the purchasing boycotts, and truckers shunning them. So move out to your homestead, and get out of NYC...before that large anvil falls!