Its been a while since I posted, But I've been a little depressed and been thinking.

in #blog7 years ago


Its been a little over a year now and I still can't get a job. I have applied for over 350 now and I have stopped counting. Its getting that way, I may have to look at going back courier driving in my ute. The reason I didn't do it a year ago, is because it costs money. A year ago, I would spend more time on the side of the road waiting for job then I would be actually working. And even then, in a utility there isn't much money in it. You get $21 a hour per job, and each job would take roughly 2 hours (that's a average) and you would only get 2 to 3 jobs on good day. So after fuel and phone expenses, at the end of the day you'll be lucky to take home $100.

Back in 2007 before I become self-employed courier driving the first time. I would signup to a workforce hire company and within 2-3 weeks, I would have a job. Now I get phone calls from the workforce hire companies and they say I'm on the short list and that's it. I asked on time why am I getting short listed and being called and still don't get the job. I was told, at the moment it is very competitive out there. A lot of people are going for the same job, and because of my age they are after younger employee's.

I'm still unsure in going through the process of becoming self-employed courier driving again. It could cost me more then I can make, and still have to rely on some kind of assistance to make ends meet. Its just so frustrating.



Don't worry man you will be alright just hang in there....

Thank you thevic. Its just annoying when you only get $500 a fortnight and after bills and rent. All you can afford to is 2 small meals a day, and only 3 hot meals a week. And you see, other family members $2000 on a large flatscreen t.v which they don't need as their other flatscreen TV is only a few years old. And friends splashing money on go karts, motorbikes and classic cars to do up. I'm not after material things, and to me money isn't everything. But in winter and all I can afford is 3 hot meals a week is depressing when the same family members that bought a new TV eat hot meals every night. Hopefully I'll get over this depression stage that hits me at least once a year.

Australia eh?
Where I am it's the same deal. It's a good time for me to be in school I guess cause I have friends that have applied for over 100 jobs and have heard nothing. Others have been let go from their jobs. Economy is not in a good way atm.

yeah, a friend is a learner driver teacher. he has been saying for months that its the quietest it has ever been. And on the weekend, he said work has picked up since people have started to get their tax returns. but he is expecting to get quiet again in about a month or so. Things are going to get worse soon, as the US economy falls apart as they raise interest rates and the individual states can't pay the debts on the bonds. Also they are saying the college loans are defaulting at a high rate and they are expecting that bubble to pop soon. And the Australia housing bubble is also about to pop. But they are kicking that can down the road, as they want to blame the US on the Australian Housing collapse on them.

Hope a job comes up for you soon mate, you study japanese? I had a mate a few years back who joined some program to head to japan and teach english..he made alright money too and he didnt have any qualification, ever considered that path

yep, that is why I am studying Japanese. That's another reason why I'm a little depressed. As I had money put aside 8 months ago, for expenses to get over there and living there for the first 2 months. But the past month, bill have come in and my dole payment couldn't cover them and I have had to dig into that money. And now car rego has come up and I'll have to dig into it again. So soon I won't be able to afford airfares, accommodation and living expenses for 2 months.

Keep your chin up mate and focus on the positives in your life,i know easier said than done...hang in their mate you will catch a break eventually

And hey you always have your steem account as a savings get posting more, maybe do some posts on some positivity articles or something while doing the research it might help cheer you up a bit and get out of that nasty depressive stage...just an idea anyway..take it easy mate

yeah, I haven't been posting lately as seeing my account earning going down. Plus seeing my upvote power go from 22c all the way down to 8c at 100%. I'll have to start posting again, to keep me occupied and distracted like the zombies watching mainstream media television.

Plenty of steemers having a gripe a month ago, that they weren't here for the 10c steem glory days; now the same ones are complaining it's not worth posting cause steem is only a dollar.
Post whenever you have something valuable to say. Power it all up.

Maybe the honey moon period of using steem ended.

Hey @stocka I feel your frustration mate, Have you heard about this mob don't know much about them but it might help you. Cheers

yeah I have heard of zoom. Its the same as uber but courier work. I have spoken to some people whom have done some work through it. They said its better to get a job with a company like TNT. But they were probably saying that so they don't have to compete with me to get work. I would rather a established company as I know, they have overheads to pay and they will chase the work. Thank you for the suggestion.

I think I might look at zoom2u again, and see if I can do that as a supplement onto the dole. As the dole allows x amount of dollars you can earn before the dole is cancelled. And if it does earn good money, Then I'll cancel the dole and survive off that money. But I'll have to do more research on it tonight after school tonight.

How much can you earn while on the dole, and do they make you work for the dole?

I found out a month ago, the school I am doing the Japanese lessons through has notified the government. And the past few payments I have been getting educational allowance on top of the dole. Which is only $8 per fortnight.

A few months back I looked at how much you can earn to supplement the dole. I think from memory its only $250 a week, or $50 per day. Any more than that and you would have to tell centerlink so they can adjust your dole payments.

Hey there Stocka
I was made redundant. Sucked.
Life came through just before I lost my house.

Keep going. Something good will blindside you eventually 🙂

yeah the old saying, as one door closes another door will open. I just have to keep getting up and dusting myself off and keep being positive as I soldier on.

Yeah man
It'll work

Good luck. I hope you find something.

Mate, a Hundred buck's a day is better than sweet fuck all and more than you are getting now right ? And at least it is off your own back as well. Just being out there doing something instead of sitting around waiting, has to better for you than what is happening now with the continual knock backs form those crappy hire company's who only have you on their book's to bloat their own numbers anyway.
Mate, 350 applications ? That would do my head in if it was me, screw them, get back out there doing your own thing, anything with your courier work and just network your way into something else along the way, you must of seen plenty of different stuff you could of been doing the last time you were doing that sort of work and met the people who were doing the hiring face to face as well right ?
I apologize if this is unwanted advice from someone you don't know, but I came across you while following Team Australia and adding you to my follows and I am sick to death of what is happening to decent people in this country over the last decade or so.

Mate just get back out there, if you just sit back and follow their dictate you will still be in the same boat 12 months from now. $100 buck's a day is just the start , not the end game. Spend that hour or two on the side of the road checking out local business in that area that have the sort of work you are interested in doing in that area, approach the owners and let them know your story and that you want to work.

Godd Luck Mate!

I posted on Facebook, and a old friend messaged me. He said he knows of a transport company that is hiring. He also said to the owner, if I knock on his door for work. To give me a chance as I have been looking for work and haven't had any luck. So on Monday I will be going to see him, even if its just sorting freight on the dock will do. some money is better then no money.

Thanks for the support @southerncross

Mate that is all you need to do to get back on top of things, just get started. Your M8 is a part of your network and it is working already for you just with that FB message alone, don't be shy with looking for work as you are obviously wanting to do it, get it out there far and wide, get him to share your post to others and so on. These prick's at those job centers care nothing for you or your family, all they are after is numbers on the books so they can suck off the teat of the people of this country and people like yourself.
Aim for something you like doing though, even if you have to get into it at a little lower pay range, if you like doing it already then you are happy doing it, and if you like and are happy doing it, you will learn even more all the in's and out's quicker than anybody else who doesn't like doing it as well.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice once again but, If you are not happy in your job then there is no point in doing it long term for either you or your employer over the long term. Sure get something to carry you through and all that but , THINK LONG TERM.
For yourself mostly as when you give it some thought... What do you want to be doing in five ...ten....twenty years time ? Something you love doing and have a passion for? or the same old shit job you are doing today just for a living ?

And that does not mean that you have to live like a pauper to realize your dreams, whatever they are. I have personally known abject wrecks of people who are now very successful at what they do compared to where they came from, a heroin addict who regularly nodded off in the back of our car while giving them a lift here and there back in the day who all us would of thought would die by overdose is now a successful international artist and making a motza from her artwork and is clean as now, and living a jetset life style.
It is all about finding what you are meant for in this life and finding your niche in it somewhere. What you are meant for is all up to you, but finding that happy spot in what you expect from this life and what you deserve is also all up to you as well, and that is all based on a balance of what you think you deserve and what you are willing to put in to your life to get the best out of it.
And that Mate, all depends on what you think the best of life is all about ? Is it Family and Friends, love and Laughter, or Dollars and Things ?

Sorry Mate , didn't mean to get so deep, but I do think it is something you should think about as it is something I think we all need to think about, me included.

Good luck with it all @stocka, keep that network of friends working for you and don't be shy with it at all. Aussie's love a person looking for a hand up rather than a handout and you strike me as one of those looking for a hand up more than any other I have seen for a while.

Hey Stocka, how ya going? All right mate?

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