RE: Don't get into VR development unless you're good. [ The Dangers of VR ]
Seeing the Technolust video was what really got me excited about VR back when I first saw it (long time ago). A friend of mine has a samsung odyssey and it's really cool! I was using it the other day and was remembered technolust and was wondering if and when it would be released... Apparently I was way out of the loop on that! For now VR still seems like a novelty to me, as there are very few games/apps for it, expecially (and somewhat confusingly?) on steam, which is where you would think a lot of titles would be available. Also, the games that are available seem to me to be very expensive, and with the buggy nature of steam the pricetag seems hardly justified. Half the time with steam the controllers don't even render, which is really frustrating and disappointing. Another annoyance is most of the games seem to force the teleport locomotion scheme, which I hate; I'd much rather use the thumbstick to navigate as if I were walking around freely, but now I'm just ranting and this comment is getting kind of long...
Thanks :) Glad Technolust got you to have a look at least :P
You're right about pretty much everything else. I think people still see it as a really expensive gimmick that tries to tell them what's good instead of having something good for everyone.
It's definitely cool tech, and I can't wait for it to get more widely adopted and polished. Right now it still seems pretty rough around the edges, despite being already fantastic~!
You could go with Oculus instead, which is a lot more polished, smooth and reliable than Steam VR.
I don't know if the mixed reality headsets work with the oculus software, I'll have to check next time I'm over at my friends.
You can, you use SteamVR and ReVive to access Oculus with Windows MR headsets. I do this to play Robo Recall on my Odyssey HMD.
I've used SteamVR but didn't know about the ReVive, I'll have to try that next time I am over there!